Showing posts with label Home treatment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Home treatment. Show all posts

Monday, May 11, 2009

Tip of the day

Homeopathy and Headache

Allium cepa

Headache from cold accompanied by sneezing and watery discharges from eyes and nose.


Severe throbbing headache. Face is red and hot. Better in warm room. Headache due to sinus.

Kali bich

Wandering pain in the forehead. The pain is worse in the morning or from any noise. It is better by applying heat or by lying down.

Nux vomica

Headache due to mental tension. Also headache due to constipation, loss of sleep or abuse of coffee/ alcohol. Sedentary lifestyle.


Headache, more near eyes. Due to eyestrain from studying or reading. Pain in eyeballs.


Headache dull and tired, at base of the brain. Patient lies with this head raised upon a high pillow. Pain is worse by moving, lying low, mental work, heat. Headache relieved by passing urine. Headache with feeling of blindness, trembling and weakness.


Violent headache, with flickering before the eyes, or spots of colors. Worse during menses.

Natrum mur

Headache caused due do coughing. Every cough results in pain in the head.

Thanks to Dr Sameera Nasir

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Tip of the day

Gout and Homeopathy


Gout is considered one of the most intensely painful types of arthritis. Gout is characterized by sudden onset of severe pain, tenderness, warmth, redness, and swelling from inflammation of the affected joint. Gout usually affects a single joint and most often the big toe is affected. The knee, ankle, foot, hand, wrist, and elbow may also be affected.

Suggested Homeopathic Medicines:

For acute attack -URTICA URENS tincture 5 drops every 4 hours in a glass of hot water.

If inflammation rapidly shifts from joint to joint, use COLCHICUM (low potency) every 2 hours or PULSATILLA in the same way. For more chronic forms LEDUM is very effective.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Tip of the day

Music and Homeopathy

Mind, sensitive, music

Nat. c., Nux v., and Sep.

Anxiety from music,

Dig., Nat. c. ; while playing a piano ; Nat. c.

Delusions of delightful music,

Lach., Plb., Puls.

Fancies he hears music

Cann. i., Croc., Lach., Lyc.., Plb., Puls., Sal. ac., Stram., Thuj.

Excitement from music,

Kreos., Sumb., Tarant.

Hysteria better by music,


Restless from music,

Nat. c., Tarant.

Sadness from music,

Acon., Cham., Dig., Graph., Kreos., Lyc., Nat. c., Nat. p., Nat. s., Nux. v., Phos., Sabin., Sep., Tarant., Thuya.

Amelior. By sad music;


Oversensitive to music,

Acon., Ambr., Bufo., Cact., Carb. an., Caust., Cham., Coff., Dig., Graph., Kreos., Lyc., Merc., Nat. c., Nat. m., Nat. p., Nat. s., Nux. v., Phos., Ph. ac., Sabin., Sep., Stann., Tarant., Thuj., Viol. o., Zinc.

Head, pain, music from

Acon., Ambr. Cact., Coff., Nux. v., Ph. ac. Phos., Podo., Viol. o.

Teeth, pain, drawing, music from,

Ph. ac.

Kent's Repertory sixth edition

Contributed by: Dr Masood Kamal

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Tip of the day

A Floral Calender of Remedies

January = Gelsemium

February = Galanthus nivalis

March = Bellis perennis

April = Clematis erecta

May = Ceanothus americanus

June = Arnica montana

July = Bryonia alba

August = Lathyrus sativus

September = Crocus sativa

October = Berberis vulgaris

November = Hamamelis virginiana

December = Helleborus niger

Thanks to Dr Sameera Nasir

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Tip of the day

Colic With severe burning Pain and Solarnum nig.

When you have a case of colic with severe burning pains do not fix your mind on Arsenicum to the exclusion of other remedies, but keep in mind Solanum nig. The abdominal pains of this latter drug are very similar to Colocynth, also -i. e., better from bending forward and from pressure. But unlike Colocynth the pains extend upward toward the heart and left shoulder.

Some bed-side notes.
By C. Carlton Smith, M. D.
Presented by Sylvain Cazalet

Monday, May 4, 2009

Tip of the day

Most prominent symptoms of Lac can

Inflammatory affections travel crosswise, from side to side. Breasts and throat sore at menses, shifting pains, forgetful, absent minded, throat affection.

Aggrav: Morning of one day and evening of next

Amel: Cold, cold drinks

Thanks to: Homeo Dr Safdar Mahmood

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Tip of the day

Top Four Homeopathic Remedies for Menopause


It is helpful for the woman who wakes up from hot flashes. She feels hot when the period begins. She can suffer from heavy bleeding as well as from fibroids. In addition, she is a passionate, jealous woman who is very talkative.


It is given for hot flashes as well as night sweats, though she tends to feel chilly. There can be a dragging feeling in the pelvic organs, and she often complains of constipation and fatigue. She feels better with exercise. She is irritable, overwhelmed, and has the desire to get away from it all.

Nux Vomica

Well known as the remedy for the Type A personality, can also be used for perimenopausal symptoms. She is impatient, competitive and hardworking. She enjoys rich food and wine and suffers from indigestion and constipation.

Natrum Muriaticum

It is used for the woman who is sensitive and introverted with a serious appearance. She may have suffered from prolonged grief and suppressed feelings. There is a desire for salt with complaints of vaginal dryness and water retention. She also suffers from a variety of migraine headaches.

Thanks to: Dr Sameera Nasir

Tip of the day

Aids and Homeopathy- A possible treatment

Echinacea Mother Tinc 10 drops in water daily after saying Fajr Prayer

Arsenic Alb 30, 4 drops in water daily after saying Zohr Prayer

Hypericum Mother Tinc 10 drops in water daily after saying Asar Prayer

Merc Sol 30, 4 drops in water after daily saying Maghrib Prayer

Thuja 30, 4 drops in water daily after saying Isha Prayer

Thanks to: Dr Naseer Ahmed,

Faissal Hoemeo Clinic, Railway Road, Bannu

Ph: 0928505924/ 03339733509

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Tip of the day

Calc Carb Babies

Calc Carb babies are easy to recognize. Such babies have a tendency to constipation. A little fat and flabby with rosy cheeks, always wanting to eat, they sweat easily especially on forehead and in the hair, and they often have nightmares.

Calc Carb is very effective for such babies in almost all the ailments. Use with confidence.

Tip of the day

Dysentery and Kurchi

Kurchi in mother tinc form provides great relief in almost 80% dysentery cases. Use 2 drops for children and 5 drops for adults, in water three to five times a day or till relief.

Courtesy: Dr Abid Hussain- Sargodha

Kent Homeopathic Guide

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Tip of the day

Common injuries and Homeopathy


First use in all injury cases. Any muscular strain. Reduces bruising. Shock with low-grade fear.

Bellis perennis

An Arnica substitute. Abdominal injuries.


Nerve injury, finger cuts.


Black eye, bruising, insect bites, puncture wounds.

Thanks to : Dr Hamid Sultan


Tip of the day

Arnica- Not in all cases

Be careful giving Arnica in an accident with internal hemorrhage, because when Arnica is not indicated, everything aggravates.

Courtesy:A. Geukens - Homeopathic Practice Vol. 5

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Tip of the day

Vaccinations Side effects and Homeopathy


Acute toxic reactions after a vaccination with ailments of: swelling of upper arm and shoulder, atrophy of right arm after re-vaccination; eruptions; whitlows and suppuration of fingers; asthma; anxiety; restlessness; insomnia; stomach pain; diarrhea; cough; conjunctivitis; headache; convulsions; loss of speech and an imbecile-like state; chronic ailments after and has not been well since; to prevent side-effects.


Sudden illness or shoulder swelling after a vaccination; edema at injection site of local anesthesia with burning or stinging pains.

Thanks to: Dr Shaista Batool

Monday, April 27, 2009

Tip of the day

Homeopathy for Carpenters

Arnica - Top remedy for any bruising injury, ragged cut, head injury, broken bones.

Hypericum - For banged-up fingers and toes that are very painful. Follows Arnica in head or spine injuries.

Ledum - For puncture wounds. May help prevent tetanus. Follow with Hypericum if much pain.

Silica - For splinters that are too deep to reach. Causes the body to expel them, even if they've been there for years. Note: Do not use Silica if you have any kind of surgical implant.

Courtesy: Homeopathy- An A to Z Home Handbook – A. Schmukle

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Tip of the day

A golden advice by Kent

Sulphur like Silicea is a dangerous drug to give where there is structural disease in vital organs, especially the lungs.

J.T. Kent

If carelessly and wrongly given, Sulphur may precipitate the disease you wish to cure.

(E.A. Farrington. M. Fayazuddin - Caution on the use of Remedies )

Thanks to H. Bolk – Australia

Friday, April 24, 2009

Tip of the day

Homeopathy and Anxiety

It has been observed that many students experience anxiety before an exam. Similarly some persons feel tension/anxiety before an important meeting or public speech/ presentation. . Homeopathic medicine GELSEMIUM is very effective to relieve anxiety before above mentioned events. It will steady your nerves and help you better recall information.

Thanks to: Dr Shaista Batool

Saturday, April 18, 2009

WBC and Baryta Iodata

WBC and Baryta Iodata

Baryta Iodata is very effective proven homeopathic medicine for increasing leucocytosis.
For this purpose use low potency 3-4 times a day for few days. Never use it for long period.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Cystitis (Bladder Infection)

Cystitis (Bladder Infection)

The two most common remedies for acute cystitis are Cantharis and Sarsaparilla.
Cantharis is used when there is (burning, cutting pain before, during, and after urination, each drop passing as though it were scalding water, frequent urges to urinate and Sarsaparilla is used when there is severe pain at end of urination, burning pain and constant urging; a characteristic but not common symptom is that urine can be passed only while standing

Monday, April 13, 2009

Homeopathy for headache and migraine relief.

Homeopathy for headache and migraine relief.

Here is a mostly used list of homeopathic medicine with short description for headachce and migraine relief

· Belladonna - throbbing, pounding headaches where the sufferer is sensitive to noise and lights.
· Nux Vomica - a common headache remedy often indicated for headaches related to food triggers or alcohol.
· Silicea - migraines triggered by hormones or those related to exertion or orgasm.
· Ignatia - headaches related to grief or depression.
· Arnica - recommended for headaches related to head trauma or injury.
· Iris - intense migraines, particularly those with aura and other visual disturbances.
· Spigelia - sharp, painful throbbing headaches.
· Lachesis - excruciating migraines, with pain often on the left side.
· Sanguinaria - used for migraines that are felt mostly on the right side of the head, with painful sensitivity to lights and sounds.

Thanks to : Dr Farooq Jaan, Gujrat