Thursday, June 13, 2024

Allium Cepa and other remedies for Headache

Homeopathy and Headache

Allium cepa

Headache from cold accompanied by sneezing and watery discharges from eyes and nose.


Severe throbbing headache. Face is red and hot. Better in warm room. Headache due to sinus.

Kali bich

Wandering pain in the forehead. The pain is worse in the morning or from any noise. It is better by applying heat or by lying down.

Nux vomica

Headache due to mental tension. Also headache due to constipation, loss of sleep or abuse of coffee/ alcohol. Sedentary lifestyle.


Headache, more near eyes. Due to eyestrain from studying or reading. Pain in eyeballs.


Headache dull and tired, at base of the brain. Patient lies with this head raised upon a high pillow. Pain is worse by moving, lying low, mental work, heat. Headache relieved by passing urine. Headache with feeling of blindness, trembling and weakness.


Violent headache, with flickering before the eyes, or spots of colors. Worse during menses.

Natrum mur

Headache caused due do coughing. Every cough results in pain in the head.

Thanks to Dr Sameera Nasir

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