Saturday, January 9, 2010

Prostate gland and its homeopathic treatment

Prostate gland and its homeopathic treatment

Dr. Sayeed Ahmad D. I. Hom. (London)

Prostate Gland, chestnut-shaped male organ located next to the bladder and surrounding the urethra (the tube that carries urine from the bladder to the penis). The prostate gland produces a secretion known as prostate fluid that makes up most of the liquid part of semen, which is discharged from the penis during sexual orgasm. Measuring about 3 cm (about 1.2 in) across, the prostate gland is composed of both glandular tissue that produces prostate fluid and muscle tissue that helps in male ejaculation. Prostate fluid also helps to keep sperm, which is found in semen, healthy and lively, thereby increasing the chances that fertilization will occur.

There are a variety of prostate disorders that commonly afflict men of all ages. The most common prostate disease is benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), a noncancerous condition of unknown cause. It occurs in approximately 70 to 80 percent of men as they reach their 70s and 80s. In BPH, the prostate gland can increase in size from 20 g (0.71 oz), which is the average size of the prostate in younger men, to as large as 150 g (5.31 oz). As the prostate grows, it constricts the urethra, possibly causing a partial obstruction of the bladder. Such obstruction may lead to bladder wall thickening and urination problems. Symptoms such as frequent urination, nighttime urination, a feeling of urgency to urinate, difficulty emptying the bladder, and a weak urinary stream are the most common problems men encounter from prostate enlargement.

There are several treatment options for BPH, including medications that either shrink the prostate gland or relax the smooth muscle in the prostate gland to alleviate the obstruction of the bladder. The standard surgical procedure for removing the enlarged tissue in the prostate is called transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP). During this procedure, the surgeon uses an endoscope, a tube equipped with a small television camera and a sharp instrument, to cut away the excess prostate tissue.

Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in elderly men and the second most common cause of cancer-related death in men. Prostate cancer causes few if any symptoms in its early stages, but as it progresses it can lead to difficulties with urination and bleeding in the urinary tract, and the cancer can spread to other areas of the body. Prostate cancer may be detected by digital rectal examination. Testing for abnormally high blood levels of the protein known as prostate-specific antigen (PSA) is also used to diagnose the disease. Prostate cancer is treated using hormones, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, or surgical procedures.

Prostatitis is an inflammatory condition of the prostate that is most common in men ages 20 to 50. There are two broad classes of prostatitis: nonbacterial and bacterial. Nonbacterial prostatitis is the most common form of prostatic inflammation. It causes pelvic pain, problems with urination, discomfort after ejaculation, and lower back pain. The cause of nonbacterial prostatitis remains unclear but possible sources include viruses, prostate muscle spasm, backflow of urine through prostate ducts, and psychological disturbances. Recent evidence suggests that nonbacterial prostatitis may be caused by bacteria that are present in the middle of a prostate but cannot be detected by conventional diagnostic techniques.

Patients with nonbacterial prostatitis are treated with medications ranging from antibiotics to antispasmodics; less often, medications that relax the muscle in the prostate gland are administered. The success of such treatments varies widely, and in many cases men must live with the symptoms of prostatitis.

In bacterial prostatitis, which may be sexually transmitted, a bacterial infection in the prostate gland leads to infection, swelling, pain, and difficulty in urinating; the penis may release bacterial fluid, and blood may appear in the urine. In some cases bacterial prostatitis can cause a severe infection throughout the body, producing a dangerously high fever. Bacterial prostatitis is treated with antibiotics but sometimes all the infection cannot be eliminated from the prostate gland, and some men develop a chronically infected prostate.


Apis mellifica: Stinging pain during urination that is worse when the final drops are passing is a strong indication for this remedy. Discomfort may also involve the bladder. The prostate area is swollen and very sensitive to touch. The person may feel worse from heat and from being in warm rooms, with improvement from being out in open air or from cool bathing.

Causticum: Urine loss when the person coughs or sneezes often indicates a need for this remedy. Once urine has started passing, the person may feel pressure or pulsation extending from the prostate to the bladder. Causticum is also indicated when sexual pleasure during orgasm is absent or diminished.

Chimaphilla umbellata: This remedy is often helpful when the prostate is enlarged, with urine retention and frequent urging. The person may have the feeling that a ball is lodged in the pelvic floor, or experience pressure, swelling, and soreness that are worse when sitting down.

Clematis: This remedy is often indicated when swelling of the prostate seems to have narrowed or tightened the urinary passage. Urine usually emerges slowly, in drops instead of a stream, with dribbling afterward.

Lycopodium: This remedy may be helpful if urine is slow to emerge, with pressure felt in the prostate both during and after urination. The prostate is enlarged, and impotence may also be a problem. People who need this remedy often suffer from digestive problems with gas and bloating, and have an energy slump in the late afternoon.

Pulsatilla: Prostate problems with discomfort after urination and pains that extend to the pelvis or into the bladder (often worse when the man is lying on his back) suggest a need for this remedy. There may also be a bland, thick, yellow discharge from the penis. Pulsatilla is usually suited to emotional individuals who want a lot of affection and feel best in open air.

Sabal serrulata: A frequent urge to urinate at night, with difficulty passing urine, and a feeling of coldness in the sexual organs, suggest a need for this remedy. It is sometimes also used in lower potencies for urinary incontinence in older men. This remedy is made from saw palmetto which is also used as an herbal extract for similar prostate problems.

Staphysagria: This remedy may be indicated if a man feels burning pain in his urinary passage even when urine is not flowing, and urine retention is troublesome. Men who are likely to respond to Staphysagria are often sentimental and romantic, and may also have problems with impotence (most often caused by shyness).

Thuja: When the prostate is enlarged, and the person has a frequent urge to urinate, with cutting or burning pain felt near the bladder neck, this remedy may bring relief. After urine passes, a dribbling sensation may be felt. A forked or divided urine stream is sometimes seen when this remedy is needed.

MS Encarta Encylopedia 2002

Friday, January 8, 2010

A case of Phosphorus

A case of Phosphorus

It was an icy cold night in December when I closed my clinic an hour before the scheduled timings. I was relaxing in the TV lounge with my wife and children when the bell rang, at about 2300 hrs. As I opened the door, two men wrapped up with heavy shawls requested medical help. The ailing man started narrating his illness in a very feeble and agonizing tone. After attending a marriage feast, he had developed some problem in his throat. He further explained with the help of his visiting brother that swallowing of even liquids has become very difficult and that there was burning and severe pain in the esophagus. Belladonna and Gelsemium sparked into my mind, which I dispensed for the patient and advised him to report to clinic next day.

Next morning, I made exhaustive consultations of the homeopathic literature for the right remedy and finally I was able to find Phosphorus which had been recommended by Dr. Clarke in his famous book “A Clinical Repertory to the Dictionary of Materia Medica” for oesophagus pain. The patient returned and reported that the condition was slightly better, but no relief from pain. I gave him 2 doses Phosphorus in 1M to be taken on alternate days. Phosphorus worked incredibly as the patient walked into my clinic smilingly after two days with a pain free oesophagus. Credit should go to Phosphorus and Dr. Clarke for this success.

Homoeo Dr. Sultan Mahmood,

Get Well Homoeo Clinic,
Adnan Market, Opp. OroMart,
Adyala Road, HillView Avenue,
Rawalpindi.Ph. 051-2529856

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Tip of the day

Some useful tips

• A patient visited me in the last week of December, 2009 with a painful cracked bleeding tongue. It was very difficult for him to eat and speak. Surprisingly, only two doses of Arum Triphyllum-30 alternated by Acid Nitricum-30 cured him completely.
• Patients suffering from Spermatorrhoea (Involuntary seminal emission) can rely on Selenium-200 and Staphysagria-200.
• Snoring being a common problem has led to strained relationships between the sleep partners. Therefore this problem is required to be addressed and cured seriously. Homeopathy offers a good treatment for stertorous breathing. Lemna Minor-30 alternated by Opium-30 has given me good results to overcome this problem.

Homoeo Dr. Sultan Mahmood,
Get Well Homoeo Clinic,
Adnan Market, Opp. OroMart,
Adyala Road,HillView Avenue,
Rawalpindi.Ph. 051-2529856

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Diseasewise suggested homœopathic remedies

Disease wise suggested homeopathic remedies
Dr. Sayeed Ahmad D. I. Hom. (London)

*Abortion at 2nd or 3rd month* Cimicifuga, Sabina, Secale cornutum.
*Abortion from debility* Aletris, Helonias.
*Abortion from traumatism* Arnica.
*Abortion threatened* Blumia odorata, Caulophyllum, Helonias, Viburnum.
*Abscess* Myristica.
*Acne* Berberis aquefolium, Juglans regia.
*Addison's disease* Adrenalin.
*Adenoids* Agraphis nutans.
*Adiposity* Calotropis, Fucus vesiculosus, Phytolacca Berry.
*After-pains* Caulophyllum.
*Agalactea* Ricinus communis, Urtica Urens.
*Ague* China.
*Albuminuria* Apis mellifica, Cannabis Sativa.
*Alcoholism* Avena sativa, Nux vomica, Quercus, Sulphuric acid.
*Alopecia* Pix liquida, Thuja occidentalis, Ustilago maydis.
*Amenorrhœa* Ashoka janosia, Gossypium, Pinus Lambertina, Pulsatilla.
*Anæmia* China officinalis, Ferrum phoshoricum.
*Anasarca* Apis mellifica, China officinalis, Convalleria majalis, Digitalis.
*Angina pectoris* Amyl nitrite, Cactus grandiflorus, Cratægus, Spigelia.
*Ankylostomiasis* Carduus marianus.
*Anorexia* Chelidonium, China officinalis, Gentiana lutea, Hydrastis.
*Aphonia* Borax.
*Aphthæ* Hydrastinum muriaticum, Kali muriaticum.
*Apoplexy* Aconitum napellus, Laurocerasus.
*Appendicitis* Bryonia alba.
*Arteriosclerosis* Allium sativum, Cactus grandiflorus, Digitalis, Sumbul, Thiosinaminum.
*Arthritis* Caulophyllum, Urtica urens.
*Ascarides* Abrotanum.
*Ascites* Adonis vernalis, Apis mellifica, Apocyanum, China officinalis, Digitalis.
*Asthma, cardiac* Convalleria majalis, Iberis, Strophanthus.
*Asthma* Blatta orientalis, Grindelia, Lobelia inflata, Passiflora, Pothos, Senega.
*Atrial fibrillation* Digitalis.
*Atrophy* Oleum Jecoris.
*Azoturia* Senna.
*Backache* Phosphoric acid, Berberis vulgaris, Chelidonium, China officinalis, Lobelia inflata.
*Barber's itch* Thuja occidentalis.
*Bed-sores* Calendula officinalis, Echinacea, Hypericum.
*Biliousness* Carica pappaya., Chelidonium.
*Bladder (irritable)* Berberis vulgaris, Eupatoreum purpureum, Senega, Solidago, Vesicaria communis.
*Blood pressure - high*Cratægus, Rauwolfia serpentina, Veratrum album.
*Blood pressure - low* Avena sativa, Cactus grandiflorus, Ginseng.
*Bone affections (bruised)* Symphytum.
*Bradycardia* Apocynum, Digitalis.
*Brain fag* Phosphoric acid.
*Breast, shrivelled* Sabal serrulata.
*Bright's disease* Apocynum, Terebinth.
*Bronchitis (chronic)* Ammonium carbonicum, Senega.
*Bronchitis* Bryonia alba, Justicia adhatoda, Solidago.
*Bronchopneumonia* Ammoniacum gummi.
*Bronchorrhœa* Ammoniacum gummi, Balsamum peruvianum, Eucalyptus.
*Bruises and contusions* Arnica montana, Calendula officinalis, Hamamelis.
*Bubo* Bufo rana.
*Burns* Cantharis, Urtica urens.
*Bursæ* Benzoic acid, Ruta graveolens.
*Calculi (biliary)* Berberis vulgaris, Chelidonium, China officinalis, Chionanthus, Cholesterinum.
*Cancer bladder* Taraxacum.
*Cancer gastric* Geranium, Ornithogalum.
*Cancer mammæ* Bryonia alba.
*Cancer pains* Euphorbium.
*Cancer rectal* Hydrastis, Ruta graveolens.
*Cancer tongue* Fuligo ligni.
*Capillary stasis* Echinacea.
*Carbuncle, urethral* Thuja occidentalis.
*Carbuncles* Ledum palustre.
*Cardiac dropsy* Adonis vernalis.
*Cardiac dyspnœa* Aspidosperma.
*Catalepsy* Cannabis indica.
*Cataract* Cineraria maritima.
*Catarrh, chronic* Eucalyptus.
*Cellulitis* Apis mellifica, Rhus toxicodendron.
*Cheyne-Stokes Respiration* Grindelia.
*Chillblains* Agaricus.
*Cholelithiasis* Chionanthus, Hydrastis.
*Cholera* Camphora, Coffea mocha, Trychosanthis dioica.
*Chordee* Agave, Yohimbinum.
*Chorea* Agaricus muscaris.
*Cicatrices* Thiosinaminum.
*Cirrhosis of liver* Carduus marianus, Chelidonium, China officinalis.
*Climacteric flushings* Amyl nitrite, Sanguinaria.
*Colitis* Cynodon dactylon.
*Colic (renal) * Berberis vulgaris, Hydrangea, Ocimum canum, Pareira brava, Sarsaparilla, Solidago, Urtica urens.
*Collapse* Aconite radix, Camphora, Hydrocyanic acid, Kali cyanatum.
*Cold sores* Camphor.
*Condylomata* Thuja.
*Conjunctivitis* Euphrasia.
*Constipation in children* Abroma augusta radix, Hydrastis, Senna.
*Convulsions* Œnanthe.
*Coryza* Eucalyptus, Ocimum canum.
*Cough, dry* Mentha piperata, Laurocerasus.
*Cough, hoarse* Verbascum.
*Cough, laryngeal* Capsicum.
*Cough, phthisical* Allium sativum.
*Cough, spasmodic* Belladonna.
*Cracked lips* Condurango.
*Croup* Aconite, Sanguinaria, Spongia.
*Cyanosis* Laurocerasus.
*Cystitis* Equisetum, Pareira brava, Vesicaria.
*Cysts* Apis mellifica.
*Dandruff* Badiaga, Cochlearia, Thuja occidentalis.
*Deafness* Hydrastis, Mezereum, Verbascum.
*Debility* Aletris farinosa, Helonias indica, Phosphoric acid.
*Delirium tremens* Apocynum, Capsicum, Rananculus bulbosus.
*Dentition* Terebinth.
*Diabetes insipidus* Alfalfa, Phosphoric acid.
*Diabetes mellitus* Abroma augusta radix, Arsenic bromatum, Syzygium jambolanum, Uranium nitricum.
*Diarrhœa* Achyranthus, Ægle marmelos, Chapparo, Cynodon dactylon.
*Diphtheria* Apis mellifica, Echinacea.
*Dipsomania* Capsicum.
*Dissecting wounds* Echinacea.
*Drooling* Trifolium.
*Dropsy thirst, without* Apis mellifica.
*Dropsy* Ægle folia, Apis mellifica, Apocynum, Bœrhavia diffusa, Thlaspi.
*Dropsy, cardiac* Adonis vernalis.
*Dropsy, hepatic* Liatris spicata.
*Dropsy, renal* Urea.
*Dropsy, thirst with* Apocynum.
*Duodenal ulcer* Ornithogalum.
*Dysentery* Ægle marmelos, Aloe, Atista indica, Cephalandra indica, Cynodon dactylon, Holarrhena antidysenterica.
*Dysmenorrhœa* Abroma augugta radix, Ashoka, Viburnum opulis.
*Dysmenorrhœa, membranous* Xanthoxyllum.
*Dyspepsia, atonic* Abies nigra, Anacardium.
*Dyspepsia, nervous* Anacardium.
*Dysphagia* Cajuputum.
*Dyspnœa* Aspidosperma, Senega.
*Earache* Mullein Oil, Plantago.
*Ear discharge* Mullein Oil.
*Ecchymosis* Arnica.
*Eczema* Alnus rubra, Anacardium, Juglans cinerea.
*Elephantiasis* Hydrocotyl.
*Emphysema* Lobelia inflata.
*Empyema* Arnica.
*Enteritis, acute* China officinalis.
*Enuresis* Equisetum, Rhus aromatica, Verbascum.
*Epididymitis* Sabal serrulata.
*Epilepsy* Œnanthe crocata, Passiflora.
*Epistaxis* Ambrosia, Bryonia alba, Hamamelis, Millefolium.
*Epithelioma* Thuja occidentalis.
*Erysipelas* Apis mellifica.
*Erythema nodosum* Apis mellifica.
*Erythema* Antipyrine.
*Eustachian deafness* Hydrastis.
*Exophthalmic goitre* Lycopus, Pilocarpinum.
*Exudative pleurisy* Abrotanum.
*Eyes, inflammation* Euphrasia, Ruta graveolens.
*Fever* Acetanilidum, Ferr phos, Gnaphelium.
*Fever, typhoid* Baptisia, Phosphoric acid.
*Fibroids* Thlaspi, Trillium.
*Fissures* Condurango, Graphites, Ledum palustre.
*Flatulence* Asafœtida.
*Freckles* Badiaga.
*Gall stones* Berb vulgaris, China officinalis, Chionanthus.
*Ganglion* Ruta graveolens.
*Gangrene* Echinacea.
*Gastritis* Arsenic album.
*Gastric ulcer* Geranium, Ornithogalum, Urtica urens.
*Gastroenteritis* Lactic acid.
*Gleet* Guaicum, Thuja occidentalis.
*Globus hystericus* Asafœtida.
*Goitre* Fucus vesiculosus.
*Gonorrhœa* Cannabis sativa, Vesicaria communis.
*Gout* Ledum palustre, Urtica urens.
*Gravel* Coccus cacti, Hydrangea, Solidago, Urtica urens.
*Hæmatemesis* Ficus religiosa, Hamamelis, Ipecac.
*Hæmaturia* Cannabis sativa, Ficus religiosa, Millefolium, Ocimum canum, Thlaspi.
*Hæmoptysis* Acalypha indica, Erigeron, Geranium, Millefolium.
*Hæmorrhages* Adrenalin, China officinalis, Hamamelis, Millefolium, Sabina, Trillium.
*Hæmorrhoids* Æsculus hippocastanum, Aloe, Dolichos, Ficus religiosa, Hamamelis.
*Hallucinations* Antipyrine.
*Hay fever* Ambrosia, Pothos fœtidus.
*Headaches, anæmic* China officinalis.
*Headaches, bilious* Chionanthus.
*Headaches, bursting* Glonoine.
*Headaches, congestive* Aconite, Glonoine.
*Headaches, nervous* Chionanthus.
*Headaches, sick* Sanguinaria.
*Heart hypertrophy & dilatation* Cactus grandiflorus, Cratægus, Strophanthus.
*Heartburn* Geranium.
*Heart affections, palpitations* Cratægus.
*Heart failure* Adon vernalis.
*Hectic fever* Baptisia.
*Hepatitis* Carduus marianus, Chelidonium.
*Herpes labialis* Capsicum.
*Hiccough* Ginseng.
*Hoarseness* Verbascum.
*Hookworm* Chenopodium.
*Hydrocephalus* Apocyanum, Hedera Helix.
*Hydrothorax* Adonis vernalis.
*Hysteria* Crocus sativa, Ignatia, Passiflora.
*Impotence* Ægle folia, Agnus castus, Ashwagandha, Turnera, Yohimbinum.
*Influenza* Eucalyptus, Eupatorium perfoliatum.
*Insomnia* Avena sativa, Passiflora, Piscidia.
*Intermittent fever* Atista indica, Andersonia, Cephalandra indica, Chininum sulph, Chirata, Desmodium, Eupatorium perfoliatum, Lucas aspera.
*Jaundice* Carica pappaya, Chelidonium, Chionanthus, Digitalis, Kalmegh, Myrica, Podophyllum.
*Kidneys (congestive) * Chimaphila umbellata, Terebinth, Vesicaria, Uva ursi.
*Labour pains false* Caulophyllum.
*Labour, retained placenta* Caulophyllum.
*Labour, hæmorrhage, after* Trillium.
*Lectophobia* Cannabis sativa.
*Leprosy* Calotropis, Hydrocotyle.
*Leucoderma* Hydrocotyle, Psoralea corylifolia.
*Leucorrhœa* Ashoka, Caulophyllum, China officinalis, Hydrastis.
*Leucorrhœa, acrid* Hydrastis.
*Leucorrhœa, blackish* China officinalis.
*Leucorrhœa, bland* Fraxinus americana.
*Leucorrhœa, bloody* China oficinalis, Thlaspi.
*Leucorrhœa, offensive* Carbolic acid.
*Leucorrhœa, profuse* Hydrastis.
*Leucorrhœa, stringy* Hydrastis.
*Lice* Staphysagria.
*Lithiasis* Benzoic acid, Berberis vulgaris, Hydrangea, Ocimum canum, Solidago, Thlaspi, Urtica urens.
*Liver (congestion) * Berberis vulgaris, Bryonia alba, Carduus marianus, Chelidonium, Carica pappaya.
*Lumbago* Berberis vulgaris.
*Malaria* Alstonia, Chirata.
*Malnutrition* Alfalfa, Gentiana lutea.
*Marasmus* Alfalfa, Oleum jecoris.
*Mastitis* Phytolacca.
*Meniere's disease* Chenopodium.
*Menorrhagia* Ashoka, China officinalis, Ficus religiosa, Sabina.
*Menstruation, delayed* Ashoka, Caulophyllum.
*Menstruation, painful* Abroma augusta radix, Ashoka, Viburnum opulis.
*Menstruation, profuse* Ficus religiosa, Trillium.
*Mental weakness* Avena sativa, Ashwagandha.
*Milk leg* Hamamelis.
*Miscarriage, repeated* Ashoka, Viburnum opulis.
*Miscarriage, threatened* Sabina, Viburnum opulis.
*Morning sickness* Aletris farinosa, Symphoricarpus racemosus.
*Morphine habit* Avena sativa.
*Mountain sickness* Coca.
*Mumps* Pilocarpine.
*Muscæ volitantes* Cypripedium.
*Myocarditis* Digitalis.
*Myositis* Arnica.
*Nævus* Thuja occidentalis.
*Nephritis* Apis mellifica, Berberis vulgaris, Cantharis, Eucalyptus, Terebinth.
*Nettle rash* Apis mellifica, Hygrophilia, Strophanthus.
*Neuralgia* Sanguinaria.
*Neuralgia, periodic* Cedron.
*Neurasthenia* Avena sativa, Arnica, Cypripedium, Phosphoric acid.
*Neurasthenia, gastric* Anacardium, Gentiana.
*Neuritis* Hypericum.
*Night blindness* Physostigma.
*Night sweats* Chamomilla, Phosphoric acid, Pilocarpine.
*Obesity* Fucus vesiculosus, Phytolacca berry.
*Œdema* Apis mellifica, Digitalis.
*Osteomalacia* Phosphoric acid.
*Otitis media* Chenopodium.
*Otorrhœa* Hydrastis.
*Ovarian cyst* Apis mellifica.
*Ovaritis* Xanthoxyllum.
*Oxaluria* Berberis vulgaris, Senna.
*Ozæna* Hydrastis.
*Palpitations* Adonis vernalis, Cactus grandiflorus, Convalleria, Digitalis, Iberis amara.
*Paresis* Badiaga.
*Paresis, pneumogastric* Grindelia.
*Paresis, respiratory* Lobelia inflata.
*Pemphigus* Caltha palustris.
*Pericarditis* Digitalis.
*Periostitis* Apis mellifica, Asafœtida.
*Peritonitis* Apis mellifica, Apocynum, Lycopodium.
*Pharyngitis, follicular* Æsculus hippocastanum, Hydrastis, Sanguinaria.
*Phlebitis* Hamamelis.
*Phthisis* Acalypha indica.
*Phthisis, laryngeal* Drosera.
*Pleurisy* Aconite, Apis mellifica.
*Pleurisy, effusion stage* Abrotanum, Kali iodatum.
*Pleurodynia* Bryonia alba.
*Pneumonia* Chelidonium.
*Polypi* Sanguinaria, Thuja occidentalis.
*Polypi, nasal* Teucrium.
*Polyuria* Phosphoric acid, Rhus aromatica, Uranium nitricum.
*Proctitis* Aloe.
*Prosopalgia* Cactus grandiflorus.
*Prostatitis* Sabal serrulata, Thuja occidentalis.
*Prostatic hypertrophy* Chimaphila umbellata, Hydrangea, Sabal serrulata.
*Pruritus* Carduus marianus.
*Psoriasis* Arsenic bromatum, Chrysarobinum.
*Purpura* Hamamelis.
*Pyæmia* Echinacea.
*Pyelitis* Chimaphila umbellata, Terebinth, Uva ursi.
*Pyorrhœa* Plantago, Terminalia chebula.
*Ranula* Thuja occidentalis.
*Raynaud's disease* Cactus grandiflorus, Secale cornutum.
*Rheumatism* Kalmia, Thuja occidentalis.
*Rheumatism, chronic* Oleum jecoris.
*Rheumatism, gonorrhœal* Thuja occidentalis.
*Ringworm* Chrysarobinum, Sepia.
*Scabies* Balsmum peruvianum.
*Sciatica* Viscum album.
*Scurvy* Agave, Citric acid, Hamamelis.
*Sepsis* Echinacea.
*Somnambulism* Artemisia vulgaris.
*Spermatorrhœa* Agnus castus, Avena sativa, Damiana, Ginseng, Ocimum canum, Yohimbinum.
*Spleen affections* Azadirachta indica, Asafœtida, Ceanothus, Carica pappaya, Calotropis, Kalmegh, Leucas aspera, Luffa actangula, Quercus.
*Sterility* Agnus castus, Thlaspi, Turnera.
*Stings* Apis mellifica, Ledum palustre, Urtica urens.
*Stomach dilatation* Hydrastinum muriaticum.
*Subinvolution* Fraxinus americana.
*Sycosis* Thuja occidentalis.
*Synovitis* Apis mellifica.
*Syphilis* Guaicum.
*Syphilis, latent* Calotropis.
*Tachycardia* Cactus grandiflorus, Convalleria, Cratægus, Digitalis, Iberis amara.
*Tape worm* Cuprum oxidatum nigrum, Filix mas.
*Tape worm* Filix mas.
*Tetanus* Passiflora.
*Thread worm* Turpentine oil, Chelone.
*Tobacco craving* Daphne indica.
*Toothache* Plantago.
*Traumatism* Arnica, Bellis perrenis, Calendula officinalis, Hamamelis, Hypericum, Ledum palustre, Ruta graveolens, Symphytum.
*Tumours* Hydrastis, Thuja occidentalis.
*Typhoid* Abroma augusta radix, Baptisia, Bryonia alba, Phosphoric acid.
*Ulcers* Calendula officinalis, Carbolic acid, Echinacea.
*Urethral carbuncle* Eucalyptus.
*Urethritis* Cantharis.
*Uric acid diathesis* Ocimum canum.
*Urticaria* Antipyrine, Apis mellifica.
*Uterine displacement* Fraxinus americana.
*Uterine tumours* Thlaspi.
*Vaginismus* Cactus grandiflorus.
*Varicose veins with rapid reducers* Glonoine.
*Varicose veins with arterial lesions* Adrenalin.
*Varicose veins* Hamamelis.
*Venous stasis* Æsculus hippocastanum.
*Warts* Thuja occidentalis.
*Well's disease* Chelidonium.
*Whooping cough* Drosera.
*Worms* Santoninum, Filix mas.

Any information given above is not intended to be taken as a replacement for medical advice. Therefore, it is very important that the patients should avoid self-treatment and rather consult the most abled and qualified classical homœopath and take the treatment under his proper guidance and advice.

Dr. SAYEED AHMAD is a renowned and successful Homœopath for more than 25 years. He has been awarded Honours with Diploma "D. I. Hom." for securing highest 97% marks from The British Institute of Homœopathy, England. He is writer of 13 books on homeopathy.
Homeopathy for Humanity Society Pakistan is proud to publsh his articles on homeopathy with his permission.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Tip of the day

Eel Serum is very sympathetic to Kidneys

Mr. Muhammad Hanif, 36 years of age came to my clinic from Kahuta in April, 2009 with Abdominal Ultrasound report. According to the report, the patient was suffering from “Bilateral chronic (Grade I) renal parenchymal disease (CRF). – Medullary nephrocalcinosis – Lt. renal cyst of 18mm”. The Ceatinine was 4.6 mg/dL whereas the normal reference value in adult male is upto 1.3 mg/dL. His elder brother Muhammad Saeed who was accompanying him was very pessimistic, downhearted and hopeless about the recovery as the Allopath doctors have asked for the arrangement of a kidney from a donor for transplantation or prepare for the dialysis treatment. Both options were too risky and expensive to afford for the poor family. After taking the symptoms, I prescribed Eel Serum-30 with Apocynum-Q and Solidago-3X. The swelling on both the ankles started reducing and the burning in urine also improved after 10 days. In May, 2009, I asked the patient to have a laboratory test so as to know the value of Creatinine. The laboratory report was encouraging as the Creatinine value lowered down to 3.3 mg/dL. The above medicines were continued for another month and the laboratory report of June, 2009 showed further dropping of Creatinine to 2.8 mg/dL. Then the patient suddenly stopped the free of cost treatment for the reasons still unknown to me. By chance, the patient happened to meet me in Raja Bazar in October, 2009 and told that he was satisfied with the recovery and did not need any further treatment. I was just stunned and walked away silently.

Homoeo Dr. Sultan Mahmood
HillView Avenue,

Obesity and Homeopathy

Few words about writer

Dr. SAYEED AHMAD is a renowned and successful Homœopath for more than 25 years. He has been awarded Honours with Diploma "D. I. Hom." for securing highest 97% marks from The British Institute of Homœopathy, England. He is writer of 13 books on homeopathy.

Homeopathy for Humanity Society Pakistan is proud to publsh his articles on homeopathy with his permission.

Dr. Sayeed Ahmad D. I. Hom. (London)


Obesity can be best described as the most common nutritional disorder specially in the affluent group of people. It is a condition in which excessive accumulation of fat takes place in the body due to intake of food in excess of physiological requirements. Therefore, overnutrition is as much malnutrition as undernutrition is. An excess of 50 calories per day can increase about 25 Kgs in a period of ten years.
Obesity has been classified into 3 types as follows, depending upon the excess in weight :

Above Normal Weight :
Mildly obese 10-15%
Moderately obese 10-20%
Very obese 20% and above.
Obesity is generally caused by two factors i. e. :
1. Exogenous
– Overeating or intake of excessive energy.
2. Endogenous
-- Due to inherent metabolic disturbance of the body.

Obesity should not be taken lightly. Obesity means you are 20% or more above the recommended weight for your sex, age, height and bone structure. Extra pounds beneath the 20% mark simply mean you are over-weight.

Obesity can occur both in male and female at any age. However, it is more common in female.
Some of the following factors may contribute to the development of obesity :
1. It is common in those who take excess of food with little physical work or exercise.
2. Excessive eating habits is also one of the factors.
Obesity is rarely seen amongst active persons and it is more common in those with sedentary habits.


1. Obesity reduces the life expectancy.
2. Obesity produces the following physical disabilities :
a. Abdominal Hernias.
b. Varicose Veins.
c. Flat Feet.
d. Bronchitis.
e. Osteoarthritis of Knee, Hips and Lumber Spine.
3. Due to poor reflexes, liable to fall down on slippery floors.
4. High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)
It leads to greater wear and tear of the entire vascular system and consequently it doubles the risk of heart attack and stroke. It may also cause damage to kidneys.
5. It also produces metabolic disorders such as :
a. Gout.
b. Cholesterol in Arteries.
c. Stone in Gall Bladder.
d. Diabetes Mellitus.
It is needless to add that ‘Excess Weight’ (Obesity) is linked to a higher risk of heart diseases and therefore it increases the overall risk of death particularly to persons with Diabetes or Cardiovascular disease.


It is estimated that an active person will burn about 12-13 calories a day per pound of body weight. Therefore, a person having weight 140 pounds will need roughly 1700-1800 calories a day to maintain that weight, and less to reduce it. This can be used as a guideline for planning weight loss programme, by reducing calorie intake.
It is already stated that obesity is caused by intake of excess calorie and furthermore the lack of physical work or exercise is also one of the contributory factors. Thus, reducing weight means one has to reduce calorie intake by reducing his high-calorie diet. It may therefore be suggested to an obese adult to stick to his daily diet providing 1300 kcal (calorie) which may help in reducing about 0.5 – 1 Kg a week. The reducing diets should contain adequate amounts of Proteins, Vitamins and Minerals. Once the body weight comes to the standard level according to the height, the weight maintenance diets (adequate in Proteins, Vitamins and Minerals) should be taken to keep weight constant i. e. between 1700-1800 kcal (calories). Therefore, daily diet should contain balanced amount of cereals, pulses, green leafy vegetables, other vegetables, roots and tubers, fruits, milk, fats and oils, sugar and jaggery, groundnut (roasted) ; meat /fish /eggs (to be excluded by vegetarian).


1. You may not eat or drink the following :
a. Bacon, Fatty Meats, Sausages.
b. Beer, Liquor, Wines.
c. Butter, Margarines.
d. Cakes, Cookies, Crackers, Doughnuts, Pastries, Pies.
e. Candy, Chocolates, Nuts.
f. Creams – Sweet and Sour, Cream, Cheese, Non-Dairy Cream.
g. French Fried Potatoes, Potato Chips.
h. Pizza, Popcorn, Snack Foods.
i. Gelatin Desserts, Puddings (Sugar-Sweetened).
j. Gravies and Sauces.
k. Honey, Jams, Jellies, Sugar and Syrup.
l. Ice Cream, Ices, Ice Milk, Sherbets.
m. Milk Whole.
n. Muffins, Pan Cakes, Waffles.
o. Olives.
p. Soda (Sugar-Sweetened).
q. Yogurt (Fruit-Flavoured).
2. Buy a reliable scale to weight yourself and a kitchen scale to weight your food.
3. Set a long term weight loss aim.
4. Cut down on salt.
5. Eat from a small plate.
6. Do not skip meals – else being hungry you will overeat at the next meal.
7. Do not eat while you are out.
8. Weigh yourself quite often.
9. Do not be tempted by prohibited foods.
10. Do not eat while reading, watching TV, Video or games, etc.
11. Keep tempting foods out of sight.
12. Try to relax.
13. Control your urge to eat.
14. Control the amount you eat.
15. Do not finish everything on your plate.
16. Eat little at dinner.
17. Shop only after eating.
18. Eat in the same place invariably.
19. Chew your food completely, never gulp it.
20. When you are angry, drink water.
21. Do not eat between meals except raw carrots.
22. Remove skin or visible fat from meat.
23. Do not use butter or sauce on vegetables.
24. Drink 7-8 glasses of water a day.
25. Do not eat fried foods.
26. Walk after night meal.
27. Be vegetarian to lose weight.
28. Use skim milk instead of cow or buffalo milk.
29. Walk daily in the morning.
30. Avoid foods high in saturated fat and cholesterol.

As a matter of fact, the Author of this article (Dr. Sayeed Ahmad) was also one of the victims of obesity. Control over diets, doing daily light exercise and taking of Homœopathic Medicines greatly helped him to win over this problem. A few years ago, his weight was 84 Kgs with an height of 5 feet 6 inches and consequently he was obese and over-weight and presently his weight is about 64 Kgs and only due to his own homœopathic treatment he could reduce about twenty Kgs and he is now fit and fine.



Fat patients with weak heart. For women who are tired and weary and take cold easily and lead a sedentary life. Dry coryza and stoppage of the nose, chiefly at night, with danger of suffocation. With long continued coryza, can only breathe through the mouth. Women with premature and too copious menses, with emission of black and acrid blood. Sadness, with disposition to weep. Timidity of character. Disgust with life. Heedlessness. Great absence of mind and weakness of memory. Vertigo, on reading in a sitting posture. Chilly patient with great sensitiveness to cold open air, <> by warmth.


In case the body is fat and legs are thin. With large buttocks. Full of grief, but cannot weep. Irritability and disposition to be angry. Very severe ulcerative pain in the heel, > by rubbing. The feet get very cold in the evening in bed.


Children and young person with tendency to grow fat with coated moist white tongue. The subject needing this remedy may belch a great deal, and the eructations may taste of the ingesta. Bloating after eating. < By heat is a marked characteristic. The symptoms are < in the heat of the Sun. Nails discoloured and deformed. Corns and callous excrescences on the feet. Alternate diarrhœa and constipation especially in aged persons.


Fat patients with Arteriosclerosis and high blood pressure. With fatty degeneration of heart. Patients with melancholy, hopelessness, profound depression, tendency to suicide and longing for death. Pain in heart region extending down left arm to fingers. Chilliness predominates ; coldness of hands and feet, sometimes lasting all night.


This is the main remedy for reducing obesity. The characteristic symptom is sweating on the forehead which wets the pillow when sleeping. It should be given in 200 potency with weekly repetition. This can be prescribed to obese children also. The patient’s hand is soft, warm, and moist ; a boneless hand with clammy feet. Great sensitiveness to cold, damp air. Dread of bathing and water. Great weakness on ascending, on walking and talking.


This medicine is helpful in reducing the obesity without decreasing the weight i. e. flesh will be decreased, the muscles will become harder and firmer. Heat in stomach is a good guiding symptom. CAPSICUM. It is particularly suited to people who are weak of lax fiber and who have little vital heat. The digestion is poor and they suffer from myalgia (aching and jerking of muscles). They have burning pains but hate the cold. Often indicated in old people who have exhausted their vitality. This remedy is very suitable for children also. The mental state shows home-sickness. > From heat is the most important modality.


Its chief fame has been gained by its action on the liver, and in the treatment of obesity and diabetes. Sensitiveness to cold air ; great liability to take cold. Sweats more easily. > In open air ; on motion. The breath smells offensive, the tongue is white and feels furry. The patient is self-satisfied, very talkative and uncommondly good-humoured. Discouraged and anxious about domestic duties. Absent-minded ; heedless ; forgets names.


One of the great fat reducers. May be alternated with Phytoline. Both remedies should be used in mother tincture.


Obesity with anæmia, face puffy with pitting of flesh. This remedy is recommended to children also. Delicate girls, fearfully constipated, with low spirits. The pulse of the patient is full and yielding. <> in warm air. Great lassitude and general weakness. Great need to lie down.


It is given when Calcarea Carbonica fails. It should be given in drop doses of mother tincture. It is very effective in cases of indigestion, obstinate constipation and flatulence. It is suitable to people with enlarged thyroid glands. Goitre has been cured with it.


Obesity in females with delayed menstruation. Indicated for fair, fat, chilly, constipated people who have skin trouble. Helpful to those who have lost desire for sex.


It is especially suited to fair-haired, fat persons, especially fat, chubby children ; fat, sluggish people. Gastric symptoms supersede rheumatic symptoms. Liability to take cold in the open air. Great debility, with desire to lie down.


This remedy is especially good for older fat people who are characterized by sweat, backache and weakness. This remedy should be used cautiously in Bright’s disease and Tuberculosis. This remedy is for dark haired persons of lax fibre and inclined to be fat.


One of the effective weight and corpulence reducing remedies.


This remedy is a great fat reducer. It is recommended if the patient is having difficulty in walking, sitting, palpitation, dyspnœa on least exertion, nausea, eructations. It is used in mother tincture.

In excessive obesity, it acts better in pale patients rather than those of high colour. This remedy is a powerful diuretic and is very useful in myxodema and various types of edema.

Any information given in this article is not intended to be taken as a replacement for medical advice. Therefore, it is very important that the patients should avoid self-treatment and rather consult the most abled and qualified classical homœopath and take the treatment under his proper guidance and advice since you may need constitutional treatment.
However, if you are interested in your treatment for obesity or any other ailments, you may kindly get in touch with the Author of this article (Dr. Sayeed Ahmad) by e-mail for further information.
For more information regarding Obesity, please study the Author’s Book "Obesity and Health", published by B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd., New Delhi (India).

Monday, January 4, 2010

Sterility in female and male

Sterility in female and male

Dr. Sayeed Ahmad D. I. Hom. (London)

Several lacs of females and males are suffering from STERILITY in India and all over the world. There is a general understanding that perhaps homœopathy has nothing to offer on this subject. As a fact of the matter, homœopathy can greatly assist to those couples who are not blessed with a child in spite of their ardent desire and efforts due to sterility either on the part of the female or the male. Homœopathy can change their life to happiness by begetting children in their homes as well as fertile and healthy life. However, on the other hand, treating sterility homœopathically is the most safest and effective in the hands of qualified classical homœopathic practitioners.

STERILITY means difficult or no conception and in other word it is inability on the part of the female or the male partner to produce any offspring.

Formerly and even now the ignorant society or the relations attributed the non-birth of children to the sterility in the female and ignored the husband altogether. It should be noted that in man sterility and impotence are two different terms. Impotence means inability to sexually gratify a woman and sterility means inability to impregnate her. An impotent can be sterile. For conception, only the discharge of semen with living sperms is required. It does not matter whether the erection is strong or the retentive power is long or the female is duly satisfied. The sterility on the part of the male is the absence of living sperms in the semen. Either they are not present at all or are dead. In such a case a man cannot produce however virile he may be. Gonorrhœa and Syphilis are the common and unquestionable causes of depriving the semen of spermatozoa.

Thus the first step to be taken is to get the semen tested before the cause is assigned to the sterility of the wife. If the semen is found lacking in sperms, a well qualified homœopathic practitioner can assist in producing them in plenty. However, if the semen is found quite normal then the cause should be treated out in the female.


• Sometimes the cause is the presence of acidic secretions specially lactic acid in the vagina and soon as the semen is discharged all the sperms are killed as they cannot live in acid. But the acidity is only detrimental to pregnancy when the male organ is too small to ejaculate the semen direct into the uterus.
• In individual females the depth of the vaginal cavity varies. In every female the depth is equal to the length of her finger. Thus, female possessing a long middle finger requires a long organ and vice versa. A male organ a little (1 or 2 inches) longer than her middle finger is quite sufficient for her individual purpose.
• Having intercourse when both the partners are not willing.
• The correct posture of intercourse is also imperative. Thus, female should lie flat on the back with the man upon her with his face downwards. Her legs should be intercross each other over the man. This posture brings the uterus a little forward and it increases the possibility of impregnation.
• Intercourse should take place 3 hours after meals. Intercourse should not be taken place just after meals or taking plenty of water.
• It is also injurious when one (female or male) is extremely hungry or thirsty.
• Sexual meeting should never be arranged during menses.
• Place of sexual meeting should be free from interruption and it should be peaceful and comfortable. One should not have any fear of some ones intrusion or arrival during the act of intercourse.
• Diet which is sour or rich in acids should be given up.
• Leucorrhœa, painful and scanty menses, amenorrhœa, excessive menstrual flow are also responsible for sterility.
• Sometimes sterility is due to failure of the ovaries to yield the ova. Conception is only possible when sperm comes in contact with the ovum of the same side.
• Female’s right and left ovaries produce one ovum every month. One month there is the right ovum and the other month the left. The left sperm and right ovum, and the right sperm and the left ovum cannot unite. Thus pregnancy does not take place.
• It should be found out if she is FRIGID or if there is any abnormality in menses. It is also imperative to find her sexual feelings.
• When there is a fault in ovaries, menses are scanty and there is pain in the breast.
• New growths – fibroids and cancer, etc.
• Sterility is also caused if there is any tumour in uterus or ovary.
• Discharge of mucus from vagina after an embrace in female and sterility as a result thereof.
• Prolapsus of uterus. Uterine displacement.
• Hypertrophy of the cervix.
• Too frequent intercourse.
• Irregularity of menses.
• Dysmenorrhœa.
• Constipation.
• Inflammation of vagina due to leucorrhœa.
• Dwindling of breast and ovaries.
• Excessive and premature menses.
• Hard work (less of sexual passion).
• Sterility in female with excessive sexual desire.
• Mental worries, grief and hiding of her sorrows.
• Constitutional cause.
• Sometimes sterility is due to the weakness of the uterus which is incapable of holding the fœtus. This weakness of the uterus is also the common cause of abortion.
• For having children, remember to have intercourse on the last day of the menstrual period or on the third, fifth or seventh day after the period has ceased.
• Chronic diseases.
• Other causes of sterility may be diabetes, ulceration of the os uteri, fibroid tumours and enlargement of the uterus.
• Hysteria.
• Debilitating diseases like anæmia, tuberculosis, causing amenorrhœa and scanty menses.
• Endocrinal deficiencies. Obesity due to defective thyroid secretion.
• Incompatibility between husband and wife.
• Absence of any essential part of the genitalia i. e. removal of uterus, tubes or ovaries.
• Atresia of cervix and rudimentary uterus.
• Imperforate hymen.
• Malformation or destruction of tubes – due to inflammatory condition like gonorrheal salpingits, appendicitis, etc. (If the lining membrane of the tube is affected, the sterility would be absolute).
• Partial stenosis of the tubes. It is associated with imperfectly developed uterus (almost an incurable condition).

RUBIN’S TEST is performed to see whether the tube is potent or not, blocked or permeable. Another way of test of the potency and permeability of the tubes is by introduction of a dye (lipoidol), injected into the uterus ; a subsequent X-ray will show not only that the tubes are blocked or not, but also the sites where they are blocked.
• Inflammatory conditions : such as endometritis, endocervicitis.
• Cystic ovaries or destroyed as well, due to tumours, etc.
• Vaginismus.
• Trauma to the parts.


• Impotency of long standing.
• Short and curved penis.
• Undescended or atrophied testes.
• Defective seminal discharges : no sperms or undeveloped sperms or a few sperm non-motile sperms ; this may be due to some previous or present disease of the testes, like mumps, tuberculosis, gonorrhœa, syphilis, etc.
• Sexual neurasthenia.
• It should be found out if he is having habits of masturbation or suffering from night-falls, spermatorrhœa, impotence or any venereal diseases.
• Loss of sexual powers with lascivious fancies.
• Semen thin and odourless.
• On attempting coition, penis relaxes.
• Involuntary emissions, discharge too quick, spasms during coition, effects of masturbation, disposition to handle organs.



Agnus Castus.
Sterility, with suppressed menses, and want of sexual desire. Swelling and inflammation of the uterus. Transparent leucorrhœa. Leucorrhœa spotting linen yellow.

Aletris Farinosa.
When sterility is due to weakness of the uterus. This remedy tones up the uterus. Amenorrhœa or delayed menses from atony ; weariness of mind and body. Leucorrhœa white stringy with debility. Weak emaciated people.

Aurum Met.
Sterility due to depression and tendency to suicide. Menses too late ; and scanty or absent. Leucorrhœa profuse and corroding, yellow, thick white, not offensive, aggravation by walking.

Aurum Mur. Nat.
Specific for sterility. It may be given in 3x trituration. It cures ulceration, induration, chronic metritis, ulcers of the os, swelling of the ovary. Also covers prolapsus of the uterus.

Baryta Carb.
Sterility due to dwindling of ovaries and mammary glands, yet the lymphatics become enlarged and infiltrated. Catamenia too feeble, and of too short duration.

Baryta Mur.
Sterility. Catamenia too early. Leucorrhœa. Indurations, tumour or atrophy of ovaries. Nymphomania.

Sterility. Leucorrhœa corrosive and thick like starch. Catamenia premature and too copious, of a pale red colour. Dread of downward motion and labour.

Calcarea Carb.
Sterility with catamenia too early, and too profuse. Calcarea Carb. has cold, clammy feet, as if there were damp stockings on. Obesity.

Sterility after leucorrhœa in a woman married ten years ago was cured with this remedy.

Conium Mac.
Sterility with suppressed menstruation. Unsatisfied sexual desire and sufferings therefrom. Obstinate constipation of long standing. Faintness after stool.

Eupatorium Pur.
Sterility from ovarian atony.

Filix Mas.
Sterility. Pale face with blue rings around eyes. Worm symptoms especially with constipation.

Gossypium Her.
Sterility from uterine torpor.

Sterility with loss of sexual desire. Profound mental gloom. Leucorrhœa with atony and anæmia. Women with prolapsus from atony. Menses too frequent and profuse in women who are feeble from loss of blood. Flow passive : dark, coagulated, offensive. Always better when doing something, when the mind is engaged. Fault finding and cannot endure the least contradiction.

Atrophy of ovaries and breasts, with sterility. Catamenia at one time too late, at another too early. Menses premature, violent and copious. Eats ravenously yet emaciates. Lachrymose disposition and mental dejection. Effects of amorousness ; of disappointed love.

Kali Brom.
Sterility from excessive sexual indulgence and atrophy of ovaries.

Sterility with too profuse menstruation, or tendency to miscarry. Hæmorrhage from uterus from too violent exertions. Suppressed menstruation with epileptic attacks.

Natrum Carb.
Discharge of mucus from vagina after an embrace or coition in the women and sterility as a result thereof. Joyous talkativeness.

Natrum Mur.
Sterility. With too early and too profuse menstruation. Coition painful from dryness of vagina. Leucorrhœa with headache. Abundant discharge of transparent, whitish and thick mucus from vagina. Obliged to weep. Hypochondriacal, tired of life. Joyless, taciturn. Anxiety respecting the future.

It regulates action of ‘corpus luteum’ in sterile women and favours conception in many cases. Uterus, breasts and other sexual organs are not fully developed.

Sterility on account of excessive voluptuousness, or if menstruation comes on too late and is too profuse.

Sterility in women with excessive sexual desire. It has cured sterility of 12 years standing. Catamenia too early and too profuse (blood dark and coagulated). Leucorrhœa, like white of egg flowing chiefly after urinating and on rising from a seat.

It is the head remedy for sterility. There is irregularity of menses with leucorrhœa and constipation. Menses are too late and scanty or early and profuse, with sharp cutting pains. Leucorrhœa is yellow, greenish with much itching. Prolapse of the uterus and vagina. Vagina painful during coition. Lack of affection for those whom she loved before is a marked mental symptom. Sadness and dejection with tears.

Sulphuricum Acidum.
Sterility, with catamenia premature and too profuse. Acrid and burning, or milk-like leucorrhœa. Prolapse of vagina. The patient is weak and exhausted.

Sterility with leucorrhœa. Anæmia may also be present. Hair on the face and legs of women with offensive perspiration about the genitals.

The uterus is very small in size. Excessive obesity. Uterine fibroid. Fatigued easily, with weak pulse, tendency to fainting, palpitation, cold hands and feet, low blood pressure, chilliness and sensitive to cold.


Chininum Sulph.

Absence of spermatozoa with suppression or diminution of sexual desire.

Conium Mac.
Absence of spermatozoa accompanied with impotency ; insufficient erections. Want of energy in coition. Emissions provoked by presence of women.

Damiana (Turnera Aph.)
Absence of spermatozoa in impotency due to sexual neurasthenia. Chronic prostatic discharge.

Indicated in persons who have violent or constant erections with increased sexual desire ; testicles become small and painful.

When azoospermism is accompanied with great sexual desire and/or swelling of testicles.

Any information given in this article is not intended to be taken as a replacement for medical advice. Any person with a condition requiring medical attention should consult a qualified classical homœopath. If you wish, you may please contact the Author by e-mail for further information and treatment.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Impotency and Homeopathy

Few words about the writer

Dr. SAYEED AHMAD is a renowned and successful Homœopath for more than 25 years. He has been awarded Honours with Diploma "D. I. Hom." for securing highest 97% marks from The British Institute of Homœopathy, England. He is writer of 13 books on homeopathy.

Homeopathy for Humanity Society Pakistan is proud to publsh his articles on homeopathy with his permission.

Impotency and Homeopathy

Dr. Sayeed Ahmad D. I. Hom. (London)

Impotency signifies a permanent condition of inability to effect sexual intercourse successfully. It is the worst calamity one can encounter in life which takes away the pleasure and bliss of youth. It is very humiliating for a person to find himself ineffective while performing coitus, since on the other part the female partner expects the male partner to give her immense sexual pleasure and gratification during the course of sexual union. Real bliss of married life lies in the sexual harmony of the couple. Thus a woman can never love an impotent. The impotent person is not regarded at all by women even though he is rich, handsome and affluent in wealth. Only because of this factor, in many instances, young and rich women of high families are heard of having eloped with or been seduced by their menials without caring their husbands. They reject their impotent husbands and enter into illicit relationship with someone else. A woman is happier and more contented with a poor man who is potent and virile than a man devoid of sexual power. The impotency of a person also brings disharmony in domestic life. Occasionally it frustrates people to commit suicide or makes insane too.
Therefore prior to marriage, young persons should consult a qualified doctor to check about his sexual problems and potency. Unless and until he is perfectly healthy in his sexual performance, he should shelve the idea of getting married till he is medically and sexually fit to satisfy his wife fully to her gratification.

The symptoms of impotency are as follows :

1. Speedy discharge (premature ejaculation).
2. Reduction in the time occupied by male in sexual acts.
3. Imperfect or partial erection of a short duration and subsides before the sexual act is started.
4. Erection does not take place at any time of the day or night or if it occurs, it is very flaccid.
5. Male finishes without causing much excitement in the female and it does not make any difference whether she is satisfied or not.
6. Strong and frequent erection followed by premature ejaculation is a signal for imminent sexual impotence.
7. Penile erection is seldom activated. Very rarely is a few drops of semen discharged.
8. No sexual passion, no erection, no discharge.
9. Semen thin and odourless.
10. Absence of morning erections.
11. Nocturnal discharges without erections or the erections are loose and during dreams it occurs at the mere attempt of kissing, embracing or just during insertion of the penis or before it.
12. Hanging of testicles loose.
13. Immediate softening of erection after seminal emission.

There are also several factors responsible for impotency, such as :

1. Complication of diabetes mellitus.
2. Psychological disturbances e. g. anxieties, worries, fears, etc.
3. Debilitating illnesses e. g. pernicious anæmia, leukæmia, etc.
4. Bad effects of alcoholism, drugs and tobacco.
5. Masturbation and artificial sexual devices.
6. Long continued celibacy.
7. Venereal diseases e. g. syphilis and gonorrhœa.
8. Sexual excesses.
9. Neurological condition e. g. peripheral neuritis, spina bifida, tabes dorsalis, etc.
10. Deficient secretion of testosterone.
11. Repeated radiation through X-ray, cobalt, chemotherapy, etc.
12. Vitamin deficiency.
13. Tumour of the brain, spinal cord and testes.
14. Congenital malformation of the lower portion of spinal cord.
15. Pelvic inflammatory diseases.
16. Vertebral and spinal injury.
17. Obesity.
18. Coitus interruptus.
19. Suppression of sexual desire.
20. Early marriage (Before the age of twenty). Smaller the age, the more unripe the system is.
21. To cohabit with a woman who is much older or of very small age. (Thus a man should marry a girl about six to nine years younger than him. Regarding girls, they should get married only after she has experienced 36 menstrual periods, as advised in the Vedas).
22. Exercising a sexual intercourse in distorted positions.
23. Intercourse just after a full meal or when extremely hungry or when very much tired.
24. Intercourse when one is afflicted with grief and anxiety.
25. Washing of the male organ with cold water just after coition.

The potency of a male can be calculated by the following factors :

1. The distance at which the stream of urine falls when passed with deliberate force.
2. The responsive upward move of the testicles at the time of coughing.
3. The potency of a male is in proportion to the degree of rigidity of erection at the time of a nocturnal emission.
4. Early morning erection of penis with a full bladder is the good evidence of normal physiological and anatomical functioning.
5. A man who has a strong and hard thigh is possessed of strong sexual organs. A man who is unable to walk with his knees straight but keeps them slightly bent due to weakness of the muscles of the thighs, is sure to be weak in sexual vigour.
Young men are emphasized that they should not rely upon short period treatments in the hands of quacks or unqualified doctors and instead they should consult any well qualified homœopaths to win over their problems once for all. One should bear in mind that impotency cannot be cured permanently in a shorter period of time.
It is needless to add that in the market there are several medicines available with great publicity of those products but they are stimulating and if prescribed without first adapting the system for their use produce reverse results. Such medicines produce a temporary stimulation followed by reaction and the user becomes even worse.


The following is the brief description of homœopathic remedies for impotency. Interested persons should study the Author’s Book "Homœopathic Management of Male Sexual Disorders", published by B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd., New Delhi (India), for affluent knowledge and information on various other sexual problems in a much greater details.

Absence of sexual desire and erections with impotency. ----- Camph.
Absence of erections. Impotence. ----- Caust.
Diminished sexual desire with absence of erections. ----- Mag-c.
Entire absence of erections and desire. ----- Nuph.
Feeble erections or none at all. ----- Phos.
Absence of erections, and all sexual desire. ----- Sumb.
Erection absent, when coition is attempted. ----- Arg-n.
Erections absent, even after amorous caresses. ----- Calad.
Erection absent with excitement. ----- Sel.
Weakness or total absence of erections. ----- Lyc.
Flaccidity and relaxation of penis. ----- Prun.
Penis relaxed and shrunken. ----- Cann-i.
Penis relaxed during embrace. ----- Nux-v.
Penis cold and relaxed. ----- Gels., Dios.
Penis remain relaxed during excitement and sexual desire. -- Calad.
Effects of onanism ; face sunken, abashed look ; melancholy ; Nocturnal emissions ; backache, legs weak ; organ relaxed. -- Staph.
Complete impotence. ----- Coloc.
Impotency with mental depression. ----- Calad.
Complete loss of sexual power, testicles atrophied. ----- Iod.
Impotence occasioned by a cold ; preceding diabetes. ----- Mosch.
During coition, feeble erection. Impotence. ----- Sel.
Impotency in elderly men. ----- Lyc.
Impotency with melancholy, loss of memory. ----- Kali-br.
Impotency ; genitals cold, testicles shrunk, penis shrunk and cold with urinary troubles. --- Sabal-s.
An excellent remedy for impotency. Give 5-10 drops a dose thrice daily. ----- Damiana.
Impotency due to masturbation. ----- Calad.
Impotency due to fall or blow. ----- Arn., Hyper.
An excellent remedy for neurasthenic impotency. ----- Yohim.

Any information given in this article is not intended to be taken as a replacement for medical advice. Any person with a condition requiring medical attention should consult a qualified classical homœopath.
The Author of this article is pleased to offer his best services for the treatment of impotency or any other sexual disorders based on classical homœopathy and thus interested persons can get in touch with him by e-mail for further information.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Tip of the day

Three cases by Dr Sultan Mahmood

• The wife of my nephew having 3 months pregnancy reported about uterine cramps and haemorrhage (spotting). She was advised to take complete bed rest with caulophyllum-3X alternated by Viburnum Op-Q 4 times a day. After 3 weeks, the possible threat of miscarriage was averted.

• I had a case of fetus malposition detected after ultrasound report during the 8th month of pregnancy. The gynaecologist declared to the patient for caesarean section. When contacted, she was given Pulsatilla-200 alternated by Caulophyllum-200 for one week and the fetus turned to normal position.

• A patient of Cervical spondylosis was cured by Cimicifuga-200 alternated by Strychninum-30.

Contributed by:
H/Dr. Sultan Mahmood
HillView Avenue,