Showing posts with label Homeopathy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Homeopathy. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Benefits of AJWA dates in Urdu part 1


Benefits of AJWA dates in Urdu Part 1

عجوا کھجور کے بے شمار فوائد اور ہومیو پیتھک طریق استعمال

سید انور فراز

ہومیو پیتھی بلاشبہ دنیا بھر میں رائج تمام طریق علاج میں منفرد ہے،اس کے بانی ڈاکٹر سیموئل ہنی من سے لے کر آج تک اس نے جتنی ترقی کی ہے اس کی مثال نہیں ملتی، ترقی کا یہ سفر تاحال جاری ہے،آج بھی دنیا کے ہر کونے میں ایسے ماہرین ہومیو پیتھی موجود ہیں جو اس کی ترویج اور ترقی میں مصروف ہیں، روز بہ روز نت نئی ادویات میں اضافہ ہورہا ہے،انسانی صحت و سلامتی کے حوالے سے ٹھوس بنیادوں پر تحقیق و تجربات جاری ہیں،ہمارا ملک پاکستان بھی ہومیو پیتھی کی اس خدمت میں کسی سے پیچھے نہیں ہے، آج کی نشست میں ہم اپنے ملک کے ایک نامور ہومیو پیتھ ڈاکٹر خورشید محمد ملک (ایم ڈی ہومیو جرمنی)کی کتاب ”نادر ہومیوپیتھک“ سے ان کے ذاتی تجربات و تجزیات پیش کریں گے،ڈاکٹر صاحب کا تعلق راجن پور سے ہے اور انھوں نے راجن پور میں رہتے ہوئے ہی تجربات اور تحقیق کا کام کیا ہے،ایک سچے مسلمان کی حیثیت سے انھوں نے سب سے پہلے قرآن کریم میں موجود اشیا ءکو اہمیت دی اور سب سے پہلے ایسی تمام اشیا کو اپنے تجربات اور تحقیق کا مرکز بنایا،وہ لکھتے ہیں ۔

بیماری کیا ہے؟ انسانی جسم کی صحت مند حالت کی بدلی ہوئی صورت کا نام بیماری ہے، اس کے ذرائع مختلف ہوسکتے ہیں، خالق ذوالجلال نے انسان (اشرف المخلوقات) اپنی اس تخلیقی کو بے مثال شاہکار قرار دیتا ہے، باقی تمام کائنات کی مخلوق کو اس کے آگے سرنگوں ہونے کا حکم دیا ، یہ تخلیق ایک بہت پیچیدہ خود کار  زندہ مشین ہے اور اس میں کئی عمل اور اجزاءانسانی عقل کی دریافت اور سمجھ سے باہر ہیں، خاص طور پر روح امر ربی”نفس“ پر جو ہمیشہ زندہ رہنے والی ہے اور اس مشین کی زندگی کا باعث ہے، روح کے سوا دیگر عوامل بھی اسے زندہ اور صحت مند رکھنے کے لیے موجود ہیں۔

بیماری اسی خود کار زندہ مشین کے کسی حصے یا کل کی کارکردگی میں تبدیلی کا نام ہے،چوں کہ اللہ کے خاص اذن سے ، ارادے سے (کن فیکون سے) یہ مشینی انسان دو موتوں اور زندگیوں کے  سے گزرے گا، اس کی تخلیق ایک خاص تقویم سے متعلق ہے، بندھی ہوئی اس لیے اس کی روحانی اور جسمانی تقویمی صحت کے بارے میں بھی خالق کائنات نے اصول وضع کردئیے ہیں اور ان میں بھی اپنے غائب غیر محسوس کارندوں (فرشتوں جن لہروں معلوم نامعلوم کشش عمل در عمل لہروں کرنوں کے ذریعے شکست و ریخت، تخلیقی عمل کو جاری رکھے ہوئے ہے۔

بیماری: علاج کے عمل کی گتھی بھی اسی کے فرمان، اسی کتاب (دین، زندگی گزارنے کا طریقہ) اور اس کے بھیجے ہوئے پیغمبرﷺ سے سلجھائی جاسکے گی اور سلجھائی جاسکتی ہے،بیماری کے بارے میں حضرت ابی رمثہؓ سے روایت ہے۔(مسند احمد)
حضور ﷺ نے فرمایا:
اللہ الطبیب“ طبیب خود اللہ کی ذات ہے۔
انت الرفیق واللہ الطبیب، مریض کو اطمینان تم دلاو طبیب خود اللہ ہے۔

حضرت ابی سعید ؓ سے روایت ہے کہ حضور اکرم ﷺ نے فرمایا ”ان اللہ تعالیٰ لم نیزل دآئً الا انزل لہ دوآئً علمہُ من علمہُ وجھلہُ الا السّام وھوَ الموت (ابو داود)

اللہ تعالیٰ نے ایسی کوئی بیماری نہیں اتاری جس کے ساتھ اس کی شفاءبھی اتاری نہ گئی ہو، یہ بات جس نے سمجھ لی وہ جان گیا اور جس نے نہ سمجھی وہ جاہل رہا لیکن ایک بیماری یعنی موت کی دوا نہیں ہے
اسی طرح دوسری جگہ پر رحمت عالمﷺ نے مزید تاکید کے ساتھ اس امر میں ہدایت فرمائی کہ دنیا میں کوئی مرض لا علاج نہیں البتہ دوائی کی تلاش جاری رکھنی چاہیے اور علاج بھی ۔
فرمان ہے۔
حضرت ام الدرداؓ بیان فرماتی ہیں کہ حضور اکرم ﷺ نے فرمایا۔
ان اللہ تعالی خلق الدآ ءوالدوآءفتداو واولاتتداو وبحرام

اللہ تعالیٰ نے بیماریاں نازل فرماتے ہوئے ان کا علاج بھی نازل کیا ہے اس لیے علاج کرتے رہنا چاہیے ،البتہ حرام چیزوں سے علاج نہ کیا جائے۔
حضرت عبداللہ بن عباس ؓ روایت کرتے ہیں کہ رسول اللہ ﷺ نے فرمایا:

الدوآءمن القدر وقد ینفع باذن اللہ تعالیٰ (ابو نعیم۔ طبرانی)
علاج انسان کے مقدر کا حصہ ہے اور اس سے اللہ تعالیٰ کے حکم کے بعد فائدہ ہوتاہے “۔
تو یہ سب کچھ ظاہر کرنے کے لیے لکھا گیا کہ علاج کرنا ضروری ٹھہرا اور اس کے لیے واضح ہدایات انبیاءالسلام سے جاری ہوئیں اور علاج بھی کیا۔
خود اللہ تعالیٰ نے الہام کے ذریعے یعنی توریت،اناجیل اور آخر کار القرآن میں باقاعدہ فرمان جاری کیے، مزید برآں یہ کہ بیماری، دوائی اور علاج کے لیے تحقیق اور تجربات پر غوروفکر کرنے کا حکم دیا، شفاءحاصل کرنے کے لیے اللہ سے امداد اور ہدایت ضروری ہے اور خالق مطلق جو انسانی جیسی شاہکار تخلیق کی راہنمائی” زندگی کے ہر میدان ہر شعبہ میں فرمائی“ اس طرح جسمانی مرض کے لیے بھی اسے اپنے عقل پر صرف محدود سوچ پر نہیں چھوڑ دیا بلکہ آفاقی سوچ عطا فرمادی، فرمان الٰہی ہے اور قرآن مجید اپنے لیے خود فرماتا ہے۔۔
قل ھوا لّذین اٰمنو اھدًی وَّ شفائ۔ حم سجدہ 44.
یہ ان لوگوں کے لیے جو ایمان لائے ہدایت اور شفاءکا سرچشمہ ہے۔
وتنزل من القران ماھو شفاءورحمتہ للمومنین (بنی سرائیل 82 )

قرآن کے ذریعے ہم نے شفاءاور رحمت کو نازل فرمایا، مومنوں کے لیے“۔دوسری جگہ پر فرمان الٰہی کچھ اس طرح سے ہے کہ علاج کے معاملے میں خالق کائنات نے انسانی خود کار مشین کا بھی خالق ہے با صحت چلتے رکھنے کا بھی اپنا ذمہ لیا ہے، البتہ اس کا فرمان ہے کہ عبادت کرو عبادت صرف ”چند وظیفوں یا حرکات کا نام نہیں ہے بلکہ قرآن اور اللہ کی مرضی کے مطابق اس کا مفہوم کچھ یوں ہے کہ ہر معاملے میں اللہ کے فرمانوں کی پیروی کی جائے کیوں کہ وہی مستقل سچائیاں ہیں۔

جاری ہے

حصہ دوم یہاں ملاحظہ فرمائیں

حصہ سوم یہاں ملاحظہ فرمائیں

: نوٹ  

آج سے ہم سید انور فراز کی کچھ تحاریر رفاہ عامہ کے لئے اپنے پیج پر  شائع کرنا شروع کر رہے ہیں ۔ جو کہ ان کی سائٹ مسیحا ڈاٹ کام سے لی گئی ہیں ۔ سید انور فراز 21 سال تک  جاسوسی ڈائجسٹ کے مدیر رہے ہیں۔ ان کی کئی کتب شائع ہو چکی ہیں۔

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Homeopathy is still waiting for due appreciation

Homeopathy is still waiting for due appreciation

No doubt homeopathy is becoming increasingly popular with the passage of time, but normally the patients are not generous enough to acknowledge the effectiveness of homeopathic medicines. Sometimes the approach of the homeopathic patients is annoying and infuriating when they do not give an openhearted credit to the magnificence of homeopathy despite cured by its medicines. The patients do accept the recovery progress but regrettably not alone by the homeopathic medicines. They also relate some other factors responsible for their health improvement which are very irritating for a homeopath. Some of such cases are as under:-

• A man of about 65 years old settled in UK since 1975 came to see his relatives in Rawalpindi. He came to consult me in 2009 for the treatment of Mucus Colitis. He reported that he had been on Steroids for the last 5-6 years on the advice of his physicians after his stomach surgery. Now the UK physicians are reluctant to further continue the treatment with Steroids as these may be harmful for him in many respects. After taking the case carefully, I prepared some medicines from my dispensary for a week. The condition of the patient was a little bit improved. I repeated the same prescription for another week and asked the patient to reduce the Steroids dose gradually. On the next visit, the frequency to pass out stool with pain and mucus was further reduced and the patient requested to prepare the medicines at least for three months as he was scheduled to leave for England within a couple of days. In January, 2010, he again came to Pakistan and visited my clinic to report his condition. The England returned Mucus Colitis sufferer stated that he had appreciably been recovered and the major role for this cure was the daily usage of LEHSAN (Garlic). By listening to him, I was so enraged that I could not utter a single word but to say that there was no further need of homeopathic medicines and advised him to continue taking garlic.

• A civil engineer of a public sector organization was suffering from itching with red spots on the skin for the last three years. Anti-allergic medicines were regularly being used for temporary relief. He contacted me for this ailment and the condition was improved with homeopathic medicines in 2 weeks. Later on, the patient told that he was fully recovered soon after the regular use of RADISH.

• Another case of sciatic pain was cured by the homeopathic medicines but the patient glorified the effects of a TAVEEZ (Amulet) he got from a PEER BABA (Religious scholar).

In fact the homeopathic medicines are so innocent, gentle and palatable that the patient does not have any disagreeable or unpleasant taste in his/her mouth. Moreover, contrary to other medicines, the homeopathic sweet tiny pills act secretly and are blessed with the power of curing different physical and psychological ailments without leaving any side effects on the human body. The allopathic medicines on the other hand are too bitter to swallow and tend to disturb and shake the other systems of the human body also and the patient is believed to feel that he is literally under treatment. So in nutshell, the effectiveness of the homeopathic system is hard to believe for some patients as it does not upset the human body like other medical systems and therefore they try to find other justifications liable for their recovery.

Homoeopathic Dr. Sultan Mahmood
HillView Avenue,

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Tip of the day

Head related problems/disorders and homeopathy Part-2

Everything feels
heavy on head, even hair.
Suggested Medicine

Carbo. v

Sudden violent
shocks in head.
Suggested Medicine



Itching of scalp;
eczema on occiput.
Suggested Medicine


Head feels
enormously enlarged.
Suggested Medicine


Rolling of head on pillow, from side to side; screaming.
Suggested Medicine



Rolling of head from side to side; with moaning.
Suggested Medicine


Saturday, July 4, 2009

Tip of the day

Some good homeopathic remedies for your babies

Antimonium tart acts great in Chicken pox
Pulsatilla is known for German measles (rubella)
Drosera is best for whooping cough
Bryonia is very effective for measles
Teething child always demand Chamomilla
Argentum nitricum and Chamomilla are effective for colicky baby
Arnica for any fall or bruising,
Calendula for any cut or open wound, Cantharis for a burn, even second degree,
Borax for thrush,
and Graphites for the inflammation of the eyelid with those little yellow crusts that stick the eyelashes together in the morning.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Tip of the day


Piles or hemorrhoids are varicose or swollen rectal veins. The veins become distended in little lumps in which the blood partially coagulates. These little lumps are called piles, and may be wholly within the rectum or protrude from it, may be bleeding or "blind" piles; the latter do not bleed. They vary in color, and are often very painful. Indolent habits, luxurious living, sedentary pursuits, the free use of stimulants, patent medicines, cathartics, diseases of the liver and sexual excesses favor the appearance of hemorrhoids. When the piles occur altogether within the anus, they are called internal piles. The-piles are also seen partly internal and partly external.
Symptoms: Streaks of bright red blood occur in the stools. There is pain on defecation, which may continue for some time after the passage of the stools. Inflamed piles are troublesome and make movement impossible. Some times, the pain extends to the testicles or bladder. Constipation always accompanies partly due to mechanical obstruction and partly due to the pain caused by the stools. Itching piles are often trouble some. In severe cases, constitutional symptoms develop with lassitude, irritability, headache, and faintness and later on bleeding causes severe anemia.
Homeopathy Treatment

A list of commonly used homeopathic medicine is giver under:


Rectum feels sore as if there are a lot of sticks inside. Stools hard and dry. Intense pain after passing stools, lasts long and pain extends to back. Piles don't bleed, worse by walking.

Nux vomica

Piles due to sedentary life-style, abuse of alcohol, coffee. Constipation and diarrhea alternate. Sensitive nature, catches cold easily. Backache.


Piles like a bunch of grapes, bluish in color and bleeds frequently. Soreness, itching, burning, cannot sleep. Patient is better by cold applications.
Hamamelis Profusely bleeding piles with burning and soreness in anus. Throbbing in anus.

Nitric acid

Piles bleed and protrude whenever stool is passed. Splinter-like sensation in anus.


Burning, painful piles - anus is red. Hunger and weakness at 11am. Dirty and itching skin.


Old, obstinate, blind, or bleeding piles, with a feeling in the rectum as if sand or sticks had lodged there; severe, sticking pains; chronic constipation. Stools lumpy and light colored.

Blumea Odorata Q

Profuse Bleeding

Two Combination's:

A) Indications :: Colic-like pains after stool w/constipation
Ingredients :: Aes.Hip.Tinc.,Collinsonia Tinc.,Ham.Vir.Tinc.,Nux V. 30C

B) Indications :: Protruding from excessive straining; constipation
Ingredients :: Ratanhia Tinc., Paeonia Tinc., Aes.Hip. Tinc.

Biochemic Treatment

Ferr. Phos:
Is useful in constipation when it is due to heat in the lower bowel (rectum) causing hardening of the stools.

Kali Mur:
Is indicated when the constipation is due to torpidity of the liver with want of bile. The tongue is coated white or grayish white. Patient cannot tolerate fatty food.

Kali Phos:
Is useful in constipation due to nervous causes. It cures paretic condition of' the rectum and colon. The stools are dark brown in colour.

Nat. Mur:
Is prescribed when the trouble is due to lack of moisture in the intestinal tract. Dryness of the bowels with watery secretions in other parts. watery eyes, excess of saliva, watery vomiting call for the use of this remedy..

Cal. Fluor:
Is useful when there is inability to expel the faces. This inability is due to the relaxed condition of the rectum. Constipation after confinement needs this remedy.

Nat. Sulph:
Is useful when the stools are hard, knotty and streaked with blood preceded and accompanied by smarting in the anus. Even soft stool is expelled with difficulty. It has fetid flatus in large quantities.

Nat. Phos:
Should be thought of in obstinate cases. It has habitual constipation with occasional attacks of diarrhoea. The child suffers from worms and acidity.

Bioplasgen No. 17 – very effective in most cases

Monday, June 22, 2009

Tip of the day

Most prominent symptoms of Conium maculatum (Poison hemlock)

The homeopathic medicine Conium maculatum is a blessing especially for the old people. Here are the most important symptoms of the Conium mac.

Debility of old people, Indifferent, Sore,hard breasts.
Vertigo, while lying down or turning in bed.
Intermittent flow of urine.Leucorrhea.
Bad effects of suppressed sex desire or suppressed menses.
Photophobia (aversion to light).
Sweats even while sleeping (closing eyes).

Aggrav: At night, while lying down, turning or rising in bed, celibacy.

Amel: Fasting, from letting limbs hang down.In the dark.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Tip of the day

Magnesium Phosphate- Great tissue salt for muscles, nerve and bone

Mag phos is a great tissue salt and it acts on Muscles, Nerves and Bones.
It is very useful for Cramps nerve stabilizing and benefits the nervous system, helps ensure rhythmic movement of muscular tissue.

Most important Symptoms include menstrual pains, stomach cramps, flatulence neuralgia, sciatica, headaches with darting stabs of pain, cramps, muscular twitching.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Tip of the day

Homeopathic Medicines for All Practitioners/Psychiatrists

Regrettably, formal medical systems especially Allopathy have never acknowledged the wonders of homeopathy despite the fact that it is purely based on scientific principles, works gently and secretly to restore complete health without leaving any side effect. Homeopathy is not to be condemned if a patient does not find relief with the homeopathic treatment. It is in fact the mishandling of the case according to the symptoms of the patient. Dr. E. B. Nash from USA has rightly said “Homeopathy is too often blamed when the blame lies in the stupidity of the prescriber”. So a Homeopathic doctor may fail but homeopathy never fails. Regardless of criticism and sarcastic attitude against homeopathy, the doctors from other medical systems at times do approach the homeopaths for treatment but ‘behind closed doors’ as they are well aware of the side effects of medicines. It would be surprising for the allopaths that all the Gurus/Masters including the founder of homeopathy, Dr. Hahnemann were recognized allopath physicians of their time and what they have contributed for homeopathy will always be remembered in history. The significant role of allopathy in the present age can never be neglected in certain areas of treatment. However, the role of homeopathy having tremendous research on physical and mental ailments is also to be given due respect and acknowledgement. There are numerous ailments of different nature where other medical systems do not offer any decisive treatment. Listed below are a very few disorders with suggested homeopathy remedies. It is open secret for all the physicians and psychiatrists for use with full confidence to get the desired results.

Allergy from coffee and smoking --- Ignatia
Anaemia --- Calc. Phos., Natrum Mur., Ferrum Met., China, Vanadium, Trinitrotoluene
Angina Pectoris --- Arnica, Latrodectus, Cactus, Crataegus
Anus, Fissure of --- Nitric Acid, Ratanhia
Asthma --- Arsenicum Alb., Ipecac, Natrum Sulph., Antimonium Tart.
Aversion to take bath --- Sulphur
Aversion to those whom she loves best --- Sepia
Blaspheme --- Anacardium
Bites inside the inner cheeks while eating --- Ignatia
Callosities --- Antimonium Crud.
Children slow in learning to talk --- Natrum Mur.
Children slow in learning to walk --- Natrum Mur., Causticum, Calc. Phos
Craving for chalk, charcoal, uncooked rice and undigestible things --- Alumina, Cicuta
Dirty and filthy people --- Sulphur
Dreams of snakes --- Lac Caninum
Enuresis --- Nux Vomica, Belladona, Equisetum, Causticum
Eyes (Bag like swellings under the eyes) --- Apis
Eyes (Bag like swellings of the upper lid) --- Kali Carb.
Fear of being poisoned --- Lachesis, Hyosymus
Fear of death --- Aconite, Arsenicum albumb
Feat, burning of --- Sulphur
Fetus, malposition of --- Pulsatilla, Caulophyllum
Gangrene --- Arsenicum Alb., Lachesis, Echinacea
Grief, Effect of --- Ignatia, Phosphoric Acid
Heart tonic --- Crataegus
Home sickness --- Capsicum
Hysteria --- Ignatia
Inclination to uncover the body by exposing sexual organs --- Hyoscyamus
Ingrowing toe-nails --- Magnetis Polus Australis
Irritable/peevish --- Nux Vomica, Staphysagria, Chamomila, Phosphorus
Jealousy --- Lachesis, Hyoscyamus
Lascivious mania --- Hyoscyamus
Loss of flesh despite eating well --- Iodum, Natrum Mur.
Memory impaired --- Anacardium
Nasal polypus --- Teucrium, Lamina Minor, Cadmium Sulph., Calc. Phos
Night walking while asleep --- Silicea
Ozaena (Fetid smell from nose) --- Aurum Met., Asafoetida, Hippozaenium
Perspiration attracts Flies --- Caladium
Proud/Arrogant --- Plantina
Ptosis --- Causticum, Gelsemium
Renal/Bladder Calculi --- Berbaris Vulg., Cantharis, Lycopodium, Sarsparilla, Teribinthina
Restlessness --- Arsenicum Alb., Rhus tox
Salivary secretions (Excessive) --- Merc. Sol., Acid Nitricum
Sensation of a hair on tongue --- Silicea, Natrum Mur.
Shyness of children, averse to strangers, sits in the corner --- Baryta Carb
Snoring --- Opium
Stys --- Pulsatilla, Staphisagria, Belladona
Stammering speech --- Stramonium, Bovista
Suicidal mood --- Aurum Met., Arsenicum Alb.
Suspicious --- Hyoscyamus
Sweat offensive --- Silicea
Thinks as if made of glass --- Thuja
Thinks he is being pursued --- Anacardium
Tonsils --- Baryta Carb., Phytolacca, Belladona, Merc. Sol., Hepar Sulph., Silicea
Twitching of muscles --- Agaricus
Urination, urgent/irresistable desire of --- Petroselenium, Kreosotum
Urine escapes while coughing, sneezing --- Causticum, Pulsatilla
Warts --- Thuja, Nitric Acid
Weeping mood aggravated by consolation --- Natrum Mur.
Weeping mood ameliorated by consolation --- Pulsatilla

Thanks for contribution to: H/Dr. Sultan Mahmood
Hillview Avenue, Adyala Road,

Tip of the day

Essence of Practice of Great Homeopaths


In eczematous eruption after fright, study Stramonium
Dr. J. H. Clarke

In deafness due to suppressed discharges, study Lobelia inflata
Dr. K.N Mathur

Aesculus Hippocastanum
In hemorrhoids, blind or bleeding, where bleeding gives relief. Aching in lumbar area, stiffness of back, almost impossible to walk. Explore Aesculus hip. – Dr. J. H. Clarke

Arsenicum Iodatum
In cases of weekend heart when associated with chronic lung conditions, explore Arsenicum iodatum.
J. H. Clarke

When epileptic attacks occur at night during sleep, investigate Bufo.
Dr. Lippe

In cancer of lip with painful cracks in the corners of the mouth, explore Condurango.
Dr. Burnett

Lactic Acid
When there is concomitance of rheumatic pains with diabetes, explore Lactic Acid.
Dr. E. B. Nash

Mental disorders after injuries
For mental disorders after injuries study Cicuta vir., Glonoine, Hypericum, Mag c, Nat sulph. Synopsis and Homeopathic Etiology by Dr. Eswara Das.

Opium Poisoning
Ipecac is the antidote to Opium poisoning and has been of great value in weaning the system of Morphine habit. Hahnemann Materia Medica of Dasgrupta p. p473
When symptoms correspond, the potencies of Opium may antidote bad effects of opium drugging. Dr. H. C. Allen –Keynotes to M. M.p.214

Bad Effects of Vaccination
Antimonium tart, when Thuja fails and Silica is not indicated. Worse warmth, lying, damp cold weather. Thirst for cold water little and often, craves apples fruit and acids. Tongue has thick white coating. Dr. H. C. Allen Keynotes to Hom. M. M.p. 38.

Side effects of smallpox vaccine
Where acute and violent symptoms of blood poison come on soon after vaccination, no remedy can compete with Malandrinum. For chronic problems, Thuja. Dr. Grimmer

Hom. Recorder Oct 1947 p 113.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Tip of the day

Heemorrhage, Vericose Veins and Hamamelis virginica

Hamamelis Virg is very effective remedy for Venous haemorrhages - dark clotted blood, varicose veins.The patient feels stinging, pricking pains, bruised soreness of affected parts. It also works in Hameorrhage from bowels, Piles with sore pain in back and
Uterine haemorrhage.

Tip of the day

Some Clinical Tips – Part-2

Meniere’s Disease Petroleum – 1M
Noises in the ear with vertigo Petroleum-200, Nat. Salic. – 200
Osteoarthritis Aur. Met – CM
Piles after delivery Kali Carb
Prostate enlargement Digitalis – 6
Tuberculosis Drosera
Ulcers in mouth Condurango - 6
Weakness/tired feeling Sarcolactic acid, Rhus tox

Taken from: Dr. Koppikar's book
"Clinical Experiences of 70 Years in Homeopathy"

Contributed by:
H/Dr. Sultan Mahmood
Hillview Avenue, Adyala Road,

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Tip of the day

Hepar Sulph- A great remedy for painful, infected wounds

Homeopathic remedy Hepar Sulph is one of the most effective remedy for painful infected wounds. The typical patient is hyper-sensitivity to everything: pain; touch; cold; noise; exertion.
Tendency to form pus.
Pains stitching and splinter-like

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Tip of the day

Gout and Homeopathy


Gout is considered one of the most intensely painful types of arthritis. Gout is characterized by sudden onset of severe pain, tenderness, warmth, redness, and swelling from inflammation of the affected joint. Gout usually affects a single joint and most often the big toe is affected. The knee, ankle, foot, hand, wrist, and elbow may also be affected.

Suggested Homeopathic Medicines:

For acute attack -URTICA URENS tincture 5 drops every 4 hours in a glass of hot water.

If inflammation rapidly shifts from joint to joint, use COLCHICUM (low potency) every 2 hours or PULSATILLA in the same way. For more chronic forms LEDUM is very effective.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Tip of the day

Loss of Appetite and Homeopathy

For simple loss of appetite with no other prominent symptoms, CHINA mother tincture is very effective. It should be taken 4-5 drops atleast half hour before taking meals.

When loss of appetite is associated with constipation, there is pain in the stomach after eating, with broken and un-refreshing sleep, take NUX VOMICA in alternation with SULPHUR every 3 hours.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Tip of the day

Urine related Problems and
Proven Homeopathic Medicines

Following five are proven homeopathic medicines which cover almost all of the urine related problems such as hurriedly impelled to urinate, pain in urethra, tenesmus of bladder, difficulty in passing urine, , Enlargement of prostate, Urine hard to start, Sharp pains in loins, Reddish brown urine with thick sediments or Clear and offensive urine, Pain in kidneys, extending to abdomen and bladder, BPH with burning urination, Enuresis,Dysuria and Cystitis etc.

Suggest these medicines after going through the details. You will experience no urine related problem is out of jurisdiction of these five medicines.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Tip of the day

Bad breathe and Merc vivus:

Bad breath is a common problem with many of us. It puts you in very awkward situation while you talking closely to a colleague or when you are alone with your wife, kissing your children etc. No doubt the main reason behind bad breath is stomach disorder.
Mercurius Vivus 30X ( just 2- 4 tablets) resolves the problem and makes you more confident.

Tip of the Day

Breast Cancer and Conium Mac

The homeopathic medicine Conium Mac is derived from Poison Hemlock which has very historical value. This was the poison which caused the death of Great Philosopher Socrates. But in Homeopathy it is the message of life. This medicine is very effective for breast Cancer especially for the breasts that present with a stony hard tumor or gland. It has also proven its therapeutic value in cancers of the esophagus, stomach, liver and the prostate.