Showing posts with label Gastralgia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gastralgia. Show all posts

Thursday, February 29, 2024

Ten effective homeopathic medicines for gastritis

Here are ten effective homeopathic medicines for addressing gastritis

  1. Carbo Veg:

    This remedy is recommended for excessive gas, bloating, and belching. It’s particularly helpful when gas accumulates in the upper abdomen after eating.

  2. Lycopodium:

    Useful for gas occurring immediately after meals, especially when fatty foods are consumed. Symptoms include bloating and slow digestion.

  3. Nux Vomica:

    Ideal for individuals with gas, acidity, and a feeling of fullness. It’s often associated with overeating, alcohol, or spicy foods.

  4. China Officinalis (Cinchona):

    Helpful for bloating, flatulence, and weakness due to gas loss. It’s also beneficial for those recovering from illnesses.

  5. Colocynthis:

    Recommended for severe cramping pain in the abdomen due to gas. The pain may be relieved by bending over or applying pressure.

  6. Robinia:

    Effective for acidity, heartburn, and regurgitation of sour fluid. It’s especially useful

    when gas causes discomfort in the stomach.

  7. Pulsatilla:

    Suitable for individuals with variable symptoms, including bloating, belching, and a feeling of heaviness. Symptoms worsen after eating rich or fatty foods.

  8. Natrum Phos:

    Helpful for acidity, sour belching, and flatulence. It’s indicated when gas is associated with an acidic taste in the mouth.

  9. Arsenicum Album:

    Useful for burning pain in the stomach, accompanied by gas and anxiety. Symptoms worsen at night.

  10. Bryonia:

    Recommended for gas-related pain aggravated by movement. It’s suitable when the abdomen feels distended and tender.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Top Homeopathic Medicines for Acidity, Hyper-acidity, Gastralgia Part-2

Top Homeopathic Medicines for  Acidity, Hyper-acidity, Gastralgia Part-2

Burning pain in the stomach, with water vomited but solid retained
Suggested Medicine
Bismuth 30

Burning in food pipe, with sour stool
Suggested Medicine
Natrum carb.30

Excess of hydrochloric acid,burning in food pipe,heart burn,nausea and chilly feeling.
Suggested Medicine

Monday, February 27, 2012

Top Homeopathic Medicines for Acidity, Hyperacidity, Gastralgia Part-1

Top Homeopathic Medicines for

Acidity, Hyperacidity, Gastralgia Part-1

Burning in food pipe with general sensation of burning
Suggested Medicine
Sulphur 30

Burning pain in stomach (Ulcer), with both water and solid vomited as soon as it reaches stomach
Ars alb.30

Intercurrent Remedy

Psorinum 30

Friday, November 4, 2011

Eid ul Azha and Homeopathy Stomach related problems

Eid ul Azha and Homeopathy Stomach related problems

Eid ul Azha is one of the important day for Muslim. On this day all the Muslims forfeit their domestic animals like sheep and goat representing Abraham’s forfeit. This forfeit made by Muslims is known as “Qurban”.
All the rich and poor eat plenty of meat and beaf. Resultantly, stomach problems are commonly noted in these day.
I am sharing very effective homeopathic medicines related to stomach problems. Hope homeopathy will help in relieving these disorders.

Homeopathic Medicines with most important symptoms pertaining to stomach

Argentum Nitricum
help calm burping, gas, reflux, gallbladder weakness, ulcers, painful swelling of stomach, much flatulent distention.

Arsenicum Album
relieves gastritis, diarrhea, burning sensation in stomach,

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Tip of the day

Stomach disorder/Stomach related problems and homeopathy Part-5
Gastric indigestion, with drum like distension of abdomen.
Suggested Medicine

Weight, faintness, sinking, can retain nothing; vomiting of bile; sticking pain, with pressure and intolerance of anything tight.
Suggested Medicine

Foulness; excessive nausea, not better from vomiting; eructations of sour fluid, setting teeth on edge.
Suggested Medicine

Gastralgia, with heavy pressure in stomach and vomiting of food right after eating.
Suggested Medicine

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Tip of the day

Stomach disorder/Stomach related problems and homeopathy Part-4

Burning in stomach with burning thirst; retching, vomiting of blood stained mucus.
Suggested Medicine

Burning in stomach extending to back and spine; contractive pain in stomach; extending into chest, with abdominal distension; sour, rancid eructations, putrid changes in the food before digesting.
Suggested Medicine
Carbo. v

Gastralgia, with bitter, sour vomiting.
Suggested Medicine

Pain from stomach to right shoulder blade, worse from eating.
Suggested Medicine

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Tip of the day

Stomach disorder/Stomach related problems and homeopathy Part-3

Flatulency; feels that eructations would relieve, but can't belch.
Suggested Medicine

Pain in one spot; pressing, convulsive, agonizing; from stomach to spine; with vomiting and purging; emptiness in stomach; eructations of gas after drinking.
Suggested Medicine

Pressure as from a hard stone; soreness in stomach when coughing.
Suggested Medicine

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Tip of the day

Acidity (Hyperacidity-Gastralgia) and Homeopathy

Burning in food pipe with general sensation of burning
Remedy Sulphur 30

Burning pain in stomach(Ulcer),with both water and solid vomited as soon as it reaches stomach
Remedy Ars alb.30

Burning pain in the stomach,with water vomited but solid retained
Remedy Bismuth 30

Burning in food pipe,with sour stool
Remedy Natrum carb.30

Excess of hydrochloric acid,burning in food pipe,heart burn,nausea and chilly feeling.
Remedy Acid-sulph.30

From nervous anticipation of coming events,desire for sweets.
Remedy Argentum nit.30

Gastric complaints after taking rich fatty food;less or no thirst;better in open air
Remedy Pulsatilla.30

Hyperacidity;sour and bitter belchings
Remedy Iris v.30

Slow and imperfect digestion;offensive flatuence in upper part of abdomen;better after discharge of gas or eructations.
Remedy Carbo veg.30

Gastric derangement due to sedentary habits or over-eating.
Remedy Nux vomica.30

Dyspepsia;better after eating
Remedy Anacardium 30

Acidity with irritating eructation and frontal headache; worse in night.
Remedy Robinia.30

Constant belching;tongue thickly white coated.Heatburn.Desire for acids,pickles etc.
Remedy Antim-crud.30 or 200

Digestion slow,no change after passing flatus or belching.Flatulence affects middle part of the abdomen.
Remedy China 6 or 30

Abdomen bloated;easy satiety,gas affects lower part of the abdomen;worse in the evening -4 to 8 P.M.
Remedy Lycopodium 30

Pain and flatulence in stomach,smell of food causes nausea
Remedy Colchicum 30

Intercurrent Remedy
Psorinum 30