Showing posts with label Home treatment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Home treatment. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Best Home Remedies for cold and flu


Home Remedies for cold and flu

 With the onset of winter, many people experience colds, flu, allergies and sneezing, causing watery eyes and noses, headaches and sore throats. The following techniques and remedies are useful in all these symptoms.

 1- Drink fish oil, a small spoon daily after breakfast for thirty days. Give infants three drops three times a day.

2- Eat a handful of roasted chickpeas daily, they are useful and effective for getting rid of colds and allergies.

3- In case of runny nose, sneezing and allergy symptoms, drink 2 spoons of olive oil with lukewarm milk before going to bed, massage on the forehead and outer nose. Apply olive oil on the inner surface of the nose as well.

Friday, July 10, 2020



Arnica is the Homeopathic aspirin. It is the first remedy to think of in any injury, because is treats pain and shock. If the accident is particularly severe, Aconite may be indicated also to treat the shock or fear associated with the injury, before Arnica is given.
Arnica is also known as the sportsman's remedy because of its usefulness in treating pain associated with muscle strain.
For bumps and bruises, Arnica ointments are available in pharmacies and they can be used directly on the spot. It is useful to take Arnica internally as well, to promote healing.
If the spot bruised, hit or crushed is in a nerve rich area, (like fingers, toes, mouth or anus) Hypericum should be used, especially if the pain is throbbing and radiating. Hypericum is often indicated for a fall on the spine or coccyx.
When the head has been injured and headaches persist, Natrum sulphuricum should be thought of.

When the skin has been broken, Arnica ointment should not be applied. Calendula ointment is used instead to promote repair of the skin. Again, Arnica can be taken internally, as well as Calendula to promote the body's healing capacity.
If the cut is made with a sharp knife, or if it is deep, Staphysagria is a good remedy to prevent scarring.
Calendula mother tincture can be put in bath water to help heal cuts in hard to reach areas. You can soak a wound this way or even make a spray solution to apply to wounds.
Hypericum should again be thought of for fingers and toes and that searing, throbbing pain associated with such wounds.

Ledum is the #1 remedy for puncture wounds and is usually given first. It is considered a preventative against tetanus which can result from such wounds.
After Ledum, or if the Ledum stage was missed, Hypericum follows well and is used often the beginning signs of tetanus have appeared (red streak from wound towards body and shooting pain).
Again Staphysagria can be used if the puncture is quite deep.

Arnica is the first remedy to use for a wound to the eye, especially if the eyeball is injured or if the soft tissue around the eye is bruised.
Aconite is also used for injury to the eye, especially is a foreign object is imbedded there and the patient is fearful.
For blunt injury to the eye which causes headaches, symphytum is the remedy of choice and can even heal long lasting, chronic ailments following a blow to the eye.
Ruta is a good remedy for acute eye strain.

Arnica is again the first remedy to consider in cases of sprain, externally and internally, as it alleviates pain and causes the reabsorption of blood which accumulates in the soft tissues when blood vessels are broken in an accident.
The second remedy to consider for sprains is Ruta gravoelens. It is used to treat injury to connective tissue, tendons and periosteum which are characterized by stiffness.
For less severe sprains which leave a sensation of stiffness on first motion, Rhus tox. is the primary remedy. Rhus will continue the healing after Arnica has been used to reduce the swelling of an injury.
Bryonia is used when the former remedies cannot completely heal a sprain and the injury is worse from any motion.

Again with any accident Arnica is given first for pain and swelling, Aconite as well if the patient is very frightened, which can often be the case with a fracture.
When a fracture is suspected, this must first be verified by XRay. Once the fracture is set, Symphytum is the remedy to repair the fracture.. Bryonia is used for fractured ribs and should be considered if a fracture remains painful after administering other remedies. Calc. phos. can also be used in slowhealing fractures.
Ruta is used more for injuries to the periosteum and to the knee, shin, or elbow. Ruta can be taken before and after XRays to minimize side effects.

Bee stings are treated with Apis (redness, burning, swelling, sticking pains) as well as for allergic reactions, hives, with the same characteristics.
Ledum is used to treat mosquito, black fly, and sand flea bites. It can be taken internally at 200C or as an ointment externally to relieve itching.
Arnica is used more to treat wasp stings.
Hypericum is used to treat more painful bites such as those of moose flies or deer flies, which remove a chunk of skin
The bites of snakes or other animals are usually treated like puncture wounds.
Staphysagria is also used for insect bites which itch excessively and create large welts. It can be taken preventively to reduce the number of bites when you know that you will be exposed.

Silicea is the primary remedy for ejecting splinters or any foreign object trapped under the skin. If Silicea is not successful, and the splinter is very sensitive, Hepar sulph 30 will do the job.
For boils, Belladonna can be given before pus forms, when the boil is very red, hot, painful and shiny.
When a boil is extremely sensitive and feels like there is a stick under the skin, Hepar sulph. Is again useful. Silica can be used acutely or constitutionally to treat boils which develop from every little injury.
When a child develops crop of angry-looking boils, especially on the buttocks, Sulphur is often the remedy.

For minor scalding or sunburn Calendula tincture or gel can be applied externally. It can also help in treating scars from previous burns. A red hot sunburn can be relieved with Belladonna.
Cantharis can be used internally or externally or both for more serious burns. A bad sunburn with blistering calls for Cantharis.
Causticum is used only internally for second degree burns.
Urtica urens is also a good remedy for first degree burns, especially if they sting.

Before a trip to the dentist, or any other medical procedure, if you are fearful, take Aconite 200C, you will be surprised how calm you can become.
Arnica should be taken before and after any procedure to minimize shock and help to heal bruising.
Hypericum should be taken after an operation in a nerve rich area of the body. It helps to repair traumatized nerve tissue.
For incisions, Staphysagria is indispensable. It is usually given in a single dose after an operation. It also helps to cope with feelings of invasion which often follow surgical intervention of any kind.
For the side effects of anaesthetics, such as nausea, confusion and other discomforts, Phosphorus is the choice remedy. It can be given repeatedly until the unpleasant symptoms subside.
For injections, either vaccinations or for local or general anaesthesia, Ledum can counter the shock to the system. (Puncture wound)

Nux vomica is the universal homeopathic cleanser and is usually administered in 200C potency once after a one-time exposure to toxic substances, such as medication or obnoxious fumes, or overindulgence in stimulants. If a person is more consistently exposed to toxic substances, sometimes Nux, along with a homeopathic dilution of the substance itself can be used on a regular basis to counteract long-term ill-effects.
When specific traumas are identified as blocking healing, specific corresponding homeopathic remedies can be used in sequential ascending doses to clear out the system. The ensuing reaction is termed at "cleansing" or "healing" reaction.

Often the most powerful blockages to healing can be longheld and unexpressed emotional traumas. It is a good idea to treat these emotions before they become a serious problem for the health of the individual.

FEAR: The first line remedy for fear is Aconite. A generalized anxiety can be treated with Aconite 30C, whereas a more specific frightening event can be treated immediately with Aconite 200C even before the onset of symptoms if the severity of the fright warrants it.
GRIEF: When a person suffers a loss, of a dear friend, pet, or loved one, Ignatia is the firstaid remedy. Ignatia can safely be given as high as 1M, but a lower potency will do, although it may have to be repeated.

ANGER: Staphysagria is the remedy for anger and resentment and it can be used to treat both immediate and longerterm instances. If a person experiences a deep humiliation, invasion of privacy or violation, Staphysagria can prevent that emotion from taking hold and coloring their whole perspective on life. Suppressed anger can lead to a number of physical ailments, particularly targeting mainly the digestive tract and liver, but can also result in tension headaches. Chamomilla is the remedy most often given to children when they experience stomach upset or other symptoms after a fit of anger or tantrum. Other remedies which are for symptoms following anger are Colocynthis (abdominal pain, headache, neuralgia > bending double, pressure) and Nux vom. (stomach pains> warmth, warm drinks, bending backwards)

Monday, October 31, 2011

Winter Season and Homeopathy - Coughs


Aconite 30c- Sudden onset often after exposure to cold air. Dry croupy cough with runny nose and sneezing. Irritation of respiratory tract, hoarseness/dryness of throat. Worse: cold dry winds, talking and deep breathing. Better: lying on back. 

Ant Tart 30c - Noisy, rattling, loose cough as if chest full of mucus. Young children or elderly with cough too weak to expel the mucus. Worse: night, especially from 10 pm until after midnight, lying flat, eating. Better sitting up and after expectoration 

Bryonia 30c - Dry hacking cough in the evening and night without sputum. Spasmodic cough shaking the whole body, pain in the head an abdomen from coughing, better for holding the painful part. Dryness of all air passages with thirst. Worse: movement, deep breathing, lying in bed. Better: fresh air and for pressure of painful part. 

Causticum 30c - Cough with raw, sore feeling in chest. Hollow, hard, dry cough from tickling in throat pit. Expectoration not easy to cough up and slips back down the throat. Worse: lying down, talking and bending head forward. Better: cold drinks 

Winter Season and Homeopathy -Sore Throats


Aconite 30c - Sudden onset of sore throat after exposure to cold or cold dry winds. High fever, flushed face with restlessness or anxiety. Pharynx and tonsils bright red without pus, burning and mildly swollen. Painful swallowing though intensely thirsty for cold drinks. 

Apis 30c - Redness and swelling of mucous membranes. Dirty grey covering of throat with or without ulcers on tonsils. Swelling of uvula. Stinging or stitching pains. Worse: warmth and warm drinks. Better: cold applications
Belladonna 30c - No 1 remedy for sore throats with sudden onset. Bright red, inflamed angry looking throat. Swollen glands. Dry burning heat, flushed face with fever. Burning with pain extending to right ear when swallowing. Neck tender to touch. Worse: swallowing, talking, cold air, touch. Better: sitting up in bed.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Tip of the day

Respiratory Infections and Homeopathy

Respiratory infections are now a day’s common problem.
The question is why?
Besides other factors, this is true that the overall health of our immune systems is getting worse with each generation. The formal doctors are suggesting antibiotic without any hesitation in almost all cases of respiratory infections. This is converting the problem more complicated. Every one knows that the antibiotics are weakening the resistance/defense system of human body generation by generation.

What to do?
The answer is Homeopathy.
Homeopathy is the blessing for humanity and this could play a major role in the treatment of respiratory infections and the prevention of this epidemic. There are numerous medicines that can be used to restore and strengthen the immune system which are prescribed on the basis of matching symptoms with that of a patient.The homeopathic medicines restore the immune system gently and without damaging or weakening it.

I am giving here a very short list of commonly used medicines for respiratory infection especially in children. Please select the most matching remedy after consulting the material medica.

Justicia adhatoda 30C: Very effective for infections in the respiratory tract. Cough worse from a warm room,feeling of heaviness and tightness in the chest.

Sambucus nigra 30C: an other amazing remedy, bronchitis leading to suffocation cough at night. The patient rise up with the difficulty in breathing, a child becomes blue.

Pulsatilla 30C: Thick discharge of mucus, cough, a patient with tendency to weeping easily .Throws off the covers at night. No or very little thirst.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Tip of the day

Haemorrhage and Homeopathy

Haemorrhage is a term used for bleeding (especially severe bleeding) from any part of the human body. This bleeding may be due to different causes.

Homeopathy offers a wide range of remedies for haemorrhage. The major remedies used for haemorrhage are :-

1. Ipecac : Dr Kent has regarded this medicine best for bleeding.

2.Phosphorus: A great medicine in haemorrhage. This very effective in all types of bleeding. Bleeding after birth of baby.

3.Scale Cor: Patient with thin body , hot, tendency of bleeding from vagina, blood thin and of black color , clotted

4. Millifolium : Bleeding of all types

5. Belladona : Red fresh blood

Friday, June 5, 2009

Tip of the day

Menstrual Pain in teenager

Menses are the natural process in females. However, some teenagers are faced with menstrual cramps/pain and they find it difficult to take part in the normal school activities. In this situation they are advised to consult doctor for individual based specific medicine. Homeopathy offers a wide range of effective medicine for the above problem.
Here are three medicines very helpful in the above situation.
Magnesia phos- if heat relieves the pain
Colocynthis- if pressure on the painful area gives relief,
Chamomilla- if the girl tends to be weepy and cranky during menstruation

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Tip of the day

Abies Nigra- A wonderful homeopathy medicine for Stomach

Abies NigraOne of the major remedy for stomach. It is also most confirm remedy for a person with large appetite, tendency to overeat at noon or at night. No appetite in the morning. The patient feels dull during day, unable to think.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Increase your height with homeopathy

Increase your height with homeopathy

It is seen that short heighten people are always tensed because of their height. Similarly many girls cant get married being short heightened.

First of all it’s necessary to know that why our body growth stops. The growth is not only dependent on hereditary but hormones equally play important role in body's growth. Any imbalance in hormone growth leads to many problems in the body including short heighten.

I have read the many posts regarding increasing height in different forums on internet. Most of the doctors have suggested following

1. Baryta Carb 30
2. Silicia 12x
5. Symphytum Mother Tinc

Many readers were found confused and they consistently inquired about all this prescription.
No doubt, all the respected doctors suggest the medicine according to best of their knowledge and experience. However, as a layman, one can confused easily by all such suggestions.

I would like to share my experience with u here.

Baryta Carb is best medicine for increasing height. I have seen the magic of this medicine many times in my practice. However, I always suggested only one of following three medicines with baryta carb according to the constitution of the patient.

5. Tuberclonium 1M

However as hint, I recommend as per following

- A person with thin body, beautiful structure -one dose of Tuberclonium after 15 day

- A person having tendency to obesity, one dose of Medohhrinum 1 M after 15 days
- A person with dull structure, neither heavy nor slim but not a good looking structure - one dose of Syphlinum 1M once in two we

Note: Exercise is essential with medicines to increase the height. Here is an effective exercise for purpose.


1) Stand straight in relaxing position keeping your both hand on thigh.
2) Take a long breath, keep air in your lungs for maximum time and then release slowly. Do this three times.
3) After 1 minute, pick your both hands up stretching your whole body upward and upward so that your whole body in picked up on your toes.
4) Keep yourself in this position for upto 1-2 minutes and then become down slowly.
5) Do this exercise 3-5 a day. Best time for exercise is 2 hour before or after taking meals and early in the morning.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Tip of the day

Rattlesnake poison- Very Prominent symptoms of Crotalus horridus

Haemorrhages - blood flows from every orifice.
Malignant jaundice, Apoplexy.
Blood decomposition.
More right sided in action.

Agrav: Right side, Open air, spring, on awaking.
Amel: Heat

Monday, May 18, 2009

Tip of the day

Anemia and Homeopathy

In case of anemia due to menstrual disturbance, use any of the following medicines as per patient’s symptoms with confidence and observe the amazing results

Puls, Cyclamen, Ferrum Met, Kali Carb, Calc Carb, Graphites and Nat Mur

Tip of the day

Anxiety and Homeopathy

Here is a list of some specific remedies used for anxiety. The prominent symptoms with regards to anxiety has been mentioned. For further detail please consult material medica.

Anxiety with a lack of confidence.

Nervousness/ fear of appearing in public or a forthcoming event. Ambitious people with high standards and a high opinion of themselves.
Arsen. alb

Note: The Arsen.alb patients are very neat and believe in perfectness. When ill, they don’t expect to get better,chilly and feel better from warmth.

Anxiety relieved by encouragement/sympathetic support. Anxiety is due to over work.

Note: Phosphorus patients are very affectionate and vibrant in normal life. However, when ill develop many fears.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Tip of the day

Liver affections and Homeopathy

A patient with liver affection and feeling pain under the right scapula should be prescribed CHELIDONIUM. It is almost specific remedy in such condition.
Suggested potency 6- 30

Tip of the day

Children Diarrhea and Homeopathy

The children who get diarrhea from eggs require homeopathic medicine CHININUM ARSENICOSUM. Use with full confidence.

Suggested potency 30

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Tip of the day

Gray/white hair at early age (premature leukotrichia) and Homeopathy

Gray/white hair at early age is common problem. There are many medicines available in the market to solve the problem.

Homeopathy offers very effective medicines not only for routine cases (not associated with any chronic disease) as well as for chronic cases.

A patient with white/gray hair due to some chronic problem should consult a homeopath, however for normal routine case following is very effective medicine.

Kalium Phos 200, 5 drops in cup of water daily at night.

Daily massage your hair with Jaborandi hair oil of any patent company.

Tip of the day

Get rid of spectacles with tissue salts

Eyesight weakness and use of spectacle is common now a day. I have used the following tissue salts in many patients of weak eyesight using spectacles. Now they are free glasses.

The details are below:

Ist day Calcarea Flour 6X, 3-4 tabs 4 times a day

2nd day Silicia 6X 3-4 tabs 4 times a day

Use these medicines as suggested above for a long time.

Note:A patient of weak eyesight with chronic disease (s) should consult an experienced homeopath.

Thanks to: Dr Khan Saeed Jadoon

Turbela - Pakistan

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Tip of the day

Sciatica pain and emergency homeopathic combinations

Some patients with acute Sciatica Pain require urgent medicines. Here are two combinations to cope with the situation.

Combination 1: Mag Phos , Kali Phos , Kali Carb ( all in 6x Potency)

Combination 2: Gnaphalium, colocynths, Rhustox ( all in 30 potency)

Use alternately both above combinations 3 times a day or till relief. Very effective and proven combinations for acute cases.
For chronic cases, please advise only single medicine in the light of totality of symptoms

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Tip of the day

Homeopathy for Constipation

Here is short list homeopathic medicine very effective in acute and chronic cases of constipation. Please consult material medica for detailed description of these medicines.


Constipation due to dryness and inactivity of the intestines. Stools accumulate but great difficulty in evacuating stools, no desire. Strains to pass the stool - clay-like stools sticks to the rectum.


Dryness of membranes in the intestine causes problems. There is no desire to pass stools. Hard and dry stools (like burnt). Headache due to constipation - worse on moving the head.


Hard stools which are lumpy and joined together by strands - slimy threads. Strains to pass them. Patient is relieved by drinking hot milk. Skin problems - itch,burning.

Nux vomica

Constipation due to mental strain or leading a sedentary life. Constipation due to abuse of alcohol or coffee. Frequent desire to pass stools, but is ineffectual, nothing comes out. Sensitive nature of patient. Worse in cold weather.
Silica Stools retained in the intestine. Great straining but stools which come out of the rectum recedes back. Patient has to remove them with fingers. Prefers warm weather but likes cold.


Constipation accompanied by severe pain in the abdomen, mainly in the region of the liver. Loss of appetite, does not eat well.

Note: Some doctors suggest Nux Vom at night and Sulpher in the morning one dose daily. This produces good results in many cases.

Tip of the day

Depression and Homeopathy

Homeopathy offers a large range of medicines for depression based on totally of symptoms. For acute cases, following is suggested.

Depression from grief Ignatia 30
- with loss of self-worth Aurum Met 30
- for when your cells just need a boost Calcium Phos 6X
- with lack of energy Nat Mur 6X
- emotional, tearful Pulsatilla 30
- with health problems Staphysagria 30

Thanks to: Dr Kamal Masood