Showing posts with label Tissue Salts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tissue Salts. Show all posts

Monday, June 29, 2009

Tip of the day

Combinations for general weakness, poor appetite and acute fever

Combination: Ferrum Met ,Cinchona, Nux V ( all in 3x, 6x)

Indications: Poor appetite; general weakness; a mild tonic

A Tonic

Combination: Fer. Ph. ,kali phos,, Calc. Ph.( all in 3x , 6x)
Indications: debilitated after acute illness

Acute Fever

Combination: Acon.Nap , Bell., Bryonia , Gels. ( all in 30 c)
Indications : Fever with Anxiety,restless; chest pain, upset stomach;stiff neck

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Tip of the day

Diarrhoea and Homeopathy


Frequent and watery bowel movements, increase in frequency of bowel motions, or increased stool liquidity.

Some important Signs and Symptoms of Diarrhoea

  • Cramping pain in the abdomen
  • Needing to get to the toilet urgently.
  • Bloated feeling in the tummy.
  • Increased volume of stools
  • Fever or chills may also be accompanied with diarrhoea.
  • Signs of dehydration such as feeling very thirsty, rapid heart beat, feeling or being sick, and dark looking urine etc
  • In some cases stool contains blood or mucus
  • Nausea or vomiting.
  • Headache.

During diarrhoea, the body loses water and electrolytes in the form of liquid stool. Fluids can also be lost through vomit, sweat, urine and breathing. Dehydration occurs when these losses are not adequately replaced.

Diarrhoea may present in different forms such as acute watery diarrhoea, dysentery (blood in stool), or persistent diarrhoea (more than 14 days).
Diarrhoea causes dehydration. Children are more likely than adults to die from diarrhoea because they become dehydrated more quickly.

Causes of Diarrhoea

The main causes of diarrhoea are poor hygiene, lack of clean drinking water. In children, the trend towards bottle-feeding rather than breastfeeding is the major causes of diarrhea.
Some foods have a laxative affect naturally for instance prunes or figs so over indulgence will give temporary diarrhea.

Acute diarrhoea is usually caused due to accidental intake of infected food or drinks. Once the infection sets in the person has frequent loose motions which may be accompanied by fever, abdominal pain & vomiting. There might be presence of blood &/or mucus in the stools.
Chronic &/or recurrent diarrhoea i.e. repeated bouts of diarrhoea with/without periods of normal motions intermittently, could have many other causes like tuberculosis of the intestines, irritable bowel syndrome, malabsorption, ulcerative colitis etc. Detailed investigations are needed in such cases to find a cause before treatment can be started.


  • It is very important to drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated .
  • It is better to avoid food until the diarrhoea has stopped, but if you do want to eat then consume light, nourishing meals such as homemade soups and plain crackers.
  • Avoid protein for two days to rest the digestive tract.


a) Homeopathy

There are various treatments for this disease. Some of them can be mentioned below, but it should be noted down that the symptoms should match with the given one.

Argentum nitricum

Diarrhoea after eating sweets. Patient nervous, feels like passing stools before any important event. Stage fear. Stools watery, slimy and green(like chopped spinach).

Veratrum alb

Diarrhoea before and during menses and preceded by cutting pain in the abdomen. Stools, which are profuse, watery and gushing, are accompanied by cramps in hands and feet, and cold sweat on the forehead. Each bout of diarrhoea leaves the victim weak and exhausted, on the verge of a collapse. These symptoms are very much common in the diarrhoea patient, and for all these the medicine Veratrum is important.

Ars alb

Loose motions after food poisoning. Frequent, watery and dark. Stools highly offensive smell. Worse and increased after midnight. Pain and burning in anus.
Cuprum ars
useful for copious, dark, watery stools with pain and rumbling in the abdomen. The resultant dehydration causes cramps in the calf-muscles. The urine has a garlicky odour as well. For these symptoms the medicine is very important.


Loose motions in children, particularly during the period of dentition. Child is highly irritable and wants to be carried all the time.
This medicine is suitable for diarrhoea from undue mental nervousness and apprehension just before attending to any important work. Trembling, dullness, dizziness, drowsiness and thirstlessness are other features of this medicine.


Motions after eating rich foods. Loose stools with green mucus. Great nausea
Nux vomica
Diarrhoea alternates with constipation. Sedentary lifestyle, alcoholism, too much coffee.
Phos acid
This is suitable for painless and non-debilitating diarrhoea, the stools being watery and whitish.


Diarrhoea in summer.Pain in the abdomen. Foul smelling, loose stools, profuse in the morning


Stools yellow, bloody, comes in great masses. Involuntary stools, Rectum protrudes out, worse in hot weather and is better by cold.

suggested potency: 30- 200

b)Tissue Salts for Diarrhoea

Ferrum phos

Diarrhoea from a relaxed state of the villi, or absorbents of the intestines not taking up the usual amount of moisture. Stools of undigested food, brought on by a chill beginning with fever.

Kali mur

Diarrhoea after fatty food, pastry, etc.

Kali phos

Foul diarrhoea, often accompanied by other diseases, to heal the conditions causing putrid evacuations. Diarrhoea of strong odor, occasioned by fright and other similar causes. Diarrhoea with depression and exhaustion of the nerves, with or without pain.

Natrum mur

Diarrhoea with watery, slimy, frothy stools. Transparent, glairy slime, excessive use of salt. "Natrum mur is chiefly used for chronic diarrhoea of children.

Natrum pho
Itching, sore and raw anus. Stools white or green from deficient bile. Diarrhoea caused by excess of acidity.

Natrum sulph

Diarrhoea; stools watery, dark, bilious, or of green bile

Kali sulph

Diarrhoea yellow, slimy or watery, purulent stools.

Calcarea sulph

Diarrhoea purulent, mixed with blood, with clay-colored tongue. In typhus; from maple sugar and change of weather.

Calcarea phos

Diarrhoea in teething children, as an intercurrent or alternate remedy.

Magnesia phos

Stools watery, expelled with force, with griping pains in the bowels, flatulent colic relieved by drawing up limbs, or hot applications. Vomiting and cramp in calves of legs. Pain at intervals.


Infantile diarrhoea, cadaverous-smelling, after vaccination, with much sour perspiration on head, and hard, hot, distended abdomen.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Tip of the day

Magnesium Phosphate- Great tissue salt for muscles, nerve and bone

Mag phos is a great tissue salt and it acts on Muscles, Nerves and Bones.
It is very useful for Cramps nerve stabilizing and benefits the nervous system, helps ensure rhythmic movement of muscular tissue.

Most important Symptoms include menstrual pains, stomach cramps, flatulence neuralgia, sciatica, headaches with darting stabs of pain, cramps, muscular twitching.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Pneumonia and homeopathy

Pneumonia and homeopathy

In early stage ACONITE followed by FERRUM PHOS every hour should be used. When Pneumonia is fully established, PHOSPHOROUS should be given every 2-3 hours.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Anemia and Ferrum Phos

Anemia and Ferrum Phos

Iron deficiency anemia is normally associated with symptoms like fatigue, headache, and poor concentration, feeling tired and depressed. This codition is also very common in pregnant women. No doubt a balanced diet with iron supplements resolve the problem, but many people cannot tolerate these supplements.

Take Ferrum Phos in low potency (6C or 12X) twice a day for some days and see the excellent results.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Eye care while using Computer

Working on Computers and Eye Care

This article has been divided in to following sections.

a) Introduction
b) Common eye problem –Eye Strain and homeopathy
c) Eye Strain and Self care tips
d) Eye Problems and Tissue Salts

a) Introduction

In recent age, a large number of people in the world are using computers in their daily life. No doubt, most of people are facing with eye related problems.
Apart from numerous other reasons, staring at computer screen/ watching TV for long time is one of the major root cause of certain eye related problems especially eye strain.
Eyestrain is a common problem that almost everyone is faced with. We strain our eyes when we are working on computer, reading on computer screen or reading a book, watching TV and performing other necessary visual activities. Other reasons includes follwong:
  • Improper positioning of the PC
  • Poor lighting.
  • Poor posture.
  • Stiff deadlines.

Symptoms of eyestrain are enlisted below. It is not necessary that once should have all of these symptoms.

i) headache,
ii) blurred and double vision,
iii) watery eyes
iv) inability to focus on one thing
v) itching

b) Homeopathy remedies for eye strain

Homeopathy is the best way to treat your ailments. You can trust on homeopathy as it provides a complete cure to all types of acute and chronic diseases. It never damage you immune system. Rather it enhances its functioning.

Note: Homeopathic Treatment requires strict individualization. Please do not take any medicine without consulting your physician/homeopath.

Here is a short cosine picture of some of the most important homeopathic remedies for eye strain and other eye diseases.

RUTA GRAVEOLENS: Ailments from straining especially from fine work Symptoms are worse during exertion of vision. There can be a feeling stiffness in the eye muscles.

NATRIUM MURIATICUM: There is a bruised and stiff sensation, which is worse while reading and exerting the vision. It is difficult to read and the letters can run together.

PHYSOSTIGMA: There is twitching of the muscles around the eye. There can also be difficulty focusing and irritability after using eyes. The pupils can sometimes appear very small from eyestrain.

ONOSMODIUM: There is a strained and tired feeling in eye muscles. There can also be a tense drawing pain over the eyes. This pain tends to be worse over the over left eye. Distances are difficult to judge.

ARNICA is good for bruising, black eyes, and bleeding. It can be taken internally every hour if needed until the eye feels better or when the bruise and swelling is decreased. It is also good for eye socket injuries, and for injury to the soft tissue surrounding the eyes.

HYPERICUM is used for eye injury, excessively painful eyes or blood shot eyes or any nervous affliction of the eyelids or eyes, such as excessive blinking. Also used for eye pain, which follows removal of a foreign object from the eye. Also for long-lasting enduring pain.

LEDUM can be useful for bruising or black eyes if Arnica does not alleviate the problem. The keynote for using ledum is the presence of puncture wounds.

SYMPHYTUM is beneficial for eyeball injuries, such as being hit with a snowball, a tennis or baseball, or any other blunt object striking the eye.

BELLADONNA is good for sudden onset of red, hot, burning, itchy eyes.

ACONITE relieves the pain and inflammation in an eye injury, usually given as the first line of defense as soon as the injury or trauma has occurred. It is also given for pain due to a foreign object in the eye, however, the object must be removed accordingly. Aconite's relief is just temporary and immediate.

APIS is useful for swelling, heat, allergy eyes, and pressure sensation.

CHINA may help dimming of the vision.

C) Tips to prevent from eye strain

  • Reduce glare.
  • eep the PC away from you and at right angles to a window.
  • Turn off or shield overhead lights.
  • Wear a visor to block overhead lights if necessary.
  • Place your paperwork close enough so that you don’t have to keep refocusing when switching from the screen to the paper.
  • Use a paper document holder placed at the same height as the PC screen.
  • Place the screen in such a manner that your line of sight is 10 to 15° (about one–third of a 45° angle) below the horizontal position.
  • Dust off the screen often.
  • Blink often to keep your eyes from getting dry.
  • Try keeping the PC screen at least two feet away from your eyes.


Ferrum phos

Inflammation of any part of the eyes without secretion of mucus or pus. Pain in the eyeball, made worse by moving the eyes. Burning sensation in the eyes. They appear inflamed and red. Retinitis. Great redness with severe pain, without mucus or matter. "Conjunctiva congested, and with a sensation as if grains of sand were under the eyelids, vision dim, letters blur while reading, even though the refraction be normal, or if any error exists and is corrected by lenses, or where there is an insufficiency of the internal recti muscles so far as can be determined.

Kali murAffections of the eye with discharge of white mucus or yellow-greenish matter (also Kali sulph.). Feeling of sand in the eyes. Yellow, purulent scabs on the lids, specks of matter. Blisters on cornea. Inflammation of the iris. Superficial flat ulcer arising from a vesicle. Retinitis. Parenchymatous keratitis. Of great use even in the early stage.

Kali phosEyesight weak from an exhausted condition of the system, after diphtheria. Sensation of sand or sticks in the eyes. Soreness of eyeballs and edges of lids. Burning in eyes as if full of smoke. Eyes twitch, become blurred, black spots before eyes. Photophobia. Excited, staring appearance of the eyes, a symptom of nervous disturbances during the course of a disease; drooping of the eyelids, strabismus not spasmodic, squinting after diphtheria. Muscular and accommodative asthenopia and incoordination of the ocular muscles, especially from defective innervation.

Kali sulphEyelids covered with yellow crusts, discharge from eyes yellow or greenish matter, yellow, purulent slime or yellow, watery secretions. Cataract, dimness of crystalline lens (Natr. mur.). Ophthalmia neonatorum, thin yellow or sanious discharge with closely adherent membrane on the palpebral conjunctiva. It is useful where other remedies fail. We have found Kali sulph. a valuable agent in abscess of the cornea, and superior to Kali mur. in cases of pus in the anterior chamber (hypopyon), two or three cases of which under this remedy (3x) alone have cleared up with gratifying promptness.

Magnesia phosDrooping of the eyelid, affections of the eyes with sensitiveness to light, or contracted pupils, vision affected, sees sparks, colors before the eyes, twitching of eyelids, spasmodic squinting, dulness of vision from weakness of optic nerve, strabismus.
Natrum murAsthenopia, muscular; the most important remedy. Blister on cornea, discharge of clear mucus from eyes or flow of tears with obstruction of tear-ducts, neuralgic pains periodically returning with flow of tears. Eyes water, secretion causes scalding of skin or eruption of small vesicles; granulated eyelids without secretion of tears. Tarsi much thickened and red. White spots on the cornea. The eye may also be syringed with a solution of this remedy externally, daily.

Natrum phosDischarge of golden-yellow, creamy matter. Conjunctivitis with discharge of yellow, creamy matter. Hypopyon. Lids glued together in the morning; note conditions of the tongue, palate, presence of acid risings, etc. Burning lachrymation, eyes bloodshot. Dim sight, as if a veil were before the eyes.

Natrum sulphPain over eyes. Granular conjunctivitis. Photophobia in scrofulous ophthalmia. "No remedy, Graphites possibly excepted, has such terrible sensitiveness to light in chronic ophthalmias." (H. C. Allen.) Yellowness of the conjunctivae. Large, blister-like granulations with burning lachrymation, burning of edges of lids.

SiliceaStye on the eyelids, also use as a lotion to remove and hasten the discharge painlessly. If much inflammation, Ferrum phos. Deep-seated abscess of cornea. Hypopyon. Photophobia, sudden paroxysms of nyctalopia. Amblyopia and cataract after checked foot-sweat. Boils and cystic tumors around eyelids. Opaque cornea. Ciliary neuralgia over right eye. Kernels and indurations of the lids. Scrofulous ophthalmia.

Calcarea phosSpasmodic affections of the eyelids, if Magnes. phos. fails. Parenchymatous keratitis in scrofulous diathesis. Useful in checking cataract. Dry inflammation of the eyes during dentition. Photophobia. Corneal opacity. No use where the palpebral conjunctiva is much involved. Congenital amblyopia in children of a rachitic constitution and scrofulous diathesis, with general characteristics of the drug. Useful in non-vascular form of diffuse keratitis with more marked photophobia than under Kali mur. and accompanied by well known scrofulous cachexia. Cataract appearing with lupus, cancer or tuberculosis, gout, etc.
Calcarea sulphDeep ulcers on cornea, ophthalmia, pus thick and yellow. Inflammation of the eyes with discharge of thick, yellow matter. Deep-seated abscess of the cornea (Silicea). Hypopyon, to absorb the effusion of pus in the eye (after Silicea). Retinitis. Sensation of foreign body; has to tie up, after injuries. Pus in anterior chamber. Phlyctenular keratitis and conjunctivitis, cervical glands enlarged. Inflamed canthi. "Has in my hands reduced purulent discharge in ophthalmia neonatorum." )

Calcarea fluorFlickering and sparks before the eyes, spots on the cornea, conjunctivitis, cataract. Indurations in the lids. Enlarged meibomian glands.This remedy has been found of use in cases of partial blindness. Dimness of vision from overstraining the eyes. "I have prescribed Calcarea fluor. recently in my clinic in a number of cases. In one case of senile cataract where it was used there certainly was great improvement in sight.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

An Introduction to Bio Salts (12 Tissue Salts)

An Introduction to Bio Salts (12 Tissue Salts)

1. Calcarea Fluoride

Calcarea Fluoride is an important mineral to help calcium bond to teeth. Fluoride works by bonding calcium from the saliva to the enamel of the teeth. Calcarea Fluoride is Calcium Fluoride, homeopathic fluoride. In liquid form for quick absorption. Beneficial for those who are lactose intolerant or have a dairy allergy. Other forms of fluoride are often chemical byproducts and poisons. Over the counter Fluorides are only to be used topically on teeth, not swallowed. For internal use, use Calcium Fluoride 12X liquid. Calc fluor will not cause mottling and darkening of the teeth that can be a problem in areas that have naturally high amounts of fluoride in the water.
Calcium fluorica helps with repeated sprains. Calcium Fluoride is an important mineral for teeth, skin, and bones. Calcium Fluoride can sooth teething pain and toothache. Safe for all ages. If lacking in Calcium Fluoride, emotional symptoms include uncertainty and difficulty making choices.
Calcarea Fluoride is beneficial for symptoms that feel worse in damp weather. Calcarea Fluoride is useful in skin problems such as rough, chapped skin. Calcarea Fluoride is helpful for colds with mucous or mucous appearing greenish in color.
Calcium Fluoride is important for tissue strength for varicose veins and muscle tone.
Calcarea Fluoride is useful for fistulas; hemorrhoids, varicose veins; weak muscle tone. Also known as Calcarea Fluorica.

2. Calcium Fluoride

Calcium Fluoride #1 mineral for helping Calcium bond to teeth. Fluoride works by bonding calcium from the saliva to the enamel of the teeth. Use Calcium Fluoride, rather than other forms of Fluoride that are chemical byproducts and actual poisons.
Over the counter Fluorides are only to be used topically on teeth, not swallowed. For internal use, use Calcium Fluoride 6X in Cell Salt tablets. Calc Fluor will not cause mottling and darkening of the teeth, which can be a problem in areas that have naturally high amounts of fluoride in the water.Calcium Fluoride is an important mineral for teeth, skin, bones.Calcium Fluoride can sooth teething pain and toothache. Safe for all ages. Calcium fluorica helps with repeated sprains.
Calcium Fluride supports circulation. Used for colds, coughs, excess mucous. Decreases swelling, enlarged veins. Help for swollen glands, tight muscles, hardened glands. Calcium Fl is part of the elastic fibres found in the skin, connective tissue, and in the vascular walls providing support for muscles, tendons and bones. If lacking in Calcium Fluoride, emotional symptoms include uncertaintyand difficulty making choices.
Symptoms may feel worse in damp weather. Useful in skin problems such as rough, chapped skin.
Colds with green mucous.
Calcium Fluoride is important for tissue strength for varicose veins and muscle tone. Useful for fistulas; hemorrhoids, varicose veins; weak muscle tone. Calcarea Fluorica, Calcarea Fluor, Calc Fluor, Ca Fl all refer to the important mineral Calcium Fluoride, Fluoride of Lime. Calcium Fluoride is known as one of the Homeopathic Cell Salts, Tissue Salts or Biochemic Salts. Biochemistry is the supplementation of minerals in homeopathic potency used within our cells developed by Dr. Schussler.
3. Calcium Phosphate

Calcium Phosphate is our #1 remedy for bones. Important support for growing pains in youth. Calcium Phosphate is helpful for changing and growing phases such as bone growth, dentition, puberty. Helpful for healing phases with support for blood cells and anemia, and healing of bone injury.
Use along with other therapies when the body is suffering from weakness. Called the feel good remedy because it helps rebuild cells and promotes circulation. Promotes healthy cellular activity and restores tone to weakened organs and tissues. Speeds recovery, improves circulation and replenishes the body's reserve of strength. Useful for persistent coughs, weak digestion, joint pain, broken bones. Calcium Phosphate helps for numbness in extremities, painful joints, tooth decay problems, gallstones.
Sore throats that are painful upon swallowing. Children's headaches."Know Your Remedy" book mentions Calcium Phosphate for weak children with adenoid problems.
Calcium Phosphate's Mini Materia Medica:
Headaches: Especially of school children Slow Healing Fractures, "Growing Pains" of youth. Pains in joints & bones.
Knitting of bones from hairline fractures, or bone breaks. Pains in muscles & bones. Important support for growing bones.
Helps the body take up Calcium to help with tooth decay problems.Teething Difficulties: delayed or painful teething, calcium malabsorptionCalcium Phosphate is useful when the person generally feels better in the summer, warm, dry weather and feels worse by cold, damp weather, stress, weather changes, mental exertion.
Homeopathy uses the term Cell Salt to refer to mineral salts used within the cells of the body. The Cell Salts are taken in low homeopathic potency to help the body utilize that mineral more efficiently in the body. Can use on a regular basis to help with calcium absorption. Helps solve the problem of hard to dissolve supplements, with the problems of high calcium blood levels, but low calcium in the cells.
Calcium Phosphate from Phosphate of Lime, may also go under the names Calcarea Phosphorica, Calcium Phosphoricum, Calcarea Phos and Calc Phos.

4. Calcium Sulphate

Available in liquid form for quick absorption. Beneficial for those who are lactose intolerant or have a dairy allergy. Calcium Sulphate is used by the liver and helps in the removal of wastes and cleaning toxins from the body. Calcarea Sulphur is used by the liver and helps in the removal of wastes and cleaning toxins from the body. Rashes, acne and damaged skin need Calcarea Sulphur because it improves skin health. Supports the liver in the job of clearing impurities internally so they are not expelled through the skin. This prevents toxins from being eliminated through the skin resulting in clearer skin.
As blood purifier remedy and very useful to improve skin ailments: Teenage acne. Acne Rosacea Eruptions on face, neck, shouldersLiver spotsBoils and acne Slow healing skin conditions and stubborn skin problems, abscesses, wounds.
Helps with cleansing toxins in the body. swollen glands.Use Calcarea Sulphur in early stages of colds, and sore throats to prevent illnesses from worsening, helps to clear out mucous from colds.Deficiency of this important mineral can cause negativity and apathy, poor skin, teeth, swollen glands.
Calcium Sulphate is very beneficial for health problems that are worse after getting wet and better in warm, dry atmosphere. Use Calcium Sulphate along with these other Cell Salts: Natrum Mur for moist acne, pus; Silicea for teenage acne and unhealthy hair, nail and skin conditions.
Homeopathic Cell salts provide us with important minerals to heal skin tissue.Calcium Sulphate may also go under the names Calcarea Sulphurica, Calcarea Sulphur, Calcarea Sulph, Calc Sulpher, Calc Sulph.

5. Ferrum Phos

FerrumPhosphate is the #1 mineral for the blood's main oxygen carrier. Experts feel Ferrum Phos should always be considered as a supplement remedy to speed recovery for first aid. Keep on hand for high Fevers that do not respond to the remedy Belladonna.
Helpful for anemia. Ferrum Phos is helpful for low or mild fever, infections, inflammations, fatigue, lack of stamina, chronic conditions, congestion, muscular strains. FERRUM PHOS- #1 remedy for inflammations. Fatigue, weakness. Illness has drained color out of the child's face.
Keynote is a slow and gradual onset of illness. Opposite of Aconite's rapid onset of illness.
Useful for nosebleeds, sore throat, stuffy nose. In homeopathic form, this mineral goes right into the cells to help with oxygenation.
Ferrum Phos is considered by many an appropriate addition to other homeopathic remedies.Ferrum Phos is helpful for infections, inflammations, fatigue, lack of stamina, chronic conditions.
Ferrum Phosphoricum, Remedy for inflammations, congestion, rapid pulse, fevers, muscular strains. Apply the crushed tablets to cuts and scrapes to help slow bleeding and prevent scarring. Better from touch or cold application. Worse from during the evening and night, motion, right sideIt gives strength and toughness to the circular walls of the blood vessels, especially the arteries. Ferrum phos helps with a lack of blood corpuscles as in anemia, and also as a first aid remedy for hemorrhages. This tissue salt can be given at the early stages of most acute disorders, and it should be administered at frequent intervals until the inflammatory symptoms subside. Ferrum Phosphoricum's Mini Materia Medica:
Cough: Helpful for painful, short, tickling cough. Hard, dry cough with sore chest. Better at night.
Diarrhea: Useful for diarrhea with fever, from infections.Earache: Helpful for early stages of an earache. Ear feels stopped, pain, and throbbing. When Belladonna fails.
Fever: Useful for fever with gradual Onset. Early stages, no clear symptoms for any other remedy. Pale, easy flushing, rosy cheeks. Rapid, soft pulse. RestlessHeadache: Helpful for head sore to touch with throbbing pain. Worse from excess sun, moving, cold.
Hemorrhage: Useful for bright bleeding from any orifice.Nosebleeds: Helpful for nosebleeds with profuse, bright red blood. Clots easily.Sleeplessness: Useful for restlessness and anxious dreamsSore Throat: Helpful for a sore throat in its early stages. Tonsils red and swollen. Sore throat of singers and speakers. After operations on throat and nose.Ferrum Phosphoricum, Ferrum Phosphate, Ferrum Phos all refer to the important mineral Iron Phosphate. Ferrum Phosphate is known as one of the Homeopathic Cell Salts, Tissue Salts or Biochemic Salts. Biochemistry is the supplementation of minerals in homeopathic potency used within our cells developed by Dr. Schussler.
5. Kali Mur

Kali Mur is helpful for health problems where the body feels sluggish, with poor circulation. Such as fatigue, toxicity, allergies, excess mucous, degenerative conditions. Deficiency symptoms include sinus infections, joint inflammation, skin conditions.
Emotional deficiency symptoms include nervousness, anxiety, mental confusion, lack of interest.
Kali Mur is great for cold relief when there is white nasal discharge, tongue is coated white and sinus problems exists. Use Kali Mur for sore throats, coughs, fever. Useful for swollen tonsils, sore throats, ear infections. Kali Mur is useful for chronic catarrhal conditions of the middle ear and throat. Beneficial for ulcerated sore throats and tonsillitis.
Kali Mur from the mineral potassium chloride. Potassium is found in muscles, nerve cells and brain cells. Kali Mur is useful for problems of nervousness and anxiety and lack of mental clarity.
Kali Mur is known as one of the Homeopathic Cell Salts, Tissue Salts or Biochemic Salts. Biochemistry is the supplementation of minerals in homeopathic potency used within our cells developed by Dr. Schussler. Also known as Kali Muriaticum.
6. Kali Phos –

Kali Phos has often been referred to as the pick-me-up Cell Salt. And with good reason. Potassium is an important electrolyte and is crucial for energy. Potassium controls pH balance and water balance. Regulates the transfer of nutrients into the cells. Kali Phos feeds the nerves. It is the cell salt for any nervous conditions like brain exhaustion, upset stomach, nervous headache, sleeplessness, grumpiness, neuralgia, despondencies, hysteria, and pains. It is used successfully for the treatment of shingles because the underlying source may be due to nerves.
Potassium supports the adrenals, so is helpful for stressful times that can overtax the adrenals.
Kali phos is helpful for tension headaches associated with intellectual fatigue. Remember Kali Ph for mental energy and for physical energy.If you lack stamina part way through the day, use Kali Ph. Remember Kali Ph for the stress of teens also.
Helpful in times of stress that need a clear mind, such as before an exam or presentation. Kali Ph is the #1 Cell Salt to remember for nervousness and stress relief.
Sluggishness and fatigue in adults. Kali Phos goes directly into the cells to naturally balance mental or physical fatigue.A great nerve nutrient. Nervous headaches and indigestion. Kali Phos for Dental Problems: Dry Mouth Spongy Gums Bleeding Gums Receding Gums Bad Breathe Dental problems worse with AnxietyIrritability of youngsters with strong willed kids or ADD, ADHD.May be helpful for jet lag and motion sickness, take prior to traveling and following few days.

7. Kali Sulphate –

Potassium Sulphur 6X 500 tablets Kali Sulphur is the #1 remedy to help rid the body of toxins. Skin problems are often due to poor elimination of toxins. Kali Sulphur can help with adult acne and is an important remedy for psoriasis. Kali Sulphur helps with rebuilding healthy skin cells and balancing natural oils on skin. Always useful remedy for skin problems. Helpful where skin is scaling or sloughing off such as dandruff and psoriasis; psoriatic arthritis. Kali Sulphur brings oxygen to the skin. A person needing Kali Sulphur is more prone to constipation, dry scalp, and poor skin.
Use for children during childhood skin problems. Kali Sulphur is helpful for colds with yellow nasal discharge. Use for colds and problems of excess mucous. Useful when there is a feeling of stuffiness.
Kali Sulphur may also go under the names Kali Sulphate, Kali Sulfur, Kali Sulphuricum and the important mineral Potassium Sulphate. Unit Dose is a small tube of quick melting #20 tiny poppy seed size pellets. Entire tube may be taken as one dose or take a few pellets at a time.

8. Magnesium Phos

Magnesium Phos is homeopathic Magnesium phosphate. Now available in liquid form for quick absorption. Beneficial for those who are lactose intolerant or have a dairy allergy. Magnesium Phos is the best remedy for muscle spasms-back, leg, abdomen or calf. Use in the evening for a peaceful night sleep without charley horses. Relax tight back muscles. Supports intestinal health and beneficial for abdominal spasms and intestinal problems such as colitis or constipation. Magnesium Phos calms agitated nerves for pain relief of headache, writer’s cramp, sciatica, neuralgia. Use before and after dental work to calm tooth pain. Spasmodic is a key symptom and Magnesium Phos calms spasmodic coughs, hiccups, menstrual cramps. Magnesium helps with abdominal pains improved by eating. Magnesium Phos is from magnesium, an important mineral that is involved in over 300 enzyme reactions in the body. Homeopathic Magnesium Phos goes quickly into the system for prompt relief. Studies have shown that most adults are deficient in the mineral magnesium. Refined foods, pollution, non-absorption and insufficient ability of the body to utilize magnesium in the body are some of the causes. It is especially recommended that diabetics, individuals with heart disease and those with high blood pressure have their magnesium levels checked. Magnesium Phos, especially in low potency 6X, can help your body utilize magnesium in the body and from food and is completely safe (unlike 500 mg supplements that can cause bowel overload with resulting diarrhea). Helpful information on Potency.
Cell Salts are homeopathic potency of minerals used within the cells. Cell Salts can improve the body’s ability to absorb Magnesium. If lacking in Magnesium Phos, nerves are on edge with the inability to relax emotionally (showing as anxiety, nervous disorders, depression) and physically (showing as muscle problems, fibromyalgia-worse with even a light touch, nerve sensitivity-even the skin may feel overly sensitive).
Deficiency symptoms include stress, pain, anxiety, depression, muscle spasms, migraine headaches, PMS headaches, agitation, irritability, constipation, fatigue. Magnesium Phos is found inside the cells of muscles, nerves, bones, the brain and spine. Deficiency affects muscle fibers and nerve endings. Magnesium is one of the trio including Potassium and Calcium involved in muscle function. Magnesium deficiency has been linked with CFS, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Consider Magnesium Phosphate when there has been nerve injury or damage. Speed injury recovery with Magnesium Phos. Magnesium Phos is indicated when nerve pain is shooting, darting, or spasmodic. Couple this with magnesium's presence in the brain and you'll see Magnesium Phos importance in neuralgias and headaches.
Magnesium Phos is the #1 mineral used within the cells for nerve pain. Indicated for migraines, fatigue, hearing disorders, Meniere’s disease, neuralgia, panic attacks.Works successfully with other therapies. Absorbs instantly, great for people with digestion difficulties. One customer emails, "Dear Kathryn, The information you have sent me and with my using the Cell Salts and remedies that you advised have made me feel 90% better. I thank you with all of my heart." Beverly from Delhi, Iowa.Magnesium Phos' Mini Materia Medica:
Abdominal: Helpful for intestinal problems, calm spasmodic abdominal cramping.
Colic: Useful for colic with much gas & belching, without reliefMenstrual cramps: Helpful for menstrual cramps that are relieved by onset of flow. Shooting, darting pains. Person may feel pain is better from warmth, gentle pressure. Person may feel pain is worse with cold air, drafts.Muscle spasms: Useful for leg cramps and writer's crampPain: Helpful for pain with sharp, cutting, shooting, and constricting sensation.
PMS: Useful for irritability, intestinal symptoms, anxiety, PMS headaches.Magnesia Phosphorus may also go under the names Magnesia Phosphorica, Magnesia Phos, Magnesia Phosphorica, Magnesium Phosphate, Magnesium Phosphorus, Magnesium Phos, Mag Phos, Mag Phos, Mg Ph. Magnesium Phos is known as one of the Homeopathic Cell Salts, Tissue Salts or Bi ochemic Salts. Biochemistry is the supplementation of minerals in homeopathic potency used within our cells developed by Dr. Schussler.

9. Natrum Mur

Natrum Mur is homeopathic Sodium Chloride from salt. Now available in liquid form for quick absorption. Beneficial for those who are lactose intolerant or have a dairy allergy. Natrum Mur is the #1 mineral that balances water distribution in the body. Natrum Mur is the mineral that regulates water balance in the body. Along with Potassium (Kali Phos), Natrum Mur is a very important electrolyte within our cells. Nat Mur is used for a headache that begins at the root of the nose and extends to the forehead and is associated with nausea. Natrum Mur is known as one of the Homeopathic Cell Salts, Tissue Salts or Biochemic Salts. Biochemistry is the supplementation of minerals in homeopathic potency used within our cells developed by Dr. Schussler. Natrum Mur is useful in ailments involving water balance, this includes sinus, mucous, hay fever, edema, puffy eyes, lightheadedness, perspiration, eye health, constipation, dizziness, water retention, PMS, menopause, headaches. Natrum Mur helps with an allergic runny nose. Eye health including dry eyes, itchy eyes, weak eyes, dark circles under the eyes and glaucoma (from the book, Twelve Tissue Remedies.Natrum Mur is one of the most common constitutional types and a polycrest remedy, meaning this remedy works on many areas of the body, including many physical and emotional symptoms. If you suffer from lack of energy, depression, excess sensitivity you may benefit from Natrum Mur. Natrum Mur is also helpful for coughs, hay fever, sinusitis and colds; migraines; slow digestion with heartburn, Natrum Mur is indicated to rebalance health problems stemming from over use of table salt. Used for dry skin and hang nails. Headaches and migraine symptoms helped by Natrum Mur: Throbbing , blinding headache as if hammers going off in brain. Headache from eyestrain, from anemia, from colds; blurred vision that is worse looking down or with flickering lights; with backache.
Head feels too large. Congestion. Headache from the sun, heat, with heat making headache worse; person feels they need to wear sunglasses indoors; headache of school children and if from anemia. Headaches worse 10 am - 3 pm. Movement, music, etc. makes headache worse. Wants to be alone. Migraine preceded by numbness and tingling in lips, nose, and tongue.This remedy may go by the name Natrum Mur, Nat Mur, Natrum Muriaticum.20% alcohol by volume.

10. Natrum Phosphate

Natrum Phosphate is now available in liquid form for quick absorption. Beneficial for those who are lactose intolerant or have a dairy allergy. Natrum Phosphate is the #1 mineral for digestion. If your health problems involve poor digestion, use Natrum Phosphate with your meals. Important for children or adults with poor health from nutritional deficiencies or suffer from food allergies, food sensitivities. "Excess of acid" is a misnomer and is actually a deficiency in phosphate of sodium- the mineral salt of Natrum Phosphate. A lack of proper balance of the alkaline Cell Salt in gastric enzyme activity will allow fermentations and retard digestion. Natrum Phosphate helps restore balance and is useful for acidity, heartburn, dyspepsia, gas, distention or bloating, constipation, flatulence. Useful for upset stomach and sleeplessness due to indigestion; grinding teeth. Suited to young children who have been fed too much sugar; sour vomiting; greenish, sour diarrhea, coated tongue; foul smelling diarrhea of children from improper digestion; worms.
Natrum Phosphate is indicated in hot flashes worsened with indigestion. Toxins come through the skin when digestion is poor, so use Natrum Phosphate for skin conditions-Yellow secretions from acne, eczema, pimples like flea bites all over the body. Natrum Phosphate is important to remember if you suffer from excess uric acid, such as gout, joint pain, arthritis stiffness, swelling. Emotional symptoms of deficiency are displays of criticism, selfishness, envy, agitation. The eyes are said to be an indicator of liver and digestive system health. Natrum Phos is helpful for eye health, sensitive eyes, and cataracts. Neuralgia. Natrum Phosphate may also go under the names Natrum Phosphoricum, Natrum Phos, Nat Phos, Sodium Phosphate. Natrum Phosphate is known as one of the Homeopathic Cell Salts, Tissue Salts or Biochemic Salts. Biochemistry is the supplementation of minerals in homeopathic potencyused within our cells developed by Dr. Schussler.

11. Natrum Sulphate

Natrum Sulphate is now available in liquid form for quick absorption. Beneficial for those who are lactose intolerant or have a dairy allergy. Natrum Sulphate is the #1 mineral for water distribution, removing wastes in the body and support for the liver, gall bladder, kidneys, pancreas, intestines and lungs. Useful homeopathic supplement for asthma, diabetes, headaches, edema, gall stones.Natrum Sulphate is found primarily in the liver where it assists with the healthy function of the organ. It is the primary remedy for influenza and other symptoms made worse from humidity. Natrum Sulph helps with bronchial irritation worsened by humidity. It also acts on the kidneys.
Boericke tells us Natrum Sulphate is the constitutional remedy for children with asthma weakness.
Natrum Sulphate is beneficial for digestive problems such as nausea, sick headaches, bitter taste in the mouth, oral thrush, liver troubles, urinary problems.The remedy offers support for the pancreas and kidneys and improving diabetes mellitus and insulin disorders.
liver;gall bladder and reducing gallstones; intestinal tract for improving chronic diarrhea, loose stools, colitis; kidneys and reducing edema; lungs and strengthening the respiratory system and improving asthma, especially asthma that is worse in humid weather.
Emotional symptoms of deficiency in Nat Sulph are depression, feeling weak, fearful, suicidal. Useful in children and teenagers who feel bad about themselves (life sucks to this teen). Person may feel isolated and buy into doom and gloom mentality of music they may listen to, but which only worsens their despondency. They may alternate from being subdued to acting impulsively. Helpful for symptom of yellowish skin or eyes or greenish color from excess bile which shows up on tongue, diarrhea or vomit.
Also consider Natrum Sulphur when health problems started after a head injury or when a person feels worse in humid, damp, warm weather. Natrum Sulphuricum, Natrum Sulphuric, Natrum Sulphur, Natrum Sulph, Nat Sulphate, Nat Sulphur, Nat Sulph, all refer to this important mineral Sodium Sulphate. Natrum Sulphate is known as one of the Homeopathic Cell Salts, Tissue Salts or Biochemic Salts. Biochemistry is the supplementation of minerals in homeopathic potency used within our cells developed by Dr. Schussler.Homeopathic liquid dilution in 20% alcohol by volume.
12. Silicea - Silica

Silicea is the #1 Cell Salt mineral for improving hair, skin and/or nails health: skin conditions; dry hair, skin or nails; acne; boils; ulcers; unhealthy skin. Silica is naturally found in our skin, hair, nails and connective tissues in the body. Silicea is often used when problems have turned into chronic concerns. To help clear skin eruptions, pull out a splinter, pull infection from an abscess.
Silicea is basic remedy and helpful for general weakness and anemia. Silicea helps with fatigue and irritability due to overwork. Silica is an insulator of the nerves, protects them and directs correct messaging to the nervous system. Helpful for diseases of the nervous system, such as vertigo; throbbing pain; tremors and paralysis; weakness in the back with pain.
Silicea can help with mental symptoms as well as physical symptoms. Helps the person who has a hard time getting up in the morning, muscles and mind feels weary. Helps when overtaxing the mind makes the person irritable and the mind cloudy. Helpful for young people and students who get nervous headaches, mental exhaustion, easily distracted and fatigued and stress out. Fatigue and irritability due to overwork.
Silica is used when pain begins in the back of the head and settles over the eyes. Silicea symptoms are often worse 12-3 am and feel worse with physical or mental exertion, worse with noise and music and better lying down in a darkened room. Symptoms feel better with warm applications and worse when weather changes for the worse, such as storms, winter, cold and damp conditions.Silicea, Silica, is from the mineral silica, pure flint, oxide of silicon. Silica is known as one of the Homeopathic Cell Salts, Tissue Salts or Biochemic Salts. Biochemistry is the supplementation of minerals in homeopathic potency used within our cells developed by Dr. Schussler.