Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Pioneers on Alternation of Remedies

Pioneers on Alternation of Remedies

· Bryonia is frequently suitable after Ipecac in acute asthma…Dr. Teste.

· Sabadilla follows Bryonia well in Pleurisy and has cured after Aconite and Bryonia failed…. Dr. H. C. Allen.

· Merc Sol, and Sepia after Belladona are most reliable in uterine congestion…. Dr. T. K. Moore.

· If Rhus Tox. fails in lumbago, try Calcarea Fluor…. Dr. Thurston.

· Colocynthis cures colic again and again. Then Kali Carb. steps in to end the trouble…. Dr. T. K. Moore.

· In Pneumonia with pleurisy, one dose of Aconite followed by one dose of Sulphur will frequently give relief…. Dr. J. T. Kent.

· Aconite must be given in all those cases where the patients are almost frantic with pain, which is indescribable, and which Coffea has failed to relieve…. Dr. C. G. Raue.

· Asthma – Arsenicum palliates only – Natrum Sulph saves a day by bringing an improved state of health. Dr. T. K. Moore.

Homeopathic Dr. Sultan Mahmood,

Hill View Avenue, Rawalpindi


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for another news article. Im really excited I was able to find this article, since so many of the blogs Ive been reading have misleading info.