Friday, March 12, 2010

Homeopathy and Breast Cancer: A Journal of Oncology Finds Homeopathic Remedies May Hold Benefits

Homeopathy and Breast Cancer: A Journal of Oncology Finds Homeopathic Remedies May Hold Benefits

Tinnitus surrendered

Tinnitus surrendered to the Dynamic Force of Petroleum and Natrum Salic.

Mr. Jaffar Zaidi, 56 years of age and a banker by profession in Islamabad had a severe attack of vomiting in December, 2009. The vomiting as reported badly effected his sense of hearing with an additional problem of Tinnitus. He came to contact me in January, 2010 after having fruitless allopathic treatment. Petroleum-200 + Natrum Salic.-200 (a recommended combination by Dr. Koppikar) alternated by Chininum Sulph.-30 was given to the banker for one week. The medicines showed a slight improvement in tinnitus. The same prescription was repeated for another week which further improved the condition of the patient. However, the hearing problem was still there for which Kali Mur.-3X in triturated form was additionally given to be taken with warm water at least twice a day. After a period of two weeks, both the problems of tinnitus and deafness were entirely cured.

Homeopathic Dr. Sultan Mahmood,
Hill View Avenue, Adyala Road,

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Mucous Cyst (Mucocele)

Mucous Cyst (Mucocele)

On 23rd February, 2010, Mrs. Nancy contacted me through the following E-mail:-

Date: Tue, 23 Feb 2010 22:37:37 -0500
Subject: can you help: oral mucocele

Dr. Mahmood:
Thank you for your encouraging website on homeopathy. Perhaps you can help me find the most appropriate homeopathic remedy for my husband. He had surgery on a fibroma, caused by accidental biting while eating. The oral surgery removed the fibroma from the inside lower lip. He now developed a mucous cyst ( mucocele) at the very site of the surgery. I would like to avoid another surgery for him, and I am learning as much as I can about homeopathy—a gentle approach, as you describe it. I read about silicea and he has been taking it 5 times a day, 4 days (30c). Today we started silicea 6x, 4 tablets every 15 minutes, 8 times. The mucocele is still there. I know that there are other possible remedies, like the calcarea carbonica that may work.
Do you have experience in such mucous cysts in lower lips, and know what has worked?
I read that 6x worked for some for mucous cysts, but I find it hard to understand potencies (x, c, m) and how to decide. It seems that lower dosages are for acute, local problems, taken more frequently—6x or 12x. Is this correct?

Any suggestions from experience would works in this kind of situation??

Thank you for any information.


The following prescription was recommended for her husband on 25th February, 2010:-

From: Homoeo Dr. Sultan Mahmood []
Sent: Thursday, February 25, 2010 1:09 AM
Subject: RE: can you help: oral mucocele

You may try a combination of 3 drops each of Silicia-1M and Hepar Sulph-200 in some water twice a day for 2 days in a week (e.g. Sundays and Mondays) Calcarea Sulph-3X in trituration (Powder form) 4 times a day with warm water 5 days a week (e.g. Tuesdays to Saturdays). Lacally, apply Thuja-Q diluted with water twice a day daily.

On 8th March, I received the following E-mail from Mrs. Nancy:-

RE: can you help: oral mucocele‏
From: Nancy Colaiaco (
Sent: Monday, March 08, 2010 4:14:09 PM
To: 'Homoeo Dr. Sultan Mahmood' (

Dr. Mahmood:
Thank you for your recommendations. My husband followed your instructions and the mucous cyst inside lower lip is almost gone! It’s exactly a week tomorrow following your suggestions. Tomorrow begins the 2nd week. He is supposed to take the silicea 1M and Hepar S. 200c again, and thuja-Q locally in water for 2 days.
This is our first experience with homeopathy, and thanks to you, we witnessed that it does work. It’s fascinating and any reading recommendation you may have I would appreciate it.
How do we know when to stop the treatment? The mucocele is about 90-95% gone. Just a small white flat matter remains—perhaps scar tissue from previous removal of fibroma.
Should it be 100% gone, smooth in the area?

Thank you.

Contributed by:
Homeopathic Doctor Sultan Mahmood,
Hill View Avenue, Adyala Road,

Monday, March 8, 2010

Tip of the day

Amenorrhoea (Scanty or absence of menses)

The following one day trio recommended by Dr. R.L Gupta has been found very useful:-

Sulphur-200 5 drops in some water in the morning
Pulsatilla-200 5 drops in some water after 2 hours
Gossypium-Q 25 drops in some water after 2 hours

Repeat these three remedies in the abovesaid order if required and wait for the action.

A combination of Apis-Q + Gossypium-Q + Pinus Lamb-Q --- 10 drops in some water thrice a day has also been found efficacious in most of the cases.

Menorrhagia (Profuse menses)

Find your case in Millefolium, Trillium and Thalaspi.

Dysmenorrhoea (Painful menses)

Explore Pulsatilla, Cimicifuga, Belladona, Sabina, Mag. Phos., Abroma (Q), Viburnum Op. (Lower potencies).


Most of the cases as recommended by Dr. Koppikar are cured by the combination of Pulsatlla-30 + Calcarea Carb.-30 + Kreosot-30 + Cocculus-30.

Homeopathic Dr. Sultan Mahmood,
Hill View Avenue, Adyala Road,

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Tip of the day

Stomach disorder /Stomach related problems and homeopathy Part-10

Intense burning pain in stomach and abdomen, with vomiting.
Suggested Medicine

Faintness at stomach, better from eating; putrid eructations, like rotten eggs.
Suggested Medicine

All gone feeling; pain in pit of stomach when coughing.
Suggested Medicine

Gone, empty feeling at pit of stomach, at 11 a. m.
Suggested Medicine

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Tip of the day

Be Cautious to use -----

• It is extremely dangerous to use Secale Cor in uterine haemorrhage when there is albuminuria, for it is likely to bring on convulsions, and if used too freely during labour, it is extremely apt to cause puerperal metritis…. Dr. Allen.

• Apis should be given cautiously during first three months of pregnancy in low potencies, liable to produce miscarriage….
Dr. Cowperthwaite.

• Digitaline---- if taken at night, is liable to disturb the sleep…. Dr. Hughes.

• I want you not to select Pulsatilla for a loose cough unless you are sure that all the symptoms call for it. It often tightens such a cough without curing it…. Dr. Farrington.

• For prescribing Passiflora-Q for relief in rheumatism, the indication should be a “Clean tongue”…. Dr. Cuthburt.

• Do not give Bellis near bed time, as it is apt to cause sleeplessness…. Dr. J. H. Clarke.

• Most of the symptoms of Causticum are aggravated by drinking coffee…. Dr. Boger.

• Sepia is to be given in the evening because if given in the morning, it may produce a sufficient aggravation to have the patient feeling quite useless for the day…. Dr. Jack.

• Phosphorus, Silicea and Lachesis are three very dangerous remedies if there is a pre-tubercular tendency. The wrong potency or too frequent repetition may drive the patient into an active tuberculosis…. Dr. Hubbard.

• Psorinum patient does not improve while taking coffee…. Dr. Banerji.

• It is dangerous to give Phosphorus in high potencies to patients with advanced phthisis as it may start a haemorrhage that may prove fatal…. Dr. Tyler.

• All the Kalis are aggravated after any disturbance in fluid balance in the body, particularly after coition…. Dr. D. A. Davis.

Homeopathic Dr. Sultan Mahmood,
Hill View Avenue, Adyala Road,

Tip of the day

Stomach disorder /Stomach related problems and homeopathy Part-9

Intense pain in stomach and abdomen, with vomiting.
Suggested Medicine

Perceptible pulsations in pit of stomach.
Suggested Medicine

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Tip of the day

Stomach disorder/Stomach related problems and homeopathy Part-8


Sour eructations, chiefly of flatus.
Suggested Medicine
Mag. carb


Indigestion, sour; sour and bitter eructations; weight and pain; difficult belching of gas.
Suggested Medicine
Nux. vom


Pain in circumscribed spot, extending into spine.

Suggested Medicine

Monday, March 1, 2010

Tip of the day

Stomach disorder/Stomach related problems and homeopathy Part-7

Constant nausea; stomach feels relaxed, as though hanging down; spasmodic, clutching pain in stomach.
Suggested Medicine

Feels as though full of water.
Suggested Medicine
Kali. carb

Faintness, goneness, deathly nausea.
Suggested Medicine