Monday, October 19, 2009

Tip of the day

Homeopathy and Eye Problem Part 24

It is the opacity in crystalline lens of the eyes, or of its capsule, causing partial or total blindness. It is generally considered incurable by the administration of internal remedies. But there are cases on record, cured under Homeopathic treatment. The disease however being very poor in symptoms, the selection of homeopathic remedies adapted to the different forms of cataract is undoubtedly very difficult. The disease can hardly be removed in old people, by internal remedies. However, the treatment can eradicate the disease in young patients, prognosis being more favorable the younger a patient and the less advanced the malady.


When dependent upon uterine disorders and climaxis or hepatic affections.

Suggested Medicine:



From suppression of foot-sweat, Defective nutrition and after inflammation of eyes.
Suggested Medicine:

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Tip of the day

Homeopathy and Eye Problem Part 23


Obscuration of the crystalline lens (cataract), From left to right, Previous disposition to furuncles.
Suggested Medicine:
Mag carb


Cataracta virinis, Granular (fatty) cataract with arcus senilis, of young persons.
Suggested Medicine:

Friday, October 16, 2009

Acne and its homeopathic treatment

ACNE and its Homeopathic Treatment

The pimpled face of adolescence is so common that it could almost be thought of as normal, four out of five teenagers suffer from acne to some degree, but the majority grows out of, in the meantime, there are preventive measures and treatment which can ease the problem. The mixture of blackheads. Whiteheads and pink or reddish spots caused by Acne Vulgar is occurs mostly on the face, the back of the neck, found in the armpits and on the buttocks, too.


Acne affects young people of both sexes but tends to be more common in boys. It starts in adolescence because this is when there is great increase in the production of hormones from the sex. Organs and from the adrenal glands. These hormones are chemical messengers. Carried by the blood and transform a child into a sexually mature adult. Under their influence, and posticullarly that of the androgeus, or “Masculimzing” hormones, the oil-releasing sebaceous glands in the skin, which normally produce just enough oil or sebum to keep the skin healthily suppley, become overactive. They release too much sebum, causing a condition called “seborrhea”. The female hormones particularly estrogen, have the reverse effect, which explains-at least in part-why girls are generally less prone to acne than boy’s.


Blackheads, accompanied the pink or reddish inflammation which they cause, are the hallmark of acne. It was once thought that the bacteria that naturally thrive on sebum, particularly two called staphylococcus albus and bacillus acnes, were the underlying cause of the acne, but they are now know to be the cause of the inflammation, not the ace itself. In response to the presence of bacteria, which multiply in the blackhead, the blood vessels expend to bring more infection-fighting cells to the site this is the inflammatory reaction. As a secondary effect of ace, the bacterial infection may lead to the development of pimples, which are spots filled with dead white cells and bacteria, or pus. This infection usually only becomes severs, involving the formation of larger boils or abscesses, if the deeper skin tissues become bruised and damaged as a
result of squeezing the blackheads to release the “Core” of sebum plugged usually clears up with in about a week, but if secondary infection sets in it may take a month or more.

How to Fight Your Acne.


• Greasy hair oils or cosmetics.
• Leaving makeup on overnight or leave it off completely.
• Applying creams to dirty skin so that bacteria are pushed into the pores.
• Eating any foods that seem to cause spots.

Try To:

• Wash affected areas several times a day with medicated soap and hot water.
• Wash hair often, wear it off the face and reasonably short.
• Keep combs, brushes and face flannels clean and grease free.
• Get as much sunshine as you possibly can.


SULPHUR: Is perhaps the remedy most often indicated in this affection, especially if chronic. The skin is rough and hard and the Acne is associated with comedones and constipation; great aggravation from water is the characteristic leading to sulphur in skin affections. The acne punctata is the variety corresponding most nearly to sulphur iodide.

SANGOINARIA: Is another useful remedy in Acne, especially in women with scanty menses and irregular circulation of blood. Other remedies for acne dependent on sexual disturbance of women are Calcarea Carbonica and Aurum Muriatium Natrum.

KALI BROMATUM: Produces acne on the face, neck and shoulders. We frequently find acne in epileptics who have been maltreated by bromides. The remedy is especially adapted to the acne simplex and the acne indurate, especially in hyperacsthetic hervous females, and the late Dr. Martin discharge loudly praised. Since Kali Bromatum has been found a useful remedy in sexual excesses it will be specially a remedy in acne due to that cause. Dr. J.H.Clark sys “I know of on remedy of such universal usefulness in cases of simple acne as Kali Bromatum 30 x And the late Dr.A.M.Cushing recommended Arsenicum Bromatum 4x as very efficacious Thuja is one of our best remedies for acne facial is. Calcarea Picrata is also a useful remedy for Acne; clinically it has been found one of the food remedies. Calcarea Sulphurica is indicated where the pimples suppurate.

ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM: Small red pimples on face, acne in drunkards with gastric derangements, thirst-coated tongue, Antimonium Tairtaricum obstinate cases, with tendency to postulation, are curable with this remedy. Berberis Aquifolium is useful where the skin rough and the acne persistent.

Natrum Muriaticum: Acts especially on the sebaceous glands and is a very helpful remedy in acne. In this affection attention must be directed especially to the patient’s type, temperament and tendencies and the general symptoms are for more important than the local ones.

Article by: Dr Muhammad Asif Nayyar
Gulshan e Iqbal

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Tip of the day

Homeopathy and Eye Problem Part 22


Scrofulous individuals, Sensation of coldness in the eyes, Constitutional symptoms of the remedy e.g. cold damp feet, disposed to grow fat, take cold readily, head sweats profusely, slow in movement etc., Stony cataract in arthritic patients.
Suggested Medicine:
Calc Carb


Stony cataract in arthritic patients.
Suggested Medicine:
Calc flour


Constant inclination to touch and rub the eye, in order to relieve a pressure in it.
Suggested Medicine:


Aching pains in the balls of the eyes, Cramp like pulling in the eyes, Opacity of cornea.
Suggested Medicine:
Cannab sat


In old people, from contusion.
Suggested Medicine:


Can see better on a dark day.
Suggested Medicine:


After typhoid and from suppressed menses.
Suggested Medicine:

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Tip of the day

Homeopathy and Eye Problem Part 21

It is the opacity in crystalline lens of the eyes, or of its capsule, causing partial or total blindness. It is generally considered incurable by the administration of internal remedies. But there are cases on record, cured under Homeopathic treatment. The disease however being very poor in symptoms, the selection of homeopathic remedies adapted to the different forms of cataract is undoubtedly very difficult. The disease can hardly be removed in old people, by internal remedies. However, the treatment can eradicate the disease in young patients, prognosis being more favorable the younger a patient and the less advanced the malady.


Right eye affected, Dryness, Black spots before eyes, Burning in eyes.

Suggested Medicine:

Ammon Carb


Scrofulous inflammation with phlyctenuale and ulcer of cornea, Sparks before the eyes in the dark.

Suggested Medicine:
Baryta carb

After acute inflammation of the eye.

Suggested Medicine:

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Tip of the day

Homeopathy and Eye Problem Part 20

Twitching of eyelids:
It is the condition in which eyelids start quivering.


Twitching in eyeballs, Even twitching in facial muscles.
Suggested Medicine:



Twitching of the orbicularis muscles.
Suggested Medicine:


Twitching in the upper lid, especially left, Symptoms aggravated in the morning, Especially suited women and hysterical men, Must wink and wipe the eyes frequently as if a film of mucus were over them.
Suggested Medicine:

Friday, September 25, 2009

Tip of the day

Homeopathy and Eye Problem Part 19


Iritis, especially of syphilitic origin, Severe boring pains above the brows, Burning, throbbing pains in the eyes, or of the bones around the eyes, in the direction from within outwards, Better from rest and pressure, Iritis after the abuse of Mercury.
Suggested Medicine:


Scrofulous ophthalmia, Ulceration and great vascularity of cornea, Profuse scalding Lachrymation, eyes sensitive to light and touch, Better from pressure, Syphilitic, particularly suyphilitico-mercurial Iritis, with sore bruised sensation around the eyes, as if in the bones, Pain worse from touch, Perceive pain in eyeball from without inwards, Cervical glands enlarged and inflamed, Pannus, Hemiopia, Can see only lower half, upper half of objects as if covered with a dark body, Objects seem to be double or mixed up.
Suggested Medicine:


Sudden and violent congestion and inflammation of eyes. Eyes bright swollen, dry, hot burning, great intolerance of light, severe pains, Sensation as if the eye is enormously swollen, Affecting the right eye, more than the left.
Suggested Medicine:


Burning pains and vomiting follows, useful after operations on the eye.
Suggested Medicine:


Scrofulous ophthalmia-swelling and redness of the lids, profuse Lachrymation, itching in the margins of lids, great intolerance of light, General symptoms are more important i.e. Sweaty head, cold, clammy feet, skin pale and flabby, bloated hard abdomen , A very good remedy for opacity of the cornea.
Suggested Medicine:
Calc carb


Eyelashes turn inwards instead of outwards and irritate the eyeball, especially at the outer canthus, Dry, gummy exudation on the eyelashes, Morning agglutination, Tendency to wild hairs.
Suggested Medicine:


When the patient is farsighted, Objects seem to be far off, Eyes as if loose in their sockets, In old people, dimness of sight while reading, but relieved by rubbing the eyes.
Suggested Medicine:
Carbo animalis


Neuralgic pain of the eye, Severe shooting pain of the left eye, Clock-like periodicity of the pains.
Suggested Medicine:

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Tip of the day

Homeopathy and Eye Problem Part 18

Ophthalmia and other affections:
It is the inflammation of the eye, especially of the conjunctiva, being the lining of the eyelids and the external coat of the eyeball. It may be of catarrhal, scrofulous, rheumatic, arthritic syphilitic, or gonorrheal origin.

Ophthalmia following surgical operations, or resulting from a foreign body in the eye, Indicted in the beginning of many inflammatory affections of the eye, especially those arising from exposure to dry, cold winds, with great deal of heat, dryness and burning in the eye, Excessive sensitiveness and sensation of sand in the eye, Great intolerance of light, Aching in eyeballs, as if they would be forced out.
Suggested Medicine:

Sharp lancinating pain in and over the eyes, Supraorbital pain shooting up to the top of the head, Neuralgic pain as a reflex symptom from uterine or ovarian diseases.
Suggested Medicine:
Actea R

One of the most characteristic symptoms is twitching in the eye, eyelids, and facial muscles, (most important remedy for spasm of the eyelids), Spasms of the lids and muscles of the eyes, especially the internal recti, little blister on cornea, Canthi red, itch an burn, Many symptoms worse when walking in the open air.
Suggested Medicine:

Acute catarrhal opthalmia, with profuse, non-excoriating Lachrymation, Left eye worse, with redness of the eyeball, Copious watery excoriating discharge from the nose, Euphrasia is just the opposite i.e. excoriating discharge from the eyes but bland discharge from the nose), Worse in the evening and in warm room , Better in open air, Itching, burning and biting in the eye.
Suggested Medicine:
Allium cepa


Chronic diseases, especially those of a catarrhal character, Asthenopia from irritated conjunctiva, Granular lids, Chronic Blepharitis, Paralysis of the upper lid, Sensation of burning and dryness in the lids, Nocturnal agglutination of lid and diurnal Lachrymation, Sensation of pressure and heaviness on the eyes, Great dryness of the mucous membranes so that the eyelids feel stiff and crack, Loss of power in the internal rectus.
Suggested Medicine:


Muscular Asthenopia from overstraining the eyes by prolonged use with appearance of yellow spots on looking at white objects, Eyes weak and watery after reading or using them at fine work, Burning and dryness in eyes, Myopia, Cataract.
Suggested Medicine:
Ammonium crb


Scrofulous opthalmia, Canthi especial affected, more particularly outer Canthi, soreness of outer Canthi,, Redness and inflammation of the eyelids, Slight oozing of the skin near the external angle of the eye, Especially suited to infants and children, more particularly to children who are fretful, the most characteristic symptom, which may or may not be present, being a thick milk-white coating of the tongue, Opthalmia worse from being near a warm coating of the tongue, Ophtalmia worse from being near a warm stove, threat is from radiated heat, Chronic sore eyes of children.
Suggested Medicine:
Antim crud


Rheumatic or arthritic opthalmia, Also gonorrheal opthalmia, Red, inflamed eye, Pain as of a bruise in the eyeball, especially on touching it, Shooting, burning and smarting in the internal Canthi.
Suggested Medicine:
Antim tart


Most characteristic symptom-edematous swelling of eyelids, especially bag-like puffy swelling under the eyes, Pain burning, stinging and sore, Opthalmia-acute catarrhal or after eruptive diseases, Conjunctiva red, Puffy, chemotic, Great relief of pain already described, from cold water, Great sensitiveness of the eyes to light., Less tendency to the formation of pus, If erysipelatous, the lids are bluish red, looking watery, as if semitransparent, aggravation in the evening and forepart of night, Staphyloma, Pannus, Asthenopia
Suggested Medicine:


Inimical to Apis, should not be used before or after Apis, Edematous swelling of the lids, true chemosis, hot, gushing Lachrymation, Formation of pus, highly characteristic, Lids erysipleltous, dusky red and together with the cheeks, studded with small watery vesicles, Pains usually of a drawing tearing character, although in erysipelas they may be burning or stinging, but with more itching than Apis, Eyelids often fell heavy and stiff, pains worse at night, particularly after midnight, warmth relieves.
Suggested Medicine:
Rhus tox


Purulent opthalmia, Pus thick, yellow, bland and profuse, Opthalmia neonatorum, pus thick, yellowish an bland and profuse, Especially called for after the failure of Pulsatilla or one of the mercuries, Symptoms ameliorated from cold air and water and worse by warmth, Absence of objective, symptoms i.e. the patient complains of little or no trouble, Ulceration of cornea in infants, Opacity of cornea, Clusters of blood vessels extend from inner canthus to corneal border.
Suggested Medicine:
Argent nit


Inflammation of eyes and lids, with burning pain, worse after midnight, better from warm applications, mental restlessness, corrosive Lachrymation, edematous eyelids, Chronic granulated lids, ulcer on the cornea, Yellowish color of the sclerotic, Excessive intolerance of light, Scrofulous cases.
Suggested Medicine:
Arsenic alb

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Tip of the day

Homeopathy and Eye Problem Part 17

The eyelids are violently and persistently closed. It is nearly always associated with intolerance of light and discharge of tears.

Spasm of eyeballs and of the facial muscles, Generally the best remedy.
Suggested Medicine:

Spasm, distortion and convulsions of the eyes.
Suggested Medicine:

Convulsive movements of the eyes, Eyes closed, when opening them they move about.
Suggested Medicine:

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Tip of the day

Homeopathy and Eye Problem Part 16

It is a deviation of the visual axes. The axis of one eye being directed to the object desired to be seen, while that of the other is turned too much inwards (internal squint) or outwards (Outer squint). The cause may be shortening of the internal or external rectus, paralysis or nervous disturbances. It is only in the case of squint caused by shortening of the recti, that surgical interference is required.

Squint when turned to right.
Suggested Medicine:

When turned in left, after Ophthalmia, or overstrain by close work.
Suggested Medicine:
Calcarea carb

For internal squint
Medicine suggested:

For external squint.
Suggested Medicine:
Natrum mur

Squint when on alternate days
Suggested Medicine:
China sulph

After convulsion, Periodic.
Suggested Medicine:

For Morbid winking.
Suggested Medicine:

For Morbid winking (Better in open air)
Suggested Medicine:

Morbid winking while reading
Suggested Medicine:

Morbid winking while reading, Better in open air
Suggested Medicine:

Morbid winking in sunlight.
Suggested Medicine:

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Tip of the day

Homeopathy and Eye Problem Part 15

Night Blindness:
The patient sees well in bright light, but as soon as the intensity of light falls short of what he requires for his vision, he can not see the surrounding objects, be it in daylight or candle-light.

Night-blindness can see nothing after dusk, red or fiery posts before the eyes, colored halo around the Candle.
Suggested Medicine:

Night-blindness, Eyes dazzled and irritated by candle-light in evening, Black spots floating over eyes.
Suggested Medicine:

Blindness (at night) periodical
Suggested Medicine:

Night blindness, Halo around a lamplight, Cataract .
Suggested Medicine:

Monday, September 14, 2009

Tip of the day

Homeopathy and Eye Problem Part 14

An insidious disease characterized by increased tension within the eyeball, and gradual dimness of vision. If left untreated, it ends in blindness. Some of the symptoms are- a halo around candle-light, periodic dimness of sight, presbyopia, Aching pain in in the eyeball, Haziness of cornea etc. It may be acute or chronic, Symptoms of chronic condition being the same as that of acute one, but not so sharp.

In the beginning, after exposure to cold, dry wind, Pain extends over face, Eyeballs feel enlarged, as if coming out of the sockets.
Suggested Medicine:

Excessive intolerance of light, Redness of eyes and face, Pain both in and around eyes, throbbing, may come and go suddenly, A sensation of weight and pressure in eyes.
Suggested Medicine:

Eyes feel as if pressed out, often with sharp shooting pains through eyes and head, Eyes feel sore to touch and on moving them, Increased tension of eyeball.
Suggested Medicine:

Severe shooting pains along the course of supra-orbital nerve, particularly indicated when the pains are distinctly periodic.
Suggested Medicine:

Intense aching pains in the eyeballs, Better by pressure, Worse by slightest motion, Ciliary's neuralgia.
Suggested Medicine:

Severe burning, aching, sticking, cutting pain in and around the eye, always relieved by firm pressure, and by walking in a warm room, worse by rest at night and by stooping, when it feels as if it would fall out.
Suggested Medicine:

Aching or pressure in eyes when reading, Weakness of vision, Photophobia, Sluggish adoption of the eye to varied range of vision.
Suggested Medicine:

Incipient glaucoma in syphilitic subjects, Vision dim and foggy, Burning in eyes.
Suggested Medicine:
Kali Iod

Halo around the light, and various lights and colors (especially red) flashing before the eyes, Sensation as if something were pulled tightly over the eye, Black spots before the eyes and diminished vision, better in twilight.
Suggested Medicine:

In rheumatic and syphilitic cases, Dull aching in eyes, Worse from motion light or exercise, Far-sighted.
Suggested Medicine:

Severe crushing pain in the eye as if pressed asunder, or sharp shooting pain extending through eye back into brain or through the eye and corresponding side of the head.
Suggested Medicine:
Prunus spin

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Tip of the day

Homeopathy and Eye Problem Part 13

Blepharitis (continued)

Dry humor in the eyelids and in the eyelashes, Outer canthi mostly affected, They crack and bleed, Chronic Blepharitis in scrofulous subjects affected with eczema, especially on head and behind ears.
Suggested Medicine:

Eye inflamed with swollen inverted tarsi, Eyelids red, inflamed, swollen ulcerated on margins, scurfy, Worse from warmth of bed and in the evening.
Suggested Medicine:
Merc sol

Inflamed swelling in the inner canthus, with dryness of the inner side of the nose, Itching of lids, obliged to rub them, Pressure and heaviness, like lead, on the back of the head, rough and unhealthy skin.
Suggested Medicine:

Inflammation and swelling of the eyes and eyelids, with redness, Scattered watery vesicles on cheeks, Profuse Lachrymation, worse at night, in damp weather and better by warmth.
Suggested Medicine:
Rhus tox

Margins of lids dry, with hard lumps (nodules) inflammation and itching, Destruction of the hair follicles.
Suggested Medicine:

inflammation, swelling and redness of eyes, Much itching and burning, Lid-margins thick and granulated, Dry crusts in lashes, After suppression of an eruption, Child dislikes to be washed and bathed and also can not bear to have the eyes washed.
Suggested Medicine:

Scrofulous inflammation, worse on left upper lid, Eyelids thickened, inflamed, pustular, especially indicated when complicated with discharge from the ears, smelling like fish brine, Another peculiarity of the discharge is that it vesicates any part of the skin, it comes in contact with.
Suggested Medicine:

Friday, September 11, 2009

Tip of the day

Homeopathy and Eye Problem Part 12

Blepharitis, thick crust on lids, Canthi red as blood, Carancula swollen, standing out like a lump of red flesh, Clusters of intensely red vessels extend from inner canthus to cornea.
Suggested Medicine:
Argent nit

Eyelids swollen, red edematous, stinging or burning pain, or no pain at all, Relief from cold water, Intense Photophobia and increased Lachrymation.
Suggested Medicine:

Eyelids edematous, often completely closing the eye, Corrosive tears, making the lids and cheeks sore, Burning, relieved by heat.
Suggested Medicine:
Arsenic alb

Swelling and redness o lids, with heat and burning, Great intolerance of light.
Suggested Medicine:

Lids red, hard and swollen, especially indicated in scrofulous, potbellied children who sweat much about the head.
Suggested Medicine:
Calc carb

Redness, burning and swelling of the eyelids, which itch in the daytime and stick together at night, Edges covered with scabs or scales or are ulcerate, Constant winking of lids, Lachrymation profuse, burning and very acrid, Constant Coryza, Tendency to accumulation of sticky mucus on the cornea.
Suggested Medicine:

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Tip of the day

Homeopathy and Eye Problem Part 11

It is the inflammation of the eyelids.

In the beginning, Inflammation caused by dust, injury, cold especially dry cold, eyes red and inflamed, Heat and burning in eyes, Lids feel dry, hard and heavy, Sensitive to air, fever with dry hot skin and thirst.
Suggested Medicine:

Red inflamed eyelids, Slight oozing of the skin near the external angle of the eye, In obstinate cases, especially indicated in fretful children, Pustules on the ciliary's margins.
Suggested Medicine:
Antim Crud

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Tip of the day

Homeopathy and Eye Problem Part 10

It is a small inflammatory tumor near the edge of the eyelid.

Especially indicated in Styes on upper eyelid, Itching, burning, and swelling of lids, In the beginning the Styes disappear promptly under the action of this medicine.
Suggested Medicine:

When there is much inflammation, great sensitiveness of lids to touch, Unhealthy skin, slightest injury causing suppuration, When suppuration is inevitable, When there is a tendency to reappearance of the Styes.
Suggested Medicine :
Hepar sulph

When dry, hard lumps are left behind, or when the sate does not suppurate and break, but remains a hard nodule, Other indications being nightly agglutination of lids, biting and burning in inner Canthi, Itching of the margins of lids.
Suggested Medicine:

Indicated for hardened Styes, and when there is violent burning and stinging in the lids and profuse Lachrymation in open air
Suggested Medicine:

Monday, September 7, 2009

Tip of the day

Homeopathy and Eye Problem Part 9

Hyper Myopia:

It is the fatigue and aching in the eyes and dimness of vision after seeing them for near work. The defect is curable by the administration of proper homeopathic remedy. In case of failure, use suitable glasses, selected by competent optician.

Farsightedness, Sluggishness of the eye in adapting to varied range of vision.
Suggested Medicine:

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Tip of the day

Homeopathy for Eyes Problems Part 8

It is defect in vision while looking at distant objects. When the defect is of great degree, the patient holds print near to the eyes to distinguish letters. The defect is curable by the administration of proper homeopathic remedy. In case of failure, use suitable glasses, selected by competent optician.

Short-sighted from overtaxing the eyes, Worse after exerting them Pains in the eyes after overtaxing them and from fine work, Must take exertion to distinguish letter when reading.
Suggested Medicine:
Carbo veg

Myopia due to spasm of the ciliary's muscles, Vision blurred, misty, Eyes weak and painful, Disturbed accommodation, Approximation of far point and also of near point (the accommodation recovers before the pupil), Double vision.
Suggested Medicine:

Tension (Spam) of accommodative apparatus of eyes, Vision disturbed, Vision dim, restored suddenly, Distant objects appear blurred, Swimming of distant objects.
Suggested Medicine:

Friday, September 4, 2009

Tip of the day

Homeopathy for Eyes Problems Part 7


It is an acute inflammation of the lachrymal sac and is very painful, swelling sometimes extending to cheek, eyelids, and conjunctiva. After a few days, when the inflammatory symptoms subside, pus escapes and the opening heals, When the affection becomes chronic, a fistulas opening (fistula lachrymatis) is formed through this thin muco-purulent discharge come s out and there is constant Lachrymation, In sever cases ulceration may develop.
Here is a list of some medicines as per symptoms.

In the beginning, inflammation of the lachrymal sac, with great heat, burning, shooting pains and fever, caused by cold, dry wind.
Suggested Medicine:

Inflammation of the lachrymal duct, great intolerance of light, aggravation after 3 P.M.
Suggested Medicine:

Discharge profuse, Carancula swollen, standing out like a lump of red flesh.
Suggested Medicine:
Argentum nit

Profuse, thick yellow, acrid discharge, Frequent inclination to blink.
Suggested Medicine:

When pus has formed, Great sensitiveness to touch and to cold.
Suggested Medicine:
Hepar sulph

Thin excoriating discharge, Night aggravation.
Suggested Medicine:
Merc sol

When pus is forming and a fistula is being developed particularly indicated when there is a pressure and heaviness, like lead, in occiput.
Suggested Medicine:

Discharge profuse, and bland, Amelioration in open air and in cool place.
Suggested Medicine:

Swelling of right lachrymal gland and sac, Skin inflamed, Sensitiveness to cold air, Better from warmth, wants covering.
Suggested Medicine:
Kali bich

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Tip of the day

Homeopathy for Eyes Problems Part 6

Bleeding from the eyes
Blood exudes from eyes, Bleeding from every outlet of the body, yellow color of the eyes, Yellowness of the skin, Great prostration from such bleeding, Blood dark, fluid uncoagulable.

Suggested Medicine
Crotalus horridus

Bleeding from the eyes, Blood with charred straw sediment, Cold clammy skin, Ailments of the left side markedly pronounced.

Suggested Medicine::


Bleeding from eyes, Eyes inflamed with redness of the sclerotica,yellowish color and ecchymosis of sclerotica, intolerance of light worse mornings.

Suggested Medicine:
Nux Vomica

Eyes surrounded by blue rings, lids puffy, swollen, Discharge of blood from eyes or any mucous outlet, Heat and burning sensation in eyes, especially in external Canthi.

Suggested Medicine:


Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Tip of the day

Homeopathy for Eyes Problems Part 5

Great heaviness of the eyelids, can hardly open them or keep them open, Ptosis accompanied by thick speech, One can hardly speak.
Suggested Medicine:

Heaviness and stiffness of lids, as if paralyzed, Paralytic rigidity of the lids, Caused by getting wet or working in wet weather, of rheumatic origin.
Suggested Medicine:
Rhus tox

Lids hand down as if paralyzed, Eyes half open and turned upwards, and snoring, Eyes red inflamed.
Suggested Medicine:

Lids inclined to close as from paralysis, Ptosis accompanied by menstrual irregularity.
Suggested Medicine:

Sensation of stiffness around the eye, and in the eyelids, of rheumatic origin.
Suggested Medicine:

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Homeopathy for Eyes Problems Part 4

Ptosis (drooping):
It is the paralysis of the eyelids.

Paralysis of the upper lids, especially left, pressure on the eyes rendering it impossible to open them, Dryness, burning, dim sight, Sensation of sand in the corner of the eye, Aggravation of symptoms in the evening and at night.

Suggested Medicine:

Inclination to close the eyes, lids seem heavy, even paralysis of upper eyelids, especially of right side difficulty in opening the eyes, with a sensation as if the eyes were swollen, Ptosis of rheumatic or Psoric origin.

Suggested Medicine:

Pain as from a bruise in the eyes, with difficulty in opening or inability of open the eyelids at night, Dryness and inflammation the eyelids.
Suggested Medicine:

Monday, August 31, 2009

Tip of the day

Homeopathy for Eyes Problems Part 3

Symptom (s)
Aching in and over eyes, after straining the eyes over fine works.
Suggested Medicine:

Symptom (s)
Enlargement of the eye-ball, with protuberance of the Cornea.
Suggested Medicine:

Symptom (s)
Opacity of the cornea, Scrofulous inflammation, Swelling of lids, Macula cornea covering pupil, bluish, consequently much obscuration of sight.
Suggested Medicine:
Cad sulph

Symptom (s)
Opacity of cornea milky white or bluish, After acute symptoms to remove the corneal opacity and the chronic thickening of the eyelids.
Suggested Medicine:
Calc carb

Symptom (s)
Cornea densely opaque and vascular, and specks on the cornea., Weakness and confusion of sight, Cramp-like drawing in the eye.
Suggested Medicine:
Cannabis sat

Symptom (s)
Cornea vascular or surrounded by a grayish opacity.
Suggested Medicine:
Merc sol

Symptom (s)
Opacities of the cornea following repeated and long-lasting attacks of inflammation of that membrane, Granular lids.
Suggested Medicine:
Zinc sulph

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Tip of the day

Homeopathy for Eyes Problems Part 2

Symptom (s)
Objects Look Yellow Spasmodic twitching of the orbicular muscules, Twitching in the muscles of the face, From irritation of worms in the intestine.

Suggested Medicine:

Symptom (s)
Blurring of vision relieved by winking Frequent inclination to blink.

Suggested Medicine:


Symptom (s)
Muscular Asthenopia, with weakness of especially the external rectus.

Suggested Medicine:


Symptom (s)
In nervous hysterical females, From onanism.

Suggested Medicine:


Symptom (s)
Muscular Asthenopia, Muscles feel stiff and drawn and pain on moving them, Headache associated with eyestrain.

Suggested Medicine:

Natrum mur

Symptom (s)
Asthenopia in nearsighted persons, Eyes feel weak with lachrymator, Sight blurred, Drawing and twisting sensation in eyes.

Suggested Medicine:


Friday, August 28, 2009

Tip of the day

Homeopathy for Eyes Problems ..Part 1

Asthenopia :

It is the inability to maintain the adjustment of the eye for short distances, for a sufficient period without fatigue. First of all, correct the defect by suitable glasses, and then select the remedy on the basis of symptoms.
A list of commonly used medicines is as under.

Symptom (s)
From Overuse temporarily relieved by cold water.

Suggested Medicine:

Symptom (s)

Muscular Asthenopia Can not fix the eyes long even on distant objects, Twitching of lids and sometimes even of facial muscles.

Suggested Medicine:


Symptom (s)

Stinging pain and Lachrymation : Better from cold applications.

Suggested Medicine:


Symptom (s)

Weakness of Ciliary's Muscles Eyes feel hot and dry, Asthenopia for want of accommodation, Eyes feel strained even from coarser kinds of work.

Suggested Medicine:

Argent Nit

Symptom (s)
Fatigue and Pain from using the Eyes On looking at near objects they become indistinct and blurred.

Suggested Medicine:

Calc carb

Symptom (s)

Letters run together when Reading Agglutination of the left eye in morning,Lachrymation in wind , Pain in eye when reading, Worse from candle light.

Suggested Medicine:


Thursday, August 27, 2009

Tip of the day

Allergies (due to certain foods,drinks,medicines) Part 9

Incurrent remedy
Psorinum 200 or 1M

Allergic to vinegar;pickles,sour foods,acids
Suggested Remedy:
Lachesis 200

Allergic to strawberries
Suggested Remedy:
Oxalic acid 30 or 200

Allergic to oysters
Suggested Remedy:
Lycopodium 200

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Tip of the day

Allergies (due to certain foods,drinks,medicines) Part 8


Allergic to indigestible food,tonque clean,constant nausea

Suggested Remedy:

Ipecac 30 or 200


Allergic to melons

Suggested Remedy:

Zingiber 30


Allergic to iodide of potassium

Suggested Remedy:

Aurum met 30 or 200


Allergic to sugar;bitter food

Suggested Remedy:

Natrum phos.6X or 30

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Tip of the day

Allergies (due to certain foods,drinks,medicines) Part 7

Allergic to veal
Suggested Remedy:
Kali nit 200

Allergic to pastry;rich ice-cream,mixed food
Suggested Remedy:
Pulsatilla 30

Allergic to lemonade
Suggested Remedy:
Selenium 30 or 200

Monday, August 24, 2009

Tip of the day

Allergies (due to certain foods,drinks,medicines) Part 6

Allergic to cheese
Suggested Remedy:
Nitri-spiritus dulcis Q or 30

Allergic to cold milk
Suggested Remedy:
Kali iod 200

Allergic to decayed vegetables
Suggested Remedy:
Carbo animalis 30 or 200

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Tip of the day

Allergies (due to certain foods,drinks,medicines) 5

Allergic to sweats,fatty meat,onion
Suggested Remedy:
Thuja oc.30 or 200

Allergic to sugar
Suggested Remedy:
Argentum nit 30 or 200

Allergic to rice
Suggested Remedy:
Tellurium 30 or 200

Allergic to cabbage
Suggested Remedy:
Petroleum 30 or 200

Friday, August 21, 2009

Allergies (due to certain foods,drinks,medicines) 4

Allergic to heat
Suggested Remedy:
Apis mel.30

Allergic to cold drinks,fruits,rotten food,iodine
Suggested Remedy:
Arsenic alb 30

Allergic to dampness
Suggested Remedy:
Dulcamara 30 or 200

Allergic to smell of flowers(asthma)
Suggested Remedy:
Ailanthus g. 30

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Tip of the day

Allergies (due to certain foods,drinks,medicines) Part 3

Allergic to aspirin,bad liquor,salt butter,bad eggs,poultry items
Suggested Remedy:
Carvo veg 30

Allergic to antibiotics
Suggested Remedy:
Sulphur 30 or 200

Allergic to castor oil
Suggested Remedy:
Bryonia alb.30

Allergic to coffee
Suggested Remedy:
Nux vomica.30

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Tip of the day

Allergies (due to certain foods,drinks,medicines) Part 2

Allergic to dust(asthma)
Suggested Remedy:
Pothos 30

Allergic to warm boiled milk,fatty pork,(diarrhoea)
Suggested Remedy:
Sepia 30 or 200

Allergic to milk
Suggested Remedy:
Magnesia carb.30 or 200

Allergic to cod liver oil
Suggested Remedy:
Hepar sulph.30

Monday, August 17, 2009

Tip of the day

Allergies (due to certain foods,drinks,medicines)- Part 1
( Patients are advised not to take any medicine without consulting the doctor)

Allergic to dust,smoke,strong perfumes
Suggested Remedy:
Histamine 1M

Allergic to bread,acidic food
Suggested Remedy:
Nat mur.30 or 200

Allergic to beer,malt liquor
Suggested Remedy:
Kali bich.30

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Tip of the day

Acidity (Hyperacidity-Gastralgia) and Homeopathy

Burning in food pipe with general sensation of burning
Remedy Sulphur 30

Burning pain in stomach(Ulcer),with both water and solid vomited as soon as it reaches stomach
Remedy Ars alb.30

Burning pain in the stomach,with water vomited but solid retained
Remedy Bismuth 30

Burning in food pipe,with sour stool
Remedy Natrum carb.30

Excess of hydrochloric acid,burning in food pipe,heart burn,nausea and chilly feeling.
Remedy Acid-sulph.30

From nervous anticipation of coming events,desire for sweets.
Remedy Argentum nit.30

Gastric complaints after taking rich fatty food;less or no thirst;better in open air
Remedy Pulsatilla.30

Hyperacidity;sour and bitter belchings
Remedy Iris v.30

Slow and imperfect digestion;offensive flatuence in upper part of abdomen;better after discharge of gas or eructations.
Remedy Carbo veg.30

Gastric derangement due to sedentary habits or over-eating.
Remedy Nux vomica.30

Dyspepsia;better after eating
Remedy Anacardium 30

Acidity with irritating eructation and frontal headache; worse in night.
Remedy Robinia.30

Constant belching;tongue thickly white coated.Heatburn.Desire for acids,pickles etc.
Remedy Antim-crud.30 or 200

Digestion slow,no change after passing flatus or belching.Flatulence affects middle part of the abdomen.
Remedy China 6 or 30

Abdomen bloated;easy satiety,gas affects lower part of the abdomen;worse in the evening -4 to 8 P.M.
Remedy Lycopodium 30

Pain and flatulence in stomach,smell of food causes nausea
Remedy Colchicum 30

Intercurrent Remedy
Psorinum 30

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Tip of the day

Aethusa cynapium- A great homeopathic remedy for children


Anguish and crying (weeping) especially in children, even vomiting.

Occipital pain, better lying down. Hair feels pulled. Exhaustion after vomiting, awakens hungry. Pearly white upper lip.

Better in open air and with company. Worse from milk.

suggested Potency:
30c, 200c

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Tip of the day

ABIES NIGRA a powerful homeopathic remedy for stomach

A powerful and long-acting remedy, in various forms of disease, whenever the characteristic stomach symptoms are present. Most of the symptoms are associated with the gastric disturbances. In dyspeptic troubles of the aged, with functional heart symptoms; also after tea or tobacco. Constipation. Pain in external meatus.
Stomach.--Pain in stomach always comes on after eating. Sensation of a lump that hurts, as if a hard-boiled egg had lodged in cardiac end of stomach; continual distressing constriction just above the pit of the stomach, as if everything were knotted up. Total loss of appetite in morning, but great craving for food at noon and night. Offensive breath. Eructations.

Modalities: Worse after eating.
Suggested dose: 30 c

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Tip of the day

Calories Chart

Gym Activities

Aerobics: low impact 58
Aerobics, Step: low impact 74
Aerobics: water 42
Bicycling, Stationery: vigorous 111
Calisthenics: moderate 48
Elliptical Trainer: general 95
Rowing, Stationery: moderate 74
Ski Machine: general 100
Stretching, Hatha Yoga 42
Aerobics: high impact 74
Aerobics, Step: high impact 106
Bicycling, Stationery: moderate 74
Calisthenics: vigorous 84
Circuit Training: general 84
Riders: general (ie., HealthRider) 53
Rowing, Stationery: vigorous 90
Stair Step Machine: general 63
Teaching aerobics 63
Weight Lifting: general 32
Weight Lifting: vigorous 63

Training and Sport Activities

Archery: non-hunting 37
Basketball: playing a game 84
Billiards 26
Bicycling: 12-13.9 mph 84
Bicycling: 16-19 mph 127
Bowling 32
Curling 42
Dancing: disco, ballroom, square 58
Fencing 63
Football: touch, flag, general 84
Golf: carrying clubs 58
Gymnastics: general 42
Hang Gliding 37
Hockey: field & ice 84
Ice Skating: general 74
Martial Arts: judo, karate, kickbox 106
Race Walking 69
Racquetball: casual, general 74
Rock Climbing: rapelling 84
Rope Jumping 106
Running: 5.2 mph (11.5 min/mile) 95
Running: 6.7 mph (9 min/mile) 116
Running: 8.6 mph (7 min/mile) 153
Running: pushing wheelchair, 84
Scuba or skin diving 74
Skiing: cross-country 84
Sledding, luge, toboggan 74
Snow Shoeing 84
Softball: general play 53
Swimming: laps, vigorous 106
Swimming: breaststroke 106
Swimming: crawl 116
Tai Chi 42

Volleyball: non-competitive

general play 32
Volleyball: beach 84
Walk: 4 mph (15 min/mi) 48
Walk/Jog: jog <10 min. 63
Water Polo 106
Whitewater: rafting, kayaking 53
Badminton: general 48
Basketball: wheelchair 69
Bicycling: BMX or mountain 90
Bicycling: 14-15.9 mph 106
Bicycling: > 20 mph 174
Boxing: sparring 95
Dancing: Fast, ballet, twist 63
Dancing: slow, waltz, foxtrot 32
Football: competitive 95
Frisbee 32
Golf: using cart 37
Handball: general 127
Hiking: cross-country 63
Horseback Riding: general 42
Kayaking 53
Orienteering 95
Racquetball: competitive 106
Rock Climbing: ascending 116
Rollerblade Skating 74
Running: 5 mph (12 min/mile) 84
Running: 6 mph (10 min/mile) 106
Running: 7.5 mph (8 min/mile) 132
Running: 10 mph (6 min/mile) 174
Running: cross-country 95
Skateboarding 53
Skiing: downhill 63
Snorkeling 53
Soccer: general 74
Swimming: general 63
Swimming: backstroke 84
Swimming: butterfly 116
Swimming: treading, vigorous 106
Tennis: general 74

Volleyball: competitive, gymnasium play 42
Walk: 3.5 mph (17 min/mi) 42
Walk: 4.5 mph (13 min/mi) 53
Water Skiing 63
Water Volleyball 32
Wrestling 63
Outdoor Activities
Carrying & stacking wood 53
Digging, spading dirt 53
Gardening: weeding 49
Mowing Lawn: push, hand 58
Operate Snow Blower: walking 48
Plant trees 48
Sacking grass or leaves 42
Chopping & splitting wood 63
Gardening: general 48
Laying sod / crushed rock 53
Mowing Lawn: push, power 48
Planting seedlings, shrubs 42
Raking Lawn 42
Shoveling Snow: by hand 63

Home & Daily Life Activities

Child-care: bathing, feeding, etc. 37
Cooking 26
Heavy Cleaning: wash car, windows 48
Moving: carrying boxes 74
Playing w/kids: moderate effort 42
Reading: sitting 12
Sleeping 7
Child games: hop-scotch, jacks, etc. 53
Food Shopping: with cart 37
Moving: household furniture 63
Moving: unpacking 37
Playing w/kids: vigorous effort 53
Standing in line 13
Watching TV 8

Home Repair

Auto Repair 32
Carpentry: refinish furniture 48
Hanging storm windows 53
Paint house: outside 53
Roofing 63
Carpentry: outside 63
Cleaning rain gutters 53
Lay or remove carpet/tile 48
Paint, paper, remodel: inside 48
Wiring and Plumbing 32

Occupational Activities

Bartending/Server 26
Coaching Sports 42
Computer Work 15
Desk Work 18
Forestry, general 84
Heavy Tools, not power 84
Light Office Work 16
Masseur, standing 42
Sitting in Class 18
Steel Mill: general 84
Truck Driving: sitting 21
Carpentry Work 37
Coal Mining 63
Construction, general 58
Firefighting 127
Heavy Equip. Operator 26
Horse Grooming 63
Masonry 74
Police Officer 26
Sitting in Meetings 17
Theater Work 32
Welding 32

Monday, August 10, 2009

Tip of the day

Homeopathy for pains

aching, arthriticBryonia Alba
arthritic Rhus Tox
burning, sticking pain Apis Mell
burning Cantharis 30X
bursting, frantic from pain Aconite
cramping Belladonna
intolerance to Chamomilla
joint and bone Calcarea Phos 6X
postoperative Hypericum
sticking pain Hepar Sulphur
stomach pain Phosphorus
throbbing pain Ferrum Phos 6X
urination painful Mercurius Vivus

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Tip of the day

How to deal with fractures by homeopathy

Here are some conditions with suggested remedy. In case of any problem, contact the nearest doctor.

Condition: hair line fractures, slow healing breaks
Suggested Remedy: Symphytum

Condition: bone broken
Suggested Remedy Eupatorium Perf

For providing speedy aid in healing fractures, use in addition to any of the above remedies Calcium Phos 6X

Friday, August 7, 2009

Tip of the day

Loose Cough and Homeopathy

Loose phlegm, thick and difficult to cough up. Breathless. Wheezing, noisy chest.
Suggested Remedy: Antim tart

Symptoms: Spasmodic cough, worse in open air.Breathless. Rapid development of phlegm which may be vomited up.
Suggested Remedy: Apis Mel

Symptoms: Throbbing pain, not so rapid onset. Very hot dry skin, red face and dilated pupils.
Not restless or fearful.
Suggested Remedy: Belladonna

Symptoms: Stabbing pain, intolerable. Cross, irritable; doesn’t know where to put himself.
Suggested Remedy: Chamomilla

Symptoms: Jerking, tearing pain, ears hot. Pain is made worse by heat. Miserable and whining; responds to cuddling and affection.
Suggested Remedy: Pulsatilla

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Tip of the day

Spasmodic Cough and Homeopathy

Symptoms: Crowing spasmodic cough. Better for sipping cold water.
Suggested Remedy: Cuprum met

Symptoms: Dry cough – a bit like whooping cough. Worse at night and lying down. May be wheezing; occasionally croup-like.
Suggested Remedy: Drosera

Symptoms: Spasms of coughing; the more he coughs, the more he has to.
Suggested Remedy: Ignatia .

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Tip of the day

Homeopathic Remedies for dry Cough

Symptoms: Croup-like cough in very dry, cold weather. Anxiety and restlessness. Fever, thirst, no sweating.

Suggested Remedy: Aconite

Symptoms: Slow, gradual fever; irritation of air passages. Cough worse for movement and
entering a warm room; can be worse at night. Much thirst for cold drinks .Stabbing pains in throat or chest.

Suggested Remedy: Byronia

Symptoms: Rough, noisy croup-like cough. Sudden onset in cold weather. Better in a warm, steamy room.

Remedy: Hepar sulph

Symptoms: Raw, tearing, burning pain in a crouplike cough. Improves with hot drinks.

Suggested Remedy:

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Tip of the day

Examination Fears in Students

It is a common problem in students having of taking exams due many reasons especially due to shyness; immaturity and ; lack of confidence. Besides, there are psychological reasons too.

Here is a possible list of homeopathic remedies for such students.

Panic, anxiety, tension, pains anywhere in the body, weeping, regressed behaviour with childish demands.

Suggested Remedies:

Argent nit: most useful and basic remedy, particularly when there is an associated intolerance of heat and digestive disorders such as flatulence.

Gelsemium: usually they are weak, and collapsing at the knees from panic.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Tip of the day

Acne and homeopathy

Common Causes of acne are diet over-rich in carbohydrates, constitutional, lack of hygiene.

Symptoms include discomfort, irritation, infection, discharge.

Suggested remedies:

Kali brom: very useful remedy in chronic acne. Use in 1M potency on alternate day.
Sulphur: one of the best remedies for raised hard circular areas which are red and often sore and infected. Usually they are worse for water.
Calc sulph: useful with pallor, sweaty forehead and flabbiness.
Pulsatilla: helpful in all cases which are aggravated by heat.
Arsenicum: useful in chronic cases where there is severe weakness associated.
Echinecia: A good blood purifier . Use in low potency ( Q )

Friday, July 31, 2009

Tip of the day

Asthma In Children and Homeopathy

Homeopathy treats Asthma in childhood effectively , however, it is advised that it should be done under the care of a qualified practitioner.

Some of the Most common remedies with most important symptoms are as under:-

Symptoms: Asthma after fit of anger. Irritable hard, dry cough. Better from bending head backwards; cold, fresh air and drinking cold water; and being carried about. Impatient, irritable and whining; spiteful.

Suggested Remedy: Chamomilla 30c

Symptoms: Asthmatic bronchitis - rattling and bubbling. Chest full of mucus - but not easily coughed up. Better sitting up to breathe; better in open air or by open windows. Spasmodic coughing violently with each breath till blue in the face. Nausea and gagging and much saliva. Hoarseness at end of episode. Returns periodically each year.

Suggested Remedy: Ipecac 30c.

Symptoms: Worse 4 to 5 am and in cold, wet weather and cold, damp places. Very breathless, with much rattling of mucus in chest. Mucus thick and greenish. Pain in lower chest. Every cold results in asthma.

Suggested Remedy: Nat sulph 30c.

Symptoms: Great difficulty breathing or lying down.Variable hoarseness. Dry cough early night, loose cough in the morning – yellow green sticky mucus. Better open air and gentle motion, sympathy and consolation. Worse for heat of a warm room.

Suggested Remedy: Pulsatilla 30c.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Uterine Diseases and Tissue Salts

Ferr. Phos:
It is useful in acute inflammation of the uterus when there is pain, congestion, heat etc. Inflammation of the vagina with pain from sexual intercourse, excessive dryness and sensitiveness of the vagina with pain from sexual intercourse, excessive dryness and sensitiveness of the vagina call for this remedy.

Kali Mur:
It is administered in ulceration of the cervix with characteristic discharge of thick, white exudations. Chronic congestion of uterus and enlargement of the uterus when not of stony hardness need this remedy.

Kali Phos:
It is useful in nervous women. Uterine haemorrhage is with offensive discharge. Blood is dark red. Displacements of the~ uterus, malignant growths of the uterus need this remedy.

Cal. Fluor:
It is useful in prolapsus of the uterus. It is a constitutional tonic to strengthen the relaxed muscles. There are dragging pains in the region of uterus and thighs and also in small of back. It cures hypertrophy of the uterus when of stony hardness. This is also useful in lacerations of the cervix.

Cal. Phos:
It is useful in displacements with rheumatic pains. Weakness and distress in uterine region is observed. It also helps in anaemia due to uterine disease.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Eye Problems and Tissue Salts

Here is a list of Tissue Salt helpful in Eye problems.

Ferr. Phos:
Suits well for any kind of inflammation with pain and redness and in three first stage before pus formation. It cures conjunctivitis, retinitis in the acute stage when the inflammation is dry with the eyes blood shot. Photophobia worse from artificial lights needs this remedy. For granular eyelids use it as local application. It is used in painful styes.

Mag. Phos:
Cures ptosis of the eyelids. It is a best remedy in neuralgia of the eye. Pain is relieved by warmth and aggravated by cold. It is useful in spasmodic squinting and twitching of the eyelids. The patient sees sparks and colours before the eyes. It is beneficial in contracted pupils, retinitis pigmentosa, ciliary’s and supra-orbital neuralgia.

Nat. Mur:
Cures corneal blisters and granulated eyelids with or without tears. The discharge is watery, clear mucus. There appear white spots on the cornea. It is useful in the beginning of cataract, glaucoma and iritis. It is a useful remedy in blocking of the tear ducts.

Nat. Phos:
Is indicated when the discharge is yellow and creamy in conjunctivitis. Lids are glued together in the morning. Burning, lacrimation, scrofulous ophthalmia, squints due to worms, boring pain of rheumatic origin in the eyes call for the use of this remedy.

Nat. Sulph:
Is highly recommended in the granular conjunctivitis. It has photophobia in ophthalmia. There is yellowness in the conjunctiva. Hypopyon requires this sulph.

Is a good medicine for suppurative styes. It cures deepseated abscess of the cornea. Cures boils and cystic tumors around the eyelids. It is very useful in scrofulous ophthalmia and cures corneal opacity, hypopyon, photophobia, etc.

Cal. Fluor:
Is the best remedy in cataract. It cures indurations in the lids. Flickering and sparks before the eyes, partial blindness, dimness of vision from overstraining the eyes calls for this remedy.

Cal. Sulph:
Is administered in deep ulcers on the cornea. It has thick and yellow pus. It cures pustular trouble of the eye and is useful in keratitis, conjunctivitis and ophthalmia neonatorum.

Cal. Phos: Is useful in checking the cataract. It is proved useful in dry inflammation during dentition. Eye troubles of rachitic and scrofulous children call for Cal. Phos.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Tip of the day

Asthma and Homeopathy

It is usually caused by an unknown allergy and can be aggravated by infections such as colds and influenza, as well as by anxiety.

Asthma requires detailed specific prescribing of the "right" homeopathic remedy.

Here is a short of some possible homeopathic remedies. Select the most appropriate remedy on individualization basis. For details please consult Materia Medica.

Arsenicum - The attacks tend to occur between midnight and 3am and force you to sit up and catch your breath. You feel very restless and anxious, and feel better walking around, even though you are quite cold and weak.

Pulsatilla - You are an affectionate, dependent person and possibly hysterical during the attack. You need cool, fresh air; hot and stuffy rooms make you feel terrible.

Chamomilla - Your mood is one of extreme irritability; anger may even have brought on the attack. This remedy is especially helpful in treating irritable, asthmatic children.

Natrum Sulph - This is an important remedy if your attack are brought on by damp or wet weather. The attacks occur very early in the morning and can also follow colds or exertion

Ipecac - Your chest feels full of phlegm that you cannot shift. This provides spasms of coughing, leading to nausea and vomiting. Fresh air helps.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Tip of the day

Homeopathy in emotional problems 4

Homeopathy is very effective for emotional problems. Here is a short list of homeopathic medicines in this regard.

Effective remedies for bereavement

Shock after bereavement Remedy : Arnica
Bereavement with restlessness Remedy : Aconite
Bereavement with suppressed grief Remedy : Ignatia

Effective remedies for depression

Depression with mood changes Remedy : Ignatia
Depression with great weepiness Remedy: Pulsatilla