Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Increase your height with homeopathy

Increase your height with homeopathy

It is seen that short heighten people are always tensed because of their height. Similarly many girls cant get married being short heightened.

First of all it’s necessary to know that why our body growth stops. The growth is not only dependent on hereditary but hormones equally play important role in body's growth. Any imbalance in hormone growth leads to many problems in the body including short heighten.

I have read the many posts regarding increasing height in different forums on internet. Most of the doctors have suggested following

1. Baryta Carb 30
2. Silicia 12x
5. Symphytum Mother Tinc

Many readers were found confused and they consistently inquired about all this prescription.
No doubt, all the respected doctors suggest the medicine according to best of their knowledge and experience. However, as a layman, one can confused easily by all such suggestions.

I would like to share my experience with u here.

Baryta Carb is best medicine for increasing height. I have seen the magic of this medicine many times in my practice. However, I always suggested only one of following three medicines with baryta carb according to the constitution of the patient.

5. Tuberclonium 1M

However as hint, I recommend as per following

- A person with thin body, beautiful structure -one dose of Tuberclonium after 15 day

- A person having tendency to obesity, one dose of Medohhrinum 1 M after 15 days
- A person with dull structure, neither heavy nor slim but not a good looking structure - one dose of Syphlinum 1M once in two we

Note: Exercise is essential with medicines to increase the height. Here is an effective exercise for purpose.


1) Stand straight in relaxing position keeping your both hand on thigh.
2) Take a long breath, keep air in your lungs for maximum time and then release slowly. Do this three times.
3) After 1 minute, pick your both hands up stretching your whole body upward and upward so that your whole body in picked up on your toes.
4) Keep yourself in this position for upto 1-2 minutes and then become down slowly.
5) Do this exercise 3-5 a day. Best time for exercise is 2 hour before or after taking meals and early in the morning.


H/Dr.Muhammad Amin said...

محترم ڈاکٹر نور محمد عاسی صاحب
اسلام و علیکم
جناب آپ کا آرٹیکل ”قد میں اضافہ“بہت ہی جاندار آرٹیکل ہے۔آپ نے اس میں وہ کچھ بتا دیا ہے جو عام ہومیوپیتھ بتانے سے گریز کرتے ہیں
میں نے انہی میڈیسن سے بہت زیادہ اچھے رزلٹ حاصل کئے ہیں
میرا دوائی دینے کا طریقہ ہے
پہلے دنTuber-1mصبح نہار منہ ایک خوراک
ایک دن چھوڑ کر
Baryta Carb-30+Calc Phos-30
Silicia 12x کے اوپر ڈال کر صبح دوپہر شام پندرہ دن تک دیتا ہوں
Symphytum-Q کے 10+10+10 قطرے صبح دوپہر شام
پندرہ دن کے بعد

Thuja-1mایک خوراک صبح نہار منہ
Baryta Carb-200+Calc Phos-200
Silicia 12x کے اوپر ڈال کر صبح دوپہر شام پندرہ دن تک دیتا ہوں
Symphytum-Q کے 10+10+10 قطرے صبح دوپہر شام
اور اللہ تعالیٰ کے کرم سے مریض کا قد ایک انچ تک بڑھ جاتا ہے
اسی طرح
انشا اللہ مایوسی نہیں ہوا کرتی۔
شکریہ۔اگر کسی ہومیوپیتھک کو میری کسی بات پر اعتراض ہے تو میں معذرت خواہ ہوں۔اور وہ مجھے ان ادویات سے باہر قد میں اضافہ کرکے دیکھائیں

Dr Noor said...

Thanks Dr Amin...
For valuable comments...and also for sharing your practical knowledge..

This is blog for sharing knowledge on homeopathy... and Sharing of i believe.. always enhance your knowlege..
Knowledge is wealth...only of its kind of wealth on the earch which increases when you share it with others..

azhar said...

hi dr. noor
i am 20 years old , can i still grow? i am 5'7 right now and weight 150 pounds. height varies in my family, some are average and some are tall. my brother used to be smaller than me but he hanged on bar and stretched and he also grew after his teen age. he is 5'11 now, i would be happy to have that. i am active in sports, running and i am a swimmer. tell me what should i do?
i have read about medicine but there are so many kind of numbers on it and i am really confused what to buy. can you plz tell me exactly which one i should buy and how often to take it?
i would really appreciate ur help sir god bless you

Dr Noor said...

please send me more details about u.
past history of major diseases, medication, you likes, dislikes, appetite, thirst, style of living, your location, sleep, mind, thoughts, mood,body structure etc.

azhar said...

thank you for your reply sir.
i used to et sick alot when i was a kid and had some breathing problem, my lips used to get purple when i ran but doctor said that it will get better as i grow older. other than that no major disease. sometimes i think alot for stuff like school and work, i like to be outside have fun, i was 4'11 when 15 then i started swimming and hanging and raised my height to 5'4. rite now i am 5'7, my body structure is athletic, regular swimming and running. i moved to usa since 4 years, iam from karachi. i drink lots and lots of water, around 4 liters a day. i go to sleep early at around 10 or 11 and wake up early, get about 8 hours of sleep,i get mad really easy. ask me anythin else that i am missing.
thank you very much sir.

azhar said...

am i missing anything sir?
thank you

Dr Noor said...

What about your breathing problem?
Is this still there or return after a gap? if yes, in which conditions, weather ( wet, cloudy, hot, stormy etc)

Do your parents had any major diseases?

azhar said...

i dont have any more problems with breathing.
my parents also dont have any major diseases.
thank you

Dr Noor said...

Take only one dose of tuberclonium 1m (3 drops in one cup of fresh water) - empty stomach

From next day start baryta carb 30 c ( 3 drops in fresh water ) three times a day regularly - empty stomach.

do strechting exercise as mentioned in my post above.

Keep in touch with me. Report after one week.

azhar said...

thank you very much for the time you taking out for me. i dont know how to thank you for that.
sir, actually i will have to order it online from abc homeopathy, and they sold out tuberclonium and i cant find it anywhere else. i already ordered baryta carb 30c and will hopfully recieve it in couple of days. thank you

Dr Noor said...

I feel pleasure to help you. I pray may Allah bless you the shifa.

azhar said...

thank you very much sir

azhar said...

i have few more questions sir.
is there any other place besides abc homeopathy to buy remedies? and since tuberculinum is not in stock should i order any other medicine or just take baryta carb 30c?
will swimming or running help me in height?
thank you again sir

Dr Noor said...

In USA there are many place where u can buy Tuberclonium 1m. However, if not available, start taking baryta carb.

Just search google for "homeopathy stores in usa"

azhar said...

ok thank you. when do men stop growing? is t 20 years good age to take these remedies?
thank you

Dr Noor said...

20 is not a good age, i know.
I shall advise you to take medicine with confidence. Homeopathy is the science of miracles.

azhar said...

lets hope for the best
thank you sir

azhar said...

sir i recieved baryta carb 30c. i have started taking it. on the bottle it says 10 drops, 3 times a day. and you said 3 drops, what should i follow?
and should i order any other medicines mentioned above in the post, or the routine Dr.Amin wrote above?
thank you very much sir

Dr Noor said...

Dear Azhar
the quantity of medicine not matters in homeopathy. However, repetition of dose matters.

for your satisfaction, you can follow the dose as directed by the company.

Dr Noor said...

You can contact Dr Amin through mail at following address

azhar said...

thank you very much sir again for your time.
i am taking it regularly 3 times a day. when should i report to you?

Dr Noor said...

Report after one week of taking medicines

azhar said...

sir its been about a week now since i am taking baryta carb 30c regularly.

Dr Noor said...

What progress has been witnessed.

azhar said...

i dont see any progress yet, i think it will take more time. i am taking baryta carb 30c regularly 3 times a day, hanging on a bar to stretch and swimming.
do you advice anything else sir?
thank you

Dr Noor said...

please contact me via email...

azhar said...

sir i sent you email yesterday.
just making sure you recieved it

Dr Noor said...

sorry, i haven't recieved your mail. please contact again at following

Anonymous said...

Dr. Muhammad Noor I am 18 years old and my height is only 5'5" and it really hurts my confidence and I am always made fun of by friends and others. Is there anyway I can gain 3-4 inches of height?


Gaurav said...

sir,i am 19/m. I have been taking -Silicea 12X and Baryta carb 200C daily since 4 months . During first month i experienced height increase of about 1 cm but now i am not experiencing any change .

On the other hand, i used to be a very sound sleeper but now i experience restlessness at night on the days i take baryta carb and silicea . Should i change my medicines or should i stop taking them ?

Gaurav said...

sir , i have a thin body structure.i even have anxiety disorders .hope that helps u in giving new medicines .

Dr Noor said...

Response sent via email..

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

hello dr. iam ankit and 20 year old male .... my height is 5'11 but i want it to be 6'2 or above.... as iam going for modelling .therefore tell me which medicine and dosage shou'd i take .plzz reply soon it's my carrer related.

Ash said...

Aoa Doctor.
1. Are these medicines available at all the homeopathic stores or do i need to visit a certain store for getting them?
2. In what quantity should these medicines be taken and how often?

P.S My height is 4 feet 11 and I will turn 17 this November.

Anonymous said...

from where i purchase these it easily available on homoeopathic store

utkarsh singh said...

Hi sir,
This is Utkarsh,20 years old boy.I read your article on homeopathy
medicines.I've some doubts regarding that.I've five questions to ask
1.In your article you mentioned, 'Baryta Carb 200;take the medicine
wih sugar tablets or take the mother tinqture ( Q) directly by mixing
water'.I wish to know what is mother tincture and how do I take bartya
carb 200 with mother tincture?
2.You also mentioned, 'take one dose of Baryta Carb 200 in the early
morning with empty stomach even before a brush'.How much does one dose
of bartya carb 200 mean?
3.You said, 'maintain a gap of atleast half an hour before and after
taking the medicine'.I didn't understand this,what type of gap should
I maintain?Do you mean to say I shouldn't eat anything half an hour
before and after taking the medicine?
4.You told to take these medicines thrice a day.Is there any specific
time to take these medicines,like before the meal or after the meal?
5.How much time interval should I maintain between taking both these
medicines(bartya carb 200 and silicea 12x)?Should I take these one
after the other?
My body details are:
Weight:63 kg
Age:20 years
Please reply as soon as possible.Waiting for your reply.


Anonymous said...

Sir I am 15 years old and my height is 5'5 and i want to increase my height so can i use "baryta Carb 200" and "silicea 12x" mecdicines to increase my height?? And if not so tell me some medioine to increase my height??

Dr Noor said...

send me email with detail for best suggestion.

Anonymous said...

sir i am 22 years old
height 5,2
weight 53 kg
i am taking baryta carb 200 and silicea 12x
daily i do strecthing swimming and hanging
how much i can grow

Anonymous said...

sir i am 22 years old
height 5,2
weight 53 kg
i am taking baryta carb 200 and silicea 12x
daily i do strecthing swimming and hanging
how much i can grow

Unknown said...

hi doctor i want to ask a question that doctor told me to take baryta carb 30 and kaliphos 12x to increase height. is it true that these medicine can increase height?

haifa said...

sir i want to ask that where i can find these medicines in pakistan?

haifa said...

sir i want to ask that where i can find baryta 200 in pakistan? plz rep asap

محمداسلم فہیم said...

کہیں سے گھومتا گھماتا آپ کے بلاگ پر آنکلا
خوبصورت معلومات پر مبنی بلاگ کیلئے مبارکباد قبول کیجئے کوشش ہو گی معلومات میں اضافے کیلئے آپ کے بلاگ کا چکر لگتا رہے
اگر کمنٹ کرنے کو "ورڈویریفکیشن" کو ختم کر دیں تو ہم جیسے بہتوں کا بھلا ہو جائے گا

محمداسلم فہیم said...

کہیں سے گھومتا گھماتا آپ کے بلاگ پر آنکلا
خوبصورت معلومات پر مبنی بلاگ کیلئے مبارکباد قبول کیجئے کوشش ہو گی معلومات میں اضافے کیلئے آپ کے بلاگ کا چکر لگتا رہے
اگر کمنٹ کرنے کو "ورڈویریفکیشن" کو ختم کر دیں تو ہم جیسے بہتوں کا بھلا ہو جائے گا

محمداسلم فہیم said...

کہیں سے گھومتا گھماتا آپ کے بلاگ پر آنکلا
خوبصورت معلومات پر مبنی بلاگ کیلئے مبارکباد قبول کیجئے کوشش ہو گی معلومات میں اضافے کیلئے آپ کے بلاگ کا چکر لگتا رہے
اگر کمنٹ کرنے کو "ورڈویریفکیشن" کو ختم کر دیں تو ہم جیسے بہتوں کا بھلا ہو جائے گا

Anonymous said...

Salam dr noor sir....i buy baryta carb 200 and sillicea 12x for height but without any docter so please give me that how the eating procedure ...thanx

hamziiiii said...

AOA ! sir mai baryta iodata and baryta carb 200 le rha hn,,
dosage ka tareeka : baryta iodata din m 5+5+5+5
and baryta carb 200 , har 3 din m kixi bhi tym 5 katray!
keya yeh dosage theek hai ? please mujhe bata dejeyega zaror zaror zaRORR..
MY HEIGHT is 5,7 and i wanna increase it. bss mujhe acha lagta h apney apko ek acha , sehat mand , lamba choora dekhna..! kindly reply ASAP
fb url :
contact no : 923412625013
just msg he kr k bta den!

Anonymous said...

I'am 19+ and I'am slim and weigh 45kgs and only 4ft 11inches tall...I want to grow atleast 4 inches... Please sir prescribe me the dosage for Baryta Carb 30 and Silicia 12x.

my-mobile-photography said...

Slam sir..sir my age is 18 or height is 5.5inch mn apni height increase krna chahya hon with homeophetic plz muga medicine wagera or lana ka tariaa bata dan bht thnx ho ga

Unknown said...

Assalam o alikum Doctor. I am 28 years old. Height is 5'6" . Can my height be increased? I have no any serious medical history.

Unknown said...

Sir i'm a girl of 23 years old..... my height is just 4ft and 11 inches I want to get a little bit more taller at least 5ft and 2 inches and I'm taking bartya carbonica 200 ch and silicea 200 ch for 3 months but no affect has been shown regarding my height. .... can u pls tell me can i have hope to increase my height anymore. ..... pls pls...×10000 reply sir on email I.D..... ASAP...... my email id is

Anonymous said...

Hello Sir,
I'm Ramsha, 19 years old, have a weight of 68kgs and my height is 5'4. What composition do you suggest?
Here in Pakistan, i use baryta carb 200 3 times a day and then a med called Five Phos compund 6X for the following week. Kindly suggest me is this the right combination or do i have to take the ones mentioned above only?

Anonymous said...

I am 22 and i want to increase my hight at least 4 to 5 inches now my hight is 5.2 inches and weight varies from 52 to 55.... please sir help me medicine with amount of dose

Anonymous said...

A very helpful article, indeed. But my question is where can I get these supplements from in Karachi? I'll be highly obliged if you can tell me a suitable place to buy these from. Thank you.

Unknown said...

hello aoa doctor m.Noor Asi, i m 23 years old my height is hardly 5 feet and weight is 55kg.plz suggest me good medicine that can actually help me at this age....plzzz i want to increase my height atleast 1 or 2 inch...kindly reply me with ur sincere suggestions,i m waiting for your reply

Aiesh said...

I am 20 years old and my height is 4'11 i really suffer from my short height:( please sir suggest me what shud i do to increase my height..i would be happy if it even increases to 5'5 please suggest me

Unknown said...

Sir i bought this baryta carb 30 in tablet form kindly suggest me that it works or i buy liquid form n kindly tell that how i can take this

Unknown said...

Sir i bought this baryta carb 30 in tablet form kindly suggest me that it works or i buy liquid form n kindly tell that how i can take this

Unknown said...

Sir i bought this baryta carb 30 in tablet form kindly suggest me that it works or i buy liquid form n kindly tell that how i can take this

Unknown said...


my name is rimi .. i am 26 years old. my height is almost 5"2 and wan to increase 4 inch. i read a blog few medicines can do ti like - 1. Baryata carb 30 / Baryta Carb 200 with Symphytum Q 10 drops thrice in a day , 2. Silicea 6x 4 tab thrice in a day for 6 month

i have query that is
1. is it possible to increase 4-5 inch
2. how to take above medicines and when( timing - day / night, before food or after or empty stomach) and how much quantity like 10 ml / 30 ml / and 10 drop or 3 drop ..

Unknown said...

How can i take it after food or befor

Unknown said...

The dosage of takin barytacarb and silicea etc