Friday, December 31, 2010

Urine, Urinary Organs related problems and Homeopathy Part-8

Urine, Urinary Organs related problems and Homeopathy Part-8

Starts slowly; sluggish; greasy pellicle on
Suggested Medicine
Heper Sulph

Suggested Medicine

Profuse, limpid, watery
Suggested Medicine
Ignatia Ammara

Ropy mucus in urine, clogging up the urethra;
pustule and ulcer on penis, with stitching pain
Suggested Medicine
Kali. bich

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Urine, Urinary Organs related problems and Homeopathy Part-7

Urine, Urinary Organs related problems and Homeopathy Part-7

Vesical catarrh after taking cold; strangury and pain; thick, slimy sediment
Suggested Medicine

Constant urging with burning and cutting; aching and cutting pain deep in the kidneys
Suggested Medicine
Eupatorium purf

Profuse, clear, limpid, like water
Suggested Medicine

Like coffee grounds, scanty, suppressed
Suggested Medicine
Helliborus Nig.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Urine ,Urinary Organs related problems and Homeopathy Part-6

Urine ,Urinary Organs related problems and Homeopathy Part-6

Suggested Medicine

Dark, bloody, albuminous
Suggested Medicine
Crot Horr

Copious, dark, frothy; smarting, cutting pain while urinating
Suggested Medicine
Cubeba Off

Dark, turbid; burning and pain
Suggested Medicine

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Urine, Urinary Organs related problems and Homeopathy Part-5

Urine, Urinary Organs related problems and Homeopathy Part-5

Difficult to start; dribbling; great effort to pass a few drops at a time.
Suggested Medicine

Scanty, bloody, very dark.
Suggested Medicine

Viscid, like glue.
Suggested Medicine

Frequent urging; painful, drop by drop; turbid, acrid discharge; itching before and after; burning during; urine smells of violet.
Suggested Medicine
Copaiva Off.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Urine, Urinary Organs related problems and Homeopathy Part-4

Urine, Urinary Organs related problems and Homeopathy Part-4

Burning biting while urinating, extending into bladder; urethra sensitive; must walk with legs apart; discharge of muco purulent matter from urethra.
Suggested Medicine
Cann. Stiva

Constant desire; drop by drop; cutting and burning in urethra; tenesmus during and after; jelly like; shreddy; bloody; turbid; like mealy water, with white sediment.
Suggested Medicine

Involuntary when coughing or sneezing and from excitement.
Suggested Medicine

Turbid, white, milky upon standing; involuntary.
Suggested Medicine

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Urine ,Urinary Organs related problems and Homeopathy Part-3

Urine ,Urinary Organs related problems and Homeopathy Part-3

Like buttermilk; decomposes quickly; passes more urine than he drinks liquids.
Suggested Medicine
Aurum Met

Bright red; mucus; mealy sediment; pain in loins and thighs.
Suggested Medicine
Berberis Vulg

Scanty, hot, dark like beer.
Suggested Medicine

Dark brown, fetid; white sediment.
Suggested Medicine
Calcaria Carb

Monday, December 13, 2010

Urine ,Urinary Organs related problems and Homeopathy Part-2

Urine ,Urinary Organs related problems and Homeopathy Part-2

When urinating, straining in rectum.
Suggested Medicine

Urination Painful, scanty; burning before and during micturition.
Suggested Medicine
Apis Mel

When passing last drops; cutting pain from urethra to anus; ulcerative soreness in middle of urethra.
Suggested Medicine
Argentum Nit.

Urination Ssanty, dark, albuminous.
Suggested Medicine
Arsenic Album

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Urine ,Urinary Organs related problems and Homeopathy Part-1

Urine ,Urinary Organs related problems and Homeopathy Part-1

Urine offensive, like urine of horse; dark, reddish, bloody, albuminous.
Suggested Medicine
Nitric Acid

Urine Copious, clear, watery; cloud of white sediment; like milk; as if mixed with jelly; decomposes quickly.
Suggested Medicine
Phos Acid

Urination Scanty, hot, with urethral burning and tenesmus.
Suggested Medicine
Aconite Nap

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Constipated Patients Need not Worry

Constipated Patients Need not Worry

Dr. N. M. Choudhuri Offers the Best Treatment in the following Remedies


Constipation due to intestinal atony; strains to even pass soft, clay like stools. This condition is often met with in women during pregnancy, in old people and bottle fed babies.


The stools are ash colored, whitish and lumpy and with constriction is associated intense itching.


As we all know, the constriction is mostly due to fissures in the anal cavity. Each stool means sharp, severe, cutting pain which is followed by constriction and aching for hours together.


It is a grand remedy. The constriction here is associated with extreme sensitiveness of the rectum due to innumerable hemorrhoidal knobs protruding therefrom.


It is second to none in constriction. It is almost impossible to evacuate stools due to spasmodic constriction of the anus. Even the desire to evacuate is followed by painful contraction.


It needs not to be confused with Syphilinum or any other remedy as the constriction causes tearing and drawing pain not only at the anus but in the perineum as well and through into the urethra.

Natrium Mur.

It is the king amongst remedies for contraction of the rectum and constriction of the anus. There is invariably a feeling of excoriation in the anus after evacuation. The stools are dry and hard and they crumble through the fissured anus which bleeds through the effort.

Nitric Acid

Spasmodic contraction which continues many hours after stools, we have intense proctalgia and a constant oozing of fetid moisture from the fissured anus. The pain in the rectum is as if it has been torn or cut with a knife.

Nux Vomica

The constriction is associated with inactivity of the bowels. We have ineffectual desire for stools and a sensation as if more remains and could not be evacuated.


Constipation due to dryness and paresis of the entire intestinal tract; stools are like sheep’s dung.


Constant, neuralgic and spasmodic lead colic, in and about the navel with obstinate constipation, retraction of abdominal parities, as if a string is pulling it towards the spine.


Constipation with hemorrhoids, fissures and cracks in anus; stools extremely hard and large, require mechanical removal.


The constipation of Syphilinum is chronic and is of many years standing. This constipation is due to a kind of stricture high up in the rectum. The rectum feels as if tied up with strictures.

Homeopathic Dr. Sultan Mahmood,
Hill View Avenue, Adyala Road,

Friday, December 3, 2010

Sleep and Homeopathy Part 5

Sleep and Homeopathy Part 5

Hunger awakens him at night.
Suggested Medicine

Sleepy in early evening; awakens at 3 a. m., goes to sleep again, gets up in the morning feeling wretched.
Suggested Medicine
Nux. Vom

Drowsy, but cannot sleep; kept awake by every noise; stupor; face livid, hot; lies snoring; like a log. Coma; face pale, eyes glassy, half closed. Picking of bedclothes during sleep.
Suggested Medicine

Restlessness at night, compelling frequent change of position.
Suggested Medicine

During sleep cries out; knows nothing of it.
Suggested Medicine
Zincum Met

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Sleep and Homeopathy Part 4

Sleep and Homeopathy Part 4

Sleepless from nervous excitement; picking at bedclothes; reaching out for things.
Suggested Medicine
Hyoscyms Niger

Awakens at 3 or 4 a. m.
Suggested Medicine
Kali. carb

Aggravation of all symptoms after sleep.
Suggested Medicine

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Sleep and Homeopathy Part 3

Sleep and Homeopathy Part 3

Cries out as if frightened; can hardly go to sleep again.
Suggested Medicine

Sleepy, but sleep does not rest him; worse at 3 a. m. Awakens early.
Suggested Medicine

Sleepy, but cannot sleep.
Suggested Medicine

Wide awake; is so full of schemes, he cannot go to sleep.
Suggested Medicine

Friday, November 26, 2010

Sleep and Homeopathy Part 2

Sleep and Homeopathy Part 2

Drowsy; goes to sleep before finishing sentence.
Suggested Medicine
Bapt Tinct

Awakens from sound sleep when put into the crib.
Suggested Medicine

Disturbed by constant desire to urinate.
Suggested Medicine

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Sleep and Homeopathy Part 1

Sleep and Homeopathy Part 1

Exceedingly restless.
Suggested Medicine
Aconite Nap

Drowsy after vomiting or stool.
Suggested Medicine
Aethusa Cynap

Sleeps with hands over head.
Suggested Medicine
Arsenic Alb

for further details read my Article

Have a great sleep

Monday, November 22, 2010

Colic and Homeopathy

We Salute to the Sublime Contributions of our Leaders in Homeopathy

Dr. N. M. Choudhuri and Colic

Gripping, contracting, cutting, pinching pain in the abdomen, forcing the patient to bend double for relief; more in the umbilicus; intestines feel as if they were being squeezed between stones and would burst.

The pain is just as intense and gripping, just as severe as in Colocynthis. It is mostly caused by incarcerated flatus. After stool all pains cease, leaving the patient bathed in sweat and extremely prostrated.

The pain is sharp and shooting in character. It comes on suddenly and disappears just as suddenly. There is tenderness to slight pressure, but a marked relief is obtained from hard pressure across the abdomen.

Carbolicum Acidum
It should not be lost sight of in colicky pains of infants and of old people. It is mostly indicated in colic of nursing infants.

It has colic just as well marked as Colocynthis. In both of these remedies we have colic as from after-effects of anger. Chamomilla is to be preferred in the colic of children if there is much distension of the abdomen, and the child tosses about much in agony; but it is wanting in the doubling up of Colocynthis. Irritability of temperament, dentition, hot face, red cheek, hot sweat, constant shrieking and screaming will help us to differentiate Chamomilla from other remedies.

The colic is relieved by doubling up, as in Colocynthis but here we have nausea, tympanitic distension of the abdomen and the etiological factor of indulgence in fruits causing the attack to come on. It is also used with success in colic from gall stones.

In Cocculus the sensation, as if sharp stones were being rubbed together at every movement, is greatly similar to the cutting and twisting pain of Colocynthis. The pain is in the epigastric or umbilical region. The abdomen feels drawn spasmodically towards the vertebral column.

In Colchicum there is distension of the abdomen with colic, but the differentiating features are extreme sensitiveness to touch or pressure, and a sensation of icy coldness in the region of stomach.

In Cuprum, as in Cocculus, the pain is crampy in nature, and the abdomen feels drawn in towards the spinal cord. It is specially used for colic in intussuception of the bowels with singultus. There is marked relief of the colic by a drink of cold water.

It is just as noted for flatulent colic as any remedy we know of but unlike Colocynthis there is relief by stretching the body out or by walking about. The pain, beginning in the abdomen suddenly shifts and appears in different localities such as fingers, toes, etc. it begins at the umbilicus and radiates all over the abdomen.

Magnesium Phos.
The remedy that comes next to Colocynthis for colic is Magnesium Phos.
It has violent cutting pains, so violent that he screams out. It is lessened by bending double or by pressure with the hand, and it is mostly relieved by hot applications.

The pain is stitching in character, and is aggravated by the slightest motion or touch, and is worse lying on the right hand side. We notice a similar relief by bending double against a chair or table. If the colic happens to be in a little baby, there is signal relief by carrying the child, his abdomen pressed hard against the mother’s shoulder.

Homeopathic Dr. Sultan Mahmood
Hill View Avenue, Adyala Road ,

Monday, November 15, 2010

Menses problems and Homeopathy

Menses problems and Homeopathy Part-6

Dark, clotted; with nymphomania.
Suggested Medicine
Plat Met

Scant, retarded; amenorrhoea; all the discharges bland.
Suggested Medicine

Copious, dark, acrid.
Suggested Medicine

Delayed, scanty, stop suddenly, irritating, painful.
Suggested Medicine

Dysmenorrhoea; vomiting; diarrhoea; cold sweat; collapse.
Suggested Medicine
Ver. alb

Feels best when menstruating.
Suggested Medicine
Zincum Met

Friday, November 12, 2010

Menses problems and Homeopathy

Menses problems and Homeopathy Part-5

Flows only when lying down; ceases when walking.
Suggested Medicine
Mag. carb

Dark, too early, membranous, with ovarian pain.
Suggested Medicine
Mag. Phos

Too early, too copious, preceded by pressure downward.
Suggested Medicine
Irregular, profuse, bearing down pains, especially in the morning.
Suggested Medicine
Nat. mur

Irregular, dark; labor like pains; desire for stool.
Suggested Medicine
Nux. Vomica

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Menses problems and Homeopathy

Menses problems and Homeopathy Part-4

Continuous, bright red, coagulating easily; with much nausea.
Suggested Medicine

Retarded, scanty, acrid, suppressed.
Suggested Medicine
Kali. carb

Flashed of heat during climacteric.
Suggested Medicine

Dark, scanty, offensive; only when moving about.
Suggested Medicine
Lilium Tig

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Menses problems and Homeopathy

Menses problems and Homeopathy Part-3

Profuse, black, acrid; stops, then returns
Suggested Medicine
Haemorrhage, dark, stringy
Suggested Medicine
Crocus Stiva
Profuse, intermittent; pale and watery or black and clotted
Suggested Medicine
Ferrum Met
Uterine haemorrhage with every stool, with cutting pain in abdomen, loins and back
Suggested Medicine

Monday, November 8, 2010

Menses problems and Homeopathy Part-2

Menses problems and Homeopathy Part-2
Dark, like pitch; cease when lying down; pulsating pain through uterus and ovaries, with sense of constriction.
suggested Medicine
Too early, too profuse, too protracted; dizziness and cold feet.
suggested Medicine
Calc Carb
Profuse, dark, clotted, with labor like pain.
suggested Medicine
Copious, dark, with mental depression, backache, pricking in the breasts.
suggested Medicine
Actea Racemosa

Friday, November 5, 2010

Abuse of drugs

Abuse of drugs
Dr. Sayeed Ahmad D. I. Hom. (London)

Drug abuse is the nonmedical use of a drug that interferes with a healthy and productive life. Drug abuse occurs at all economic levels of society, from the wealthy to the impoverished, and among young people as well as adults. Any drug may be abused, including alcohol, medications, and substances that give off intoxicating fumes. Drug abuse is often called substance abuse.
After continued use of certain drugs, some people develop a condition called drug dependence. It can be psychological, physical, or both. A person with a psychological dependence craves a drug for the feeling of well-being it might provide. A physically dependent person continues drug use chiefly to avoid the physical illness that results when use stops. A danger of any type of dependence is that the need for a drug may grow so overpowering that nothing matters except getting more.

Many people begin and continue to use drugs because they want a pleasurable change in their state of mind. Unfortunately, drugs only change the brain's perception of difficulties and problems. When a drug wears off, the user's real problems nearly always remain.
Many harmful effects often accompany drug use. These effects include failure to achieve goals, undesirable personality changes, physical illness, and death.
Besides the personal damage the drug user suffers, a person's drug use can have a devastating effect on others. Many drug users turn to crime, such as robbery or prostitution, to support their habit. Each year, thousands of traffic deaths and injuries are caused by people under the influence of alcohol or other drugs. Drug abuse also damages families and other personal relationships.

Types of drug abuse

Some of the most commonly abused drugs in the United States and Canada can be purchased legally. They include (1) alcoholic beverages, (2) tobacco, (3) inhalants, and (4) prescription drugs.

Alcoholic beverages are made chiefly from grains or fruits and contain ethyl alcohol, one of the most commonly abused drugs in the world. Alcohol is a depressant--that is, it lowers the activity of the central nervous system. It also interferes with thinking, concentration, and movement. Heavy use of alcohol can lead to death. Even a single episode of excessive drinking can cause coma and death. Some people develop a physical dependence on alcohol, and overcoming that dependence may be extremely difficult.

Tobacco is a plant native to North and South America, whose leaves are made into smoking tobacco, chewing tobacco, and snuff. Tobacco contains a substance called nicotine. Nicotine is a stimulant, a drug that raises activity of the central nervous system. In addition to nicotine, tobacco smoke contains carbon monoxide and substances called tars, which can cause lung cancer. Tobacco use contributes to heart disease and other health problems. It can become a habit that many users have difficulty breaking.

Inhalants are substances that give off fumes inhaled for their intoxicating effects. They include certain glues, nail polish, gasoline, and aerosol sprays. In some instances, the effect of these substances results from their fumes' taking the place of oxygen in the lungs. The reduced flow of oxygen to the brain creates an intoxicating effect. Inhalants can make the user relaxed, restless, uncoordinated, and sometimes delirious. Some fumes result in lung damage, brain damage, and coma. Some also can cause death when they coat the lungs' surface and prevent the absorption of oxygen.

Prescription drugs can only be obtained legally with a physician's prescription. Commonly abused prescription drugs include tranquilizers, barbiturates, stimulants called amphetamines, and analgesics (pain relievers). Many prescription drugs are powerful, and some create physical dependence.

Steroids are a special type of prescription drug used medically for a variety of purposes. Some athletes take anabolic steroids because, in certain cases, the drugs help increase muscle size and strength. Some doctors believe anabolic steroids may cause aggressive behavior and lead to liver damage.

Abuse of illegal drugs

Many abused drugs are illegal--that is, under most circumstances, their possession and sale are forbidden by law. Illegal drugs include (1) cocaine, (2) marijuana, (3) heroin and other opiates, (4) hallucinogenic drugs, and (5) designer drugs. Some of these drugs can be obtained legally with a prescription, but they are most often sold and used illegally.

Cocaine is a powerful stimulant made from the leaves of the coca shrub, a plant native to the Andean region of South America. Most users eat or snort (sniff) a powdered form of the drug, or inject a solution of cocaine and water. Some people also smoke a form of cocaine called crack. Crack produces stronger, briefer effects than other forms of cocaine because the body absorbs it faster. People easily develop a compulsive desire for cocaine, and many have great difficulty stopping use.

Marijuana is the common name for hemp, a tall plant that grows easily in most parts of the world. It contains a potent drug called tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). People usually smoke the dried leaves and flowers of the plant in cigarettes or pipes. Some may mix marijuana with food and beverages. The thick, sticky resin of the plant, called hashish, can be eaten or smoked.

Heroin and other opiates are made from the sap of the opium poppy. Opium, the dried sap of the poppy's seed pods, contains a potent narcotic called morphine. Some people smoke or eat opium, seeking pleasant effects from morphine. Physicians use morphine to relieve severe pain in patients. Codeine, a less potent opiate, relieves coughs and mild pain. Heroin is a highly addictive drug made from morphine. People use heroin by eating or snorting it, or by injecting it.

Hallucinogenic drugs include such naturally occurring drugs as mescaline, produced within the peyote cactus, and such substances as LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide), manufactured in laboratories. Hallucinogenic drugs affect the senses, emotions, and reasoning, often producing delusions or visions. PCP (phencyclidine), a hallucinogenic drug once used as an anesthetic for animals, may cause violent outbursts.

Designer drugs, created in laboratories, are variations on existing illegal drugs. Originally, they were "designed" to vary slightly in chemical composition from the definition of existing illegal drugs so that they could be considered legal substances. Today, however, all substances that are chemically similar to defined illegal drugs are illegal.

Many designer drugs are of poor quality, and they sometimes contain dangerous chemicals that cause severe brain damage in some users. A designer drug called MDMA, commonly known as Ecstasy, has an effect similar to that of amphetamines. Research suggests that it can permanently damage brain cells.

Why people abuse drugs

Young people begin using drugs for various reasons. Some experiment with drugs because their friends use them. Many young people find it difficult to resist peer pressure (the influence of people their own age). Also, young people often have a sense of invulnerability--that is, that death or other severe consequences of drug use will not affect them personally. Users of tobacco and alcohol may be attempting to appear grown-up by imitating their parents or other adults who smoke or drink.

Adults may begin using drugs for some of the same reasons as young people. In addition, the stress of life, job, and family pressures may lead people to seek relief in drugs. People also may use drugs for a surge of energy or to help them relax. Others may use drugs out of curiosity, for a thrill, or to rebel. Regardless of why drug use begins, many people continue the practice because they become dependent on the drug.

Effects of drug abuse

Effects on the individual. Both legal and illegal drugs have a range of potentially harmful effects. For example, alcohol can damage the liver, brain, and heart. Cocaine can cause high blood pressure, leading to a burst blood vessel in the brain and a stroke. Injecting drugs into the body with contaminated needles can lead to blood poisoning, which may destroy the heart valves and result in death. Sharing needles and syringes with a person who has hepatitis or AIDS can give a user those diseases. Constant drug use also causes malnutrition, particularly in heavy drinkers, who tend to miss meals and suffer from lack of vitamins. Use of illegal drugs may lead to overdose or death because their strength is unknown, and some contain toxic impurities.

Frequent drug users may turn to crime to meet the increasing expense of their habit. Criminal activity may lead to loss of a driver's license, explusion from school, loss of a job, arrest, fines, or even a prison term.
Continued drug use may cause personality changes. The user may become hyperactive or withdrawn. Some users lose interest in school or work, or have difficulty meeting the responsibilities of a job or family.

Associated with many drugs are two effects known as tolerance and withdrawal that often contribute to continued drug use. Tolerance is a state of resistance to the effects of a drug. A person who develops a tolerance must take more and more of a drug to achieve its original effect. In this way, occasional drug users can become frequent users. Withdrawal is the reaction of the body when regular drug use is stopped. The symptoms of withdrawal can range from headaches and muscle cramps lasting a few days to death, depending on the drug and the extent of use. Some people continue to use drugs only to prevent the pain of withdrawal.

The warning signs of drug abuse are varied. Most abused drugs strongly influence a person's behavior. For example, excessive use of alcohol or sleeping pills causes slurred speech and drowsiness. People who use cocaine become restless and talkative. Parents may notice money and household items disappearing as their children seek money to buy drugs. Employers might find workers functioning poorly.

Effects on family, friends, and work

Some users spend so much time under the influence of drugs or thinking about getting drugs that they neglect their family, friends, and work. In some cases, their actions harm the people closest to them. Pregnant women who take drugs can cause harm to their unborn children. All drug users risk injury or death to themselves and others if they drive a vehicle under the influence of a drug.

Some people help conceal and make up for a user's destructive actions. They pay a user's debts, supply money that can be used for drugs, and in other ways make it possible for drug use to continue. These people are called codependents. Some codependents do not realize they are supporting the habit. Others may say they oppose drug use, but they find themselves unable to stop assisting the user's drug habit. Some codependents fear losing the user's affections. Others may fear the legal consequences of refusing the user. For example, if rent goes unpaid, a user might be evicted.

Effects on society.

Drug users may resort to theft, prostitution, or selling drugs to pay for their drug habits. Drug users in the transportation industry, such as bus drivers and air traffic controllers, risk endangering the public. Factory and office workers using drugs perform inefficiently and make mistakes. These inefficiencies and errors result in higher costs for products.

Public concern about the drug problem has led to a demand for greater law enforcement efforts. The police have responded by making more arrests for drug possession and sales. As a result, drug offenders have crowded courtrooms, jails, and prisons, creating a burden on the criminal justice system.

The federal government estimates that people in the United States spend about $40 billion to $50 billion a year on illegal drugs. But the estimated total expense of drug abuse is far higher. The problem of alcohol and drug abuse costs an additional $143 billion annually in the United States and more than $12 billion ($16 billion in Canadian dollars) in Canada. These totals include the price of hospitalization, property damage, time lost from work, and law enforcement efforts.

Treatment of drug abuse

Some physicians use medication to treat drug dependence. Such medication relieves craving or blocks the effect of habit-forming drugs. Doctors often use methadone, a drug with effects similar to opiates, to relieve an addict's craving for heroin during withdrawal. Although methadone is addictive, many doctors believe its use in the treatment of opiate addicts can be beneficial. Disulfiram, also known as Antabuse, is a drug used to treat alcoholism. It makes the user suffer flulike symptoms for several hours whenever alcohol is consumed. Nicotine skin patches, available by prescription, can relieve a smoker's craving for cigarettes.

Many professionals who treat drug dependence believe that users can profit from treatment in groups of drug users. In such groups, drug abusers share experiences and learn from one another.

Detoxification is a treatment used to eliminate a person's physical dependence on a drug by eliminating the drug from the body. Some programs involve decreasing the daily dose of a drug gradually over a period of weeks to reduce the severity of withdrawal illness. Effective detoxification programs include counseling and other support to help users fight craving and solve the problems that first led them to drugs.

A drug user can obtain treatment in a medical clinic, a doctor's office, or a hospital. Unfortunately, many people in need of immediate treatment must rely on public drug treatment centers with long waiting lists. Waiting periods of up to several months discourage many people from seeking treatment. Some drug users die before they receive treatment.

Treatment for drug abuse is not always successful. Some people must fight strong cravings for years after they stop using drugs. The success of the treatment often depends on the person's desire for cure. Pressure from the family and employer often motivates the user to seek treatment and stay off drugs.

Contributor: David F. Musto, M. D., Professor of Child Psychiatry and History of Medicine, Yale University. (World Book 2003).

Copyright © Dr. Sayeed Ahmad 2004
Menses problems and Homeopathy Part-1

Copious, too early, black, clotted; exhaustion; chilliness.
suggested Medicine
Ammonium carb

Profuse, too early, dark, clotted, worse at night, with aching feet.
suggested Medicine
Ammonium mur

Bearing down, as if menses would appear, with scanty discharge of black mucus.
suggested Medicine
Apis Mel

Too early, too profuse; flow hot.
suggested Medicine

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Vomiting and Homeopathy Part-6

Vomiting and Homeopathy Part-6

Of coffee ground fluid, with hiccoughing.
Suggested Medicine
Secale corn

Violent vomiting and purging at the same time.
Suggested Medicine
Verat Album

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Urdu Tips

Vomiting and Homeopathy Part-5

Vomiting and Homeopathy Part-5
Nausea and vomiting in all complaints.
Suggested Medicine

Profuse vomiting in all complaints, Like white of egg.
Suggested Medicine

Wants to vomit, but cannot.
Suggested Medicine
Nux. vom

Protracted vomiting with severe epigastric pain; vomiting of blood and bile.
Suggested Medicine

Monday, November 1, 2010

Vomiting and Homeopathy Part-4

Vomiting and Homeopathy Part-4

Sever, with violent cramps in chest or abdomen, so he screams.
Suggested Medicine
Cuprum Met

Of food, right after eating.
Suggested Medicine
Ferrum Phos

From coughing.
Suggested Medicine
Heper Sulph

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Vomiting and Homeopathy Part-3

Vomiting and Homeopathy Part-3

Vomitting of blood streaked mucus.
Suggested Medicine

Excited by smell of food being prepared; of mucus, bile, food; with coldness in stomach and great exhaustion.
Suggested Medicine

Vomiting of mucus after coughing.
Suggested Medicine

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Vomiting and Homeopathy Part-2

Vomiting and Homeopathy Part-2

With small pulse, great anxiety, prostration.

Suggested Medicine

Bilious, watery; right after eating.

Suggested Medicine

Violent, incessant, watery vomiting; comes on suddenly.

Suggested Medicine

Monday, October 25, 2010

Vomiting and Homeopathy Part-1

Vomiting and Homeopathy Part-1

Vomiting of food and drink, with craving for stimulants.

Suggested Medicine
Sulphuric acid

With sweating and great anguish, followed by drowsiness.

Suggested Medicine
Aeth Cynap

Of water, mucus, bile; with severe pain in stomach; followed by great prostration; vomiting and purging at the same time.

Suggested Medicine
Arsenic Alb

Nausea before breakfast.

Suggested Medicine
Berb vulg

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Great Therapeutic Power

Thanks Mr. Causticum
You are Blessed with Great Therapeutic Power

My youngest daughter, Hasfah, aged 15 years old had a mild facial paralysis on 26th September, 2010 after having a bath with lukewarm water and immediately entering the room with wet hair where the ceiling fan was on at its full speed. After drying up her hair, my daughter remained busy in her routine work. On 27th September, my eldest daughter reported with an alarming tone that she feared Hafsah had developed some abnormality in her speech. She further reported that especially on laughing, one side of her cheek is lifted and appeared to be distorted. In order to have a minute observation of the movement of her face, I intentionally engage her to converse with me as long as possible. Then I asked my daughter as to whether she had any problem during speech. My daughter told with tears rolling down on her cheeks that words beginning with alphabets ‘B’, ‘M’ and ‘P’ were difficult for her to speak. She further explained that on gargling, the water is poured out automatically from left corner of her mouth as she could not have the control to retain it for some time. I administered Causticum-1M right away once a day for 3 successive days followed by Rhus tox-200 and Kali Chlore-30. On seeing a slight improvement, I gave a dose of Causticum-CM on 1st October, 2010 and continued for Rhus tox and Kali Chlore. After 2 days, some further improvement in speech was recorded. My daughter was depressed and impatient for her slow recovery. In the meantime, she complained about twitching of her eyes and face for which a dose of Agaricus-200 relieved her. On 4th October, 2010, another dose of Causticum-CM was repeated with Rhus tox and Kali Chlore kept on taking for another 3 days. The speech and gargling further improved and awkward look of the face on laughing was not now observable. At this point the improvement was ceased which triggered me to administer Sulphur-200 and it took three days to complete the cure. Thanks to Allah Who blessed Causticum with immense curative power.

Homeopathic Dr. Sultan Mahmood,
Hill View Avenue, Adyala Road,

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Homeopathic during the postpartum period

Homeopathic during the postpartum period

Here is the list of most effective medicines according to symptoms.

After birth or especially Caesarean Arnica will help the healing and ease pain and discomfort. It is a major remedy for postoperative healing.
As a guide one dose three times a day for up to three days should provide much relief, it can be repeated much more frequently if necessary, i.e. every two hours. If however you are still in some discomfort consider Bellis Perennis or Staphysagria below.
Remember Arnica will very much benefit your baby if the birth has been traumatic or forceps were used.

This remedy will further help cases where there is any residual bruising or discomfort remaining after Arnica. It is indicated for abdominal wounds and deep trauma and will complement the initial action of Arnica.

This remedy is indicated for injury to the coccyx during labour or delivery and for lacerations which affect parts rich in nerves, including surgery to the genital area. Helpful after episiotomy or a natural tear (compare to Staphysagria) and also for any residual effects following an epidural.

Episiotomy or laceration (in tincture form)
A tincture of hypericum mixed with calendula (Hypercal) can be purchased from a homeopathic pharmacy and used externally. Mix 10 drops in a tablespoon of sterile or cooled boiled water and apply to perineum on a compress. Keep in contact for up to an hour and repeat several times until relief is obtained.

This remedy is also indicated following caesarean, or episiotomy with pain in the incision, great sensitivity and redness of the wound. This is particularly helpful for example if the woman has had an unexpected caesarean which was not of her choosing and feels somewhat violated by the procedure. Consider also Arnica, Bellis Perennis (caesarean) or Hypericum (episiotomy) on their own individual merits

Homeopathic medicine during labour

Homeopathic medicine during labour

Following eight medicines are very effective as per symptoms during labour

Aconite is a remedy for shock and fear. In labour it will help if the labour is going too fast and pains are strong and frightening. Often the person who needs this remedy will have a fear that they might die. This might be completely out of proportion to the severity of the situation, i.e. there may be no real risk but the person has this feeling nonetheless.

Arnica is the most important remedy for bruising and trauma. During labour can help speed dilation of the cervix and can help prevent both haemorrhage and postpartum infection.
It can be helpful if the woman feels tired especially if there are no other indications for remedies such as Kali Phos or Gelsemium (compare further below).
Please note it can also be given to the baby in case of a traumatic birth or forceps delivery.

This remedy may be used if labour is delayed, i.e. if the cervix remains rigid and contractions are not coordinated, changing location and going into the bladder and groins. It can strengthen contractions when they are weak, of short duration or slow down to a stop.
Woman may feel trembly, chilly and weak and may also have pains in fingers and toes appear concurrently.

If this remedy seems indicated but has no effect consider Gelsemium below.
Do not use this remedy in pregnancy except under expert advice.

This remedy can be useful when the pain is centered in the lower back. Particularly with the baby in posterior position.
The woman will feel incredibly irritable with the pain. The pain will seem almost too much to endure. She may react by pushing people away, may not want to be touched or looked at and may react with anger if she has to be examined internally.
This remedy will not be useful unless there is extreme irritability.

Low back pain. Relieved by pressure/rubbing (compare Chamomilla for posterior presentation).
Chilly and aggravated by draughts.
Aggravation during the night, especially 2-4am.
Woman may be nagging and complaining.

Exhaustion with no other indications or if Arnica is not helping.
May feel unable to cope and sensitive to noise.
It can be alternated with Arnica when labour slows down and the woman herself or uterine muscles may be tired.

This remedy will be helpful if there is a failure to dilate with tiredness and weakness (compare to Kali Phos, Arnica and Caulophyllum).
The weakness often presents with very heavy eyelids and a dazed expression.
Woman may feel trembly especially from fright or anticipation.
It is a remedy for anticipatory anxiety. If entering the hospital and all the subsequent procedures causes the woman to feel very anxious and this seems to be impacting the labour i.e. decreasing or even halting previously strong contractions then Gelsemium by addressing the anxiety may help get things underway again.

The woman will feel very weepy and tearful and desperate for the company of her partner or other loved ones if she requires Pulsatilla. She will feel better with fresh air.
If the contractions are weak and the cervix is not dilating as it should Pulsatilla can be considered but only if a similar emotional state is presenting.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Can simple Ice be a Remedial Agent for
different Ailments --- Yes of course

Dr. Stacy Jones shares his experiences

• Quinsy

Crushed ice in rubber bag, bladder, or flannel cloth, to the throat, Apply.

• Cramp in stomach or bowel.
Ice to spine, opposite the seat of pain.

• Vomiting in typhoid fever.
Ice to lower part of spine. Eating crushed ice, or drinking iced champagne, controls nausea and

vomiting sometimes even of pregnancy.

• Menses scanty or suppressed.
Ice to the back, low down, half an hour at a time, once or twice a day.

• Falling of the womb. Leucorrhoea.
Ice to the back, low down, one or two hours at a time daily.

• Shrunken breasts.
Ice to the back, in rubber bag, opposite to the breast, two hours at a time, twice a day, for several weeks. Hot water applied in the same way will diminish the size of the breasts.

• Local anaesthesia. Insensibility to pain.
Mix pounded ice or snow with salt, equal parts, and apply this mixture, enveloped in a soft cloth, to the part to be operated upon, until it becomes numb.

• Opium poisoning, Profound stupor.
Ice reduced to small pieces, a pint or more, insert into the rectum. Also apply ice to spine of the neck, and in arm pits. --- Restoration in 10 minutes.

• Stranguary.
Plug the rectum with small pieces of ice; in 20 minutes the urine will flow. Sitting upon a chamber vessel containing chopped onions steeping in hot water will also excite the flow.

• Spasms.
Ice to back of the neck, near the base of the brain, not directly to the head.

• Cold feet (chronic condition).
Ice in rubber bag, to spine low down, an hour at a time, once a day for a week.

Homeopathic Dr. Sultan Mahmood
HillView Avenue , Adyala Road ,

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Allopathy Versus Homeopathy in Meningitis Ring

Love Homeopathy --- Homeopathy never betrays you

Allopathy Versus Homeopathy in Meningitis Ring

It was perhaps 15th July, 2010 when a little baby of about 7 years old was admitted by her mother (a senior nurse by profession) in one of the best hospitals of Islamabad for the treatment of high fever, violent convulsions, severe headache and vomiting. The treatment was started with high doses of intravenous antibiotic injections and tranquilizers. But, unfortunately the condition of the patient was becoming from bad to worse. In order to establish the nature of disease, various laboratory tests were carried out and ultimately the findings declared that the patient had an attack of Meningitis. The medicines were changed accordingly and a new series of medicines were unsealed for the poor baby. What these medicines played havoc with the fragile physique of the innocent baby is simply inexpressible. The elder brother of the sister nurse being a good friend of mine contacted me and asked to talk to his sister for providing homeopathic help. I phoned the nurse and collected the details of symptoms. To start with the homeopathic treatment a single dose of Phosphorus-30 + Ipecac-30+ Arsenicum-200 was given for instant relief of nausea and vomiting. This was followed by a combination of Belladona-30+ Gelsemium-30 + Baptisia-30 for fever, convulsions and headache. The combination acted wonderfully and the baby was completely restored to health within 24 hours. I asked the sister nurse as to whether she informed the allopath doctors about this magic. She hesitantly said ‘No’. The doctors were celebrating their success but in fact allopathy was secretly trounced by homeopathy.

Homeopathic Dr. Sultan Mahmood,
Hill View Avenue, Adyala Road,Rawalpindi

Friday, July 30, 2010

Dr. Stacy Jones Plays Magic with ALUM

· Local itching, Burn, Scald, Ulcerated mouth, Unhealthy gums, Ulcerated throat, Relaxed throat, Palate down, Otorrhoea, Ozaene, Leucorrhoea, Falling of the womb, Chronic catarrh of the bladder, Bronchorrhoea.

Alum water: 5 to 10 grains of the Alum powder to an ounce of water --- Use as a wash, gargle, injection, or spray.

· Falling of the Womb.

Support with sponge soaked with Alum water.

· Ophthalmia, Purulent Ophthalmia, Conjunctivitis.

Use as an eye wash, Alum water; made with Rose-water, instead of plain water; or apply Alum curd.

· Granulated eyelids.

Alum pencil.

· Nose-bleed.

Snuff pulverized Alum; or Alum water.

· Bleeding wound.

Dust it with Alum powder.

· Bleeding socket after tooth extracted. Cold in the jaw after tooth extracted.

Dampen a small roll of cotton, roll it in Alum powder, and plug the cavity with it.

· Internal haemorrhage. Menorrhagia. Diarrhoea and vomiting. Chronic bronchitis. Diphtheria. Croup.

Alum whey --- Made by stirring 2 drachms of Alum powder, into a pint of boiling milk, the curd strained off, and the whey sweetened -- To an adult, a wine glass full several times a day.

Homeopathic Dr. Sultan Mahmood
HillView Avenue , Adyala Road ,


Monday, July 26, 2010

Tips on Onion

We are Indebted to Dr. Stacy Jones for his Wonderful Tips on Onion

• Lockjaw from a wound, especially from a nail.
Apply raw onion pulp mixed with salt.

• Ague.
Bind to the feet and wrists, for several days, raw onion pulp.

• Obstruction of urine.
Apply raw onion pulp to region of bladder; or sit twenty minutes upon a chamber vessel containing bruised onions steeping in hot water.

• Falling of the hair.
Apply onion juice to the scalp twice a week.

• Abscess, Carbuncle, boil.
Apply onion roasted.

• Nervous Croup.
Hold to the nose a bruised onion.

• Baby’s Colic.
Onion tea.

• Bilious Colic.
Eat a raw onion – Drink onion tea

• Kidney Colic.
Apply to seat of pain raw onion pulp. Eat raw onion.

• Painful Piles.
Raw onion pulp. Apply.

Homeopathic Dr. Sultan Mahmood
HillView Avenue , Adyala Road ,

Monday, July 19, 2010

The Healing Power of Vinegar

The Healing Power of Vinegar
Picked up from Bee Line Therapia and Repertory by Dr. Stacy Jones

• Bleeding wound, Bleeding lung, or nose.
Inhale the fumes of boiling vinegar – nothing better.
• Black specks in the skin of the face, Ring-worm and Warts,
Wash the face with vinegar, full strength on going to bed,
• Diseased gums, foul, spongy.
Use dilute vinegar as a mouth wash.
• Birth mark.
Soak cotton in strong vinegar, and apply under compress – It peels off.
• Ulcer.
Vinegar, 10 per cent solution in water, use as a lavement, three times a day.
• Burn or scald.
Apply vinegar, full strength, until pain abates.
• Corns,
Bind on bread crumbs or cotton, soaked in vinegar, nightly.
• Hemorrhage from the womb.
A sponge or cloth saturated with vinegar dilute, convey into the womb, and retain it there a few seconds, Give also gill doses of vinegar – Nothing better.
• Mad dog bite.
Lave wound with hot vinegar, and wipe dry; then pour into it several drops of Nitric acid – This will prevent rabies.
• Nose bleed.
Plug nostrils with cotton saturated with dilute vinegar.
• Nasal polypus.
Inject 5 drops of Acetic acid into it.
• Milk Crust.
Cut off the hair closely, wash the scalp thoroughly with Castile soap, and apply twice a day pure cider vinegar diluted with water, one part to three. Use Ichthyol soap.
• Paralysis, Spinal weakness, Involuntary passage of urine or stool, Asthma, Pains of various kinds in the body.
Rub the spine thoroughly three times a day with hot vinegar; especially that point nearest the seat of ailment.
• Influenza, Coryza.
Saturate a small pledget of cotton with vinegar and insert it into one nostril loosely, and after an hour remove it; and put one in the other nostril; thus alternate and cure.
• Gonorrhoea.
Acetic acid inject: first a 1 per cent solution in lukewarm water, six or eight times a day; after a day or two increase the strength to 4 per cent. In desperate cases, shockingly neglected, or mistreated, apply hot poultices for a day or two, before beginning the Acetic acid treatment – No treatment more satisfactory.
• Chronic Gout. Enlarged joints.
Into a given quantity of hot vinegar put as much salt as it will dissolve; with this bathe the part, and dry it in by the fire, several times a day.

Homeopathic Dr. Sultan Mahmood
HillView Avenue , Adyala Road ,

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Lemon Tips as seen and experienced
Dr. Stacy Jones

•To check diarrhea.
Drink hot lemonade.

•To arrest immoderate flow of menses.
Suck the juice of lemon.

•To harden the nipples before confinement.
Begin two weeks in advance, and lave them with lemon juice.

•To arrest flooding.
Inject the juice of half dozen lemons into the womb.

•Sweating Rheumatism. Scurvy.
Partake of lemon juice, or lemonade freely.

Lemon juice and sugar.

Dilute citric acid and peppermint water in equal parts, mix, and apply twice a day.

Instead of calomel, take the juice of one two, or three lemons, according as the appetite craves, in as much water as will render it pleasant to drink, without sugar, before going to bed: and in the morning half hour before breakfast, take the juice of one in a goblet of water.

Homeopathic Dr. Sultan Mahmood,
Hill View Avenue, Adyala Road,

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Advantages of Homeopathy

Advantages of Homeopathy
Dr. Sayeed Ahmad D. I. Hom. (London)

* Homœopathy is gentle and effective system of medicine.
* Homœopathy gives long lasting to permanent cure.
* Homœopathy treats the patient as a whole and not just the disease.
* Homœopathic remedies are gentle, non-toxic, harmless, safe and without any side-effects.
* Unlike Antibiotics, homœopathic remedies do not disturb digestive system nor do they lower the immune system (Body’s resistance).
* Homœopathy is friendly to children, young and old.
* In most of the cases homœopathy can avoid surgery.
* Homœopathy is very effective in various allergic disorders in addition to other diseases of all kinds.
* Homœopathy is a gift of God as well as blessings to the ailing human beings.
* Homœopathy is a boon in the hands of qualified doctors (Classical Homœopaths) who strictly follow the rules and instructions laid down by Dr. S. Hahnemann in his book "Organon of Medicine". Mixopathy has no place in homœopathy.
* Homœopathy is equally effective and safe to human beings, animals and birds.
* Homœopathic remedies do not have expiry dates, provided they are kept properly.
* Homœopathy is founded upon the steadfast pillars of truth and will ever more be so.
* Homœopathic treatment is given to correct the root cause of the illness.
* Homœopathic medicines are administered in minute doses that act gently and stimulate the body’s self-healing response.
* Homœopathic remedies are all natural medicines. Some are herbs, some minerals or other natural substances. They are prepared by a special process of step by step dilution and succusion (shaking) which makes them capable of effecting in a much deeper way than the remedy could without this process.
* Homœopathic treatment is ideal to optimize the body’s natural defenses against microbes. With the appropriate homœopathic treatment, people recover from infectious diseases, even the most serious ones, gently and rapidly.
* Homœopathy works in harmony with the immune system, unlike Allopathic Drugs which suppress and destroy the immune system.
* Homœopathic remedies are not addictive – once relief is felt, patient should stop taking them.

Mahatma Gandhi said – "Homœopathy is the latest and refined method of treating patients economically and non-violently."

Copyright © Dr. Sayeed Ahmad 2004