Saturday, October 24, 2009

Tip of the day

Homeopathy and Eye Problem Part 27

It is the intolerance of light to eye.


Excessive Photophobia, or a strong desire for light, Black spots and mist before the eyes.
Suggested Medicine:


Photophobia, Worse in warm room, suddenly becomes far-sighted
Suggested Medicine:
Argent nit


Excessive sensitiveness to light, especially daylight
Suggested Medicine:
Arsenic alb


Photophobia with conclusive movement of the eyes when light strikes them, Light seems to be surrounded by a halo of various colors.
Suggested Medicine:


Photophobia with pale red color of the ball of the eye.
Suggested Medicine:

Friday, October 23, 2009



The adenoids have been called the “watch dogs of the throat”. Like the tonsils, they guard against respiratory infection in the young child, but like the tonsils they sometimes become infected and swollen themselves.
Adenoids are lymph glands situated at the back of the nose just where the air passages join those of the back of the mouth or pharynx. The lymph system is the body’s defense against infection and the lymph glands, such as the adenoids are full of so placed that any infection breathed in through the nose is filtered by them and hopefully killed sometimes, however, things can go wrong.


Adenoids are present from birth, but on the whole they disappear before puberty. They are most obvious from the age of one to four. This is because between these ages the child is continually deal is known about how the adenoids become infected, but any respiratory germ can affect them. Once they become damaged, chronic infection may set in. If the adenoids are recurrently inflamed, they tend to swell and this can give rise to ill effects.


If the gland becomes swollen due to infection, they interfere with the flow of air through the nose so that the child has to breathe through the mouth, this may cause heavy snoring at night. The closed mouth also causes a nasal tone of speech. The child finds that his “m” comes out as “b” and “n” sounds like “d”. This is because when he closes his mouth to pronounce “m” and “n” through the nose, he cannot do so since his nose is blocked. Breathing through the mouth also makes very dry and the child may continually ask for something to drink. As the adenoids fight infection, white blood cells-both dead and alive-are released in the form of pus. This pus will be seen as a discharge from nose-quite different from the clear, watery discharge of a runny cold. The child sniffs to try to clear it but it then runs down the back of his throat and makes him cough. The cough is particularly obvious at night and is a typical sign of infected adenoids. In the morning, the swallowed pus may cause vomiting.


HYDRASITIS: Hydrasitis is perfectly homeopathic to the totality of the symptoms produced by adenoids vegetations; it has the yellow mucus and general lymphoid hypertrophy. Dr. Lambrecht, of Antwerp uses a tampon of Hydrasitis and glycerin, one part of the tincture to six of glycerin, introduce deep into each nostril, having the child make inspiration leaving it there about fifteen minutes. He regards surgical intervention as merely palliative and medical treatment indispensable; Kali Bichromicum may also be indicated.

CALCAREA PHOSPHORICA: Highly recommended by copper, Clifton and many others as a most efficacious remedy in adenoid vegetations. It corresponds to the dyscrasia, which permits adenoid growths or tonsillar enlargement. Calcarea iodide may be used in cases which are febrile in nature.Baryta Carbonica is also a useful remedy, especially in children who have recurring attacks of acute tonsillitis.

CISTUS CANADENSIS: In scrofulous or arthritic individuals who have adenoid vegetations. There is extreme sensitiveness to cold air, this is characteristic. Sensation of heat and dryness in the throat so intense that the patient must drink to relieve. Cold air inhaled causes distress in the throat, the 6th potency seems to succeed the best. Cistus has a special affinity for the naso-pharynx.

TUBERCULINUM: Adenoids are greatly benefited and often times permanently cured by a weekly dose of Tuberculinum or preferably Bacillinum.

AGRAPHIS NUTANS: Obstruction of the nostrils from adenoids. Throat deafness. Clarke of London regarded this remedy as a leading one in cases of adenoids. It was first used by Copper in 1892. Deafness and deaf-mutism, breathes with mouth; open. It is essentially a catarrhal remedy and acts especially on the glands connected with the nasal cavity, and its use generally avoids adenoid surg.

Article by: Dr Muhammad Asif Nayyar
Gulshan e Iqbal

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Tip of the day

Homeopathy and Eye Problem Part 26


Rheumatic Iritis, with tension and much pain in eyes, Intense aching pain in the eyeballs, relief from pressure and worse from slightest motion and especially at night.
Suggested Medicine:


Rheumatic form, Burning, tearing and shooting pain in the eyes, Worse in the evening and at night, Better by firm pressure, A bluish white ring around the cornea.
Suggested Medicine:


Affecting superficially structures of the eye, Reacting very tardily to light, and the aqueous humor is cloudy from the admixture of the products of inflammation, Pains burning, stinging, shooting in character, are worse at night and are attended with this acrid Lachrymation.
Suggested Medicine:


Indicated during the later stage of the disorder, whether syphilitic or not, Corneal ulcer, which reads to perforate rather than to spread superficially, Indolence of the ulceration, Redness attending the inflammation is either absent or very deficient, There is little or no Photophobia.
Suggested Medicine:
Kali bich


Either rheumatic or traumatic, Pains shoot through the eyes to the back of the head, Profuse flow of hot tears, Pain worse at night, especially after midnight and in damp weather, Marked Photophobia, Lids swollen and spasmodically closed, In some cases, the inflammation may suppurate.
Suggested Medicine:
Rhus tox


Chronic Iritis in Psoric patients, after suppression of eruptions, Pain worse at night, Hypopion, Relapsing cases.
Suggested Medicine:

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Tip of the day

Homeopathy and Eye Problem Part 25

It is the contractile or movable curtain within the eye, which widens or contracts the pupil to admit or to exclude the rays of light, Inflammation of the iris is called Iritis. Iritis may be syphilitic, traumatic, rheumatic, arthritic or serous.


In the very beginning, after exposure to cold, dry wind, with great heat, burning, dryness in eyes, especially in young, robust individual, irits of traumatic origin (caused by external injury).
Suggested Medicine:


Rheumatic and traumatic Iritis.
Suggested Medicine:

Burning pains worse after midnight, better from warm applications.
Suggested Medicine:
Arsenic alb

Early stages, caused by a cold, redness and throbbing pain in eye and head, Pain in eye comes and goes suddenly, Photophobia.
Suggested Medicine:

Rheumatic Iritis, Sharp shooting pains in the eye, Pains worse from moving the eyes and on stooping as if everything would press out of the forehead.
Suggested Medicine:

Monday, October 19, 2009

Tip of the day

Homeopathy and Eye Problem Part 24

It is the opacity in crystalline lens of the eyes, or of its capsule, causing partial or total blindness. It is generally considered incurable by the administration of internal remedies. But there are cases on record, cured under Homeopathic treatment. The disease however being very poor in symptoms, the selection of homeopathic remedies adapted to the different forms of cataract is undoubtedly very difficult. The disease can hardly be removed in old people, by internal remedies. However, the treatment can eradicate the disease in young patients, prognosis being more favorable the younger a patient and the less advanced the malady.


When dependent upon uterine disorders and climaxis or hepatic affections.

Suggested Medicine:



From suppression of foot-sweat, Defective nutrition and after inflammation of eyes.
Suggested Medicine:

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Tip of the day

Homeopathy and Eye Problem Part 23


Obscuration of the crystalline lens (cataract), From left to right, Previous disposition to furuncles.
Suggested Medicine:
Mag carb


Cataracta virinis, Granular (fatty) cataract with arcus senilis, of young persons.
Suggested Medicine:

Friday, October 16, 2009

Acne and its homeopathic treatment

ACNE and its Homeopathic Treatment

The pimpled face of adolescence is so common that it could almost be thought of as normal, four out of five teenagers suffer from acne to some degree, but the majority grows out of, in the meantime, there are preventive measures and treatment which can ease the problem. The mixture of blackheads. Whiteheads and pink or reddish spots caused by Acne Vulgar is occurs mostly on the face, the back of the neck, found in the armpits and on the buttocks, too.


Acne affects young people of both sexes but tends to be more common in boys. It starts in adolescence because this is when there is great increase in the production of hormones from the sex. Organs and from the adrenal glands. These hormones are chemical messengers. Carried by the blood and transform a child into a sexually mature adult. Under their influence, and posticullarly that of the androgeus, or “Masculimzing” hormones, the oil-releasing sebaceous glands in the skin, which normally produce just enough oil or sebum to keep the skin healthily suppley, become overactive. They release too much sebum, causing a condition called “seborrhea”. The female hormones particularly estrogen, have the reverse effect, which explains-at least in part-why girls are generally less prone to acne than boy’s.


Blackheads, accompanied the pink or reddish inflammation which they cause, are the hallmark of acne. It was once thought that the bacteria that naturally thrive on sebum, particularly two called staphylococcus albus and bacillus acnes, were the underlying cause of the acne, but they are now know to be the cause of the inflammation, not the ace itself. In response to the presence of bacteria, which multiply in the blackhead, the blood vessels expend to bring more infection-fighting cells to the site this is the inflammatory reaction. As a secondary effect of ace, the bacterial infection may lead to the development of pimples, which are spots filled with dead white cells and bacteria, or pus. This infection usually only becomes severs, involving the formation of larger boils or abscesses, if the deeper skin tissues become bruised and damaged as a
result of squeezing the blackheads to release the “Core” of sebum plugged usually clears up with in about a week, but if secondary infection sets in it may take a month or more.

How to Fight Your Acne.


• Greasy hair oils or cosmetics.
• Leaving makeup on overnight or leave it off completely.
• Applying creams to dirty skin so that bacteria are pushed into the pores.
• Eating any foods that seem to cause spots.

Try To:

• Wash affected areas several times a day with medicated soap and hot water.
• Wash hair often, wear it off the face and reasonably short.
• Keep combs, brushes and face flannels clean and grease free.
• Get as much sunshine as you possibly can.


SULPHUR: Is perhaps the remedy most often indicated in this affection, especially if chronic. The skin is rough and hard and the Acne is associated with comedones and constipation; great aggravation from water is the characteristic leading to sulphur in skin affections. The acne punctata is the variety corresponding most nearly to sulphur iodide.

SANGOINARIA: Is another useful remedy in Acne, especially in women with scanty menses and irregular circulation of blood. Other remedies for acne dependent on sexual disturbance of women are Calcarea Carbonica and Aurum Muriatium Natrum.

KALI BROMATUM: Produces acne on the face, neck and shoulders. We frequently find acne in epileptics who have been maltreated by bromides. The remedy is especially adapted to the acne simplex and the acne indurate, especially in hyperacsthetic hervous females, and the late Dr. Martin discharge loudly praised. Since Kali Bromatum has been found a useful remedy in sexual excesses it will be specially a remedy in acne due to that cause. Dr. J.H.Clark sys “I know of on remedy of such universal usefulness in cases of simple acne as Kali Bromatum 30 x And the late Dr.A.M.Cushing recommended Arsenicum Bromatum 4x as very efficacious Thuja is one of our best remedies for acne facial is. Calcarea Picrata is also a useful remedy for Acne; clinically it has been found one of the food remedies. Calcarea Sulphurica is indicated where the pimples suppurate.

ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM: Small red pimples on face, acne in drunkards with gastric derangements, thirst-coated tongue, Antimonium Tairtaricum obstinate cases, with tendency to postulation, are curable with this remedy. Berberis Aquifolium is useful where the skin rough and the acne persistent.

Natrum Muriaticum: Acts especially on the sebaceous glands and is a very helpful remedy in acne. In this affection attention must be directed especially to the patient’s type, temperament and tendencies and the general symptoms are for more important than the local ones.

Article by: Dr Muhammad Asif Nayyar
Gulshan e Iqbal

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Tip of the day

Homeopathy and Eye Problem Part 22


Scrofulous individuals, Sensation of coldness in the eyes, Constitutional symptoms of the remedy e.g. cold damp feet, disposed to grow fat, take cold readily, head sweats profusely, slow in movement etc., Stony cataract in arthritic patients.
Suggested Medicine:
Calc Carb


Stony cataract in arthritic patients.
Suggested Medicine:
Calc flour


Constant inclination to touch and rub the eye, in order to relieve a pressure in it.
Suggested Medicine:


Aching pains in the balls of the eyes, Cramp like pulling in the eyes, Opacity of cornea.
Suggested Medicine:
Cannab sat


In old people, from contusion.
Suggested Medicine:


Can see better on a dark day.
Suggested Medicine:


After typhoid and from suppressed menses.
Suggested Medicine:

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Tip of the day

Homeopathy and Eye Problem Part 21

It is the opacity in crystalline lens of the eyes, or of its capsule, causing partial or total blindness. It is generally considered incurable by the administration of internal remedies. But there are cases on record, cured under Homeopathic treatment. The disease however being very poor in symptoms, the selection of homeopathic remedies adapted to the different forms of cataract is undoubtedly very difficult. The disease can hardly be removed in old people, by internal remedies. However, the treatment can eradicate the disease in young patients, prognosis being more favorable the younger a patient and the less advanced the malady.


Right eye affected, Dryness, Black spots before eyes, Burning in eyes.

Suggested Medicine:

Ammon Carb


Scrofulous inflammation with phlyctenuale and ulcer of cornea, Sparks before the eyes in the dark.

Suggested Medicine:
Baryta carb

After acute inflammation of the eye.

Suggested Medicine:

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Tip of the day

Homeopathy and Eye Problem Part 20

Twitching of eyelids:
It is the condition in which eyelids start quivering.


Twitching in eyeballs, Even twitching in facial muscles.
Suggested Medicine:



Twitching of the orbicularis muscles.
Suggested Medicine:


Twitching in the upper lid, especially left, Symptoms aggravated in the morning, Especially suited women and hysterical men, Must wink and wipe the eyes frequently as if a film of mucus were over them.
Suggested Medicine: