Showing posts with label Asthama. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Asthama. Show all posts

Friday, March 19, 2010

Specific Remedies where symptoms are not required

• In congestion of lungs, Aconite is the main remedy ---- Dr. Boehr.

• Fracture of bones knit more quickly with Symphytum-30 two to three times a day for a week ---- Dr. Schmidt.

• Merc Cor. may safely be regarded as a specific for the whole process of an ordinary attack of dysentery ---- Dr. Boehr.

• Nothing equals Hypericum in cases of smashed finger ---- Dr. Farrington.

• Arsenic is undoubtedly the safest remedy for bronchial asthma ---- Dr. Boehr.

• Ipecac is one of the first remedies of which we think in an attack of acute
asthma and it is worthy of the place it holds ---- Dr. Hering.

• We have no remedy which equals Arnica in concussion of brain or spine
or both ---- Dr. Farrington.

• Of all homeopathic remedies for toothache, none can compare with
Plantago ---- Dr. Hale.

• Arnica if given at once after a fracture, it almost instantly relieves the
muscular spasms ---- Dr. Stearns.

• Berberis Vul. is an excellent remedy for renal colic ---- Dr. Hering.

• In simple acute pleurisy, Aconite is the sufficient remedy ---- Dr. Hughes.

• In pneumonia with pleurisy, one dose of Aconite followed by one dose
of Sulphur will frequently give relief ---- Dr. Kent.

• China off. sometimes comes itself with glory by the way it controls
gas formation ---- Dr. Stearns.

• Arnica is an excellent remedy to administer after
delivery ---- Dr. Cowperthwaite.

Homeopathic Dr. Sultan Mahmood,
Hill View Avenue, Adyala Road,

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Pioneers on Alternation of Remedies

Pioneers on Alternation of Remedies

· Bryonia is frequently suitable after Ipecac in acute asthma…Dr. Teste.

· Sabadilla follows Bryonia well in Pleurisy and has cured after Aconite and Bryonia failed…. Dr. H. C. Allen.

· Merc Sol, and Sepia after Belladona are most reliable in uterine congestion…. Dr. T. K. Moore.

· If Rhus Tox. fails in lumbago, try Calcarea Fluor…. Dr. Thurston.

· Colocynthis cures colic again and again. Then Kali Carb. steps in to end the trouble…. Dr. T. K. Moore.

· In Pneumonia with pleurisy, one dose of Aconite followed by one dose of Sulphur will frequently give relief…. Dr. J. T. Kent.

· Aconite must be given in all those cases where the patients are almost frantic with pain, which is indescribable, and which Coffea has failed to relieve…. Dr. C. G. Raue.

· Asthma – Arsenicum palliates only – Natrum Sulph saves a day by bringing an improved state of health. Dr. T. K. Moore.

Homeopathic Dr. Sultan Mahmood,

Hill View Avenue, Rawalpindi


Thursday, November 5, 2009

Asthama and its homeopathic treament

ASTHMA and its Homeopathic Treatment

Compiled by:Dr.Muhammad Asif Nayyer
Aliysha Health Care Centre

The word 'asthma' is derived from the Greek meaning ' panting' or 'labored breathing'. Asthma is a condition characterized by a paroxysmal wheezing dyspnoea (difficulty in breathing), mainly expiratory.

Asthma is very common respiratory complaint, so it is essential to know the symptoms. The treatments available, and the ways of preventing an attack. Asthma involves a severe narrowing of the bronchial tubes. These lead from the windpipe-called the trachea-into the lungs and the carry the oxygen we breathe in to all parts of the lungs and provide product a path for the carbon dioxide (a waste product of the body) to escape up the trachea when we breathe out. The narrowing of the bronchial tubes-or bronchi-results from the contraction of the muscle lining them and cause difficulty in breathing that is most marked when breathing out. For this reason, asthmatics tend to breathe in with short gasps and breathe out with a long breathe against the obstruction.

Causes of Asthma

According to the etiology, bronchial asthma is divided in the following groups:

1. Allergic (extrinsic/ atopic) - This type of asthma usually starts in childhood and is often preceded by eczema. But most of the young adults (35 yrs) developing asthma also fall in this category. Genetic factors also play a significant role in this. In this type of asthma the allergen leads to production of excessive (IgE) immunoglobulins.

2. Infective or Intrinsic - This is not hereditary or allergic, but may be caused by, or at least associated with upper respiratory tract or bronchial infection which is usually viral.

3. Psychological factors (like anxiety, emotional stress etc) are often considered to be the sole cause of some asthmatic attacks, but it is still not certain whether it can be the sole cause or is only a precipitating factor.

4. Occupational asthma - This can occur in certain industries in which there is exposure to metallic dusts (esp. platinum salts), biological detergents, toluene diisocyanate, polyurethane, flour and dust from grains etc.


What ever may be the cause, it ultimately leads to paroxysms of bronchial obstruction produced by widespread bronchial spasm accentuated by plugging of the bronchi with excessive mucus.

• Recurrent episode of paroxysmal dyspnoea (difficulty in breathing)
• The breathing is laboured, with a wheezing sound, mainly on expiration.
• Asthma attacks often occur in the early hours of morning (when there is no immediate precipitating cause). During the attack patients often prefers to sit then lie down.


Diagnosis can usually be made clinically by a competent doctor. Allergen sensitivity tests, X-ray, spirometry, sputum and blood tests etc may be of use in finding the cause and severity of the condition.

• Bronchitis
• Cardiac asthma
• Renal asthma
• Isolated attacks of non-paroxysmal dyspnoea.
• Apart from chronicity, usually no complications.
• Pneumothorax, emphysema, or areas of consolidation or pulmonary collapse may occur in very advanced cases.


Homeopathy treats the person as a whole. It means that homeopathic treatment focuses on the patient as a person, as well as his pathological condition. The homeopathic medicines are selected after a full individualizing examination and case-analysis, which includes the medical history of the patient, physical and mental constitution etc.
General Approach - As far as I know homeopathy is the only system of medicine which tries to 'cure' this disease, instead of trying to provide symptomatic relief. While dealing with a case of asthma, a homeopath not only records the symptoms of the disease but also studies the medical history, family history, physical and psychological characteristics of a person. This helps to find the cause, the precipitating factors, and the hereditary tendency etc. Of special interest to a homeopath is the history of suppression of skin disease. Homeopaths believe that when there is a tendency or predisposition for a disease - it first manifests on the less vital organs, towards the periphery (like skin). If this manifestation is suppressed than the disease shifts inwards, towards the more vital organs (like lungs, heart, brain etc).
The fact that in children asthma is often preceded by eczema is observed by the allopath also. This fact is written in all their textbooks of medicine. They say that children often 'move-out' of eczema and 'move-into' asthma. But they are unable to make a correlation. Homeopaths believe that the suppression of eczema with topical preparations, does not cure the disease/sensitivity of the person, it merely drives it inwards.
Now after ascertaining the symptoms and the cause, the homeopath tries to find a medicine which matches the symptoms as well as the general characteristics of the person. The medicine so selected is administered to the patient.
It is often (not necessarily) observed by homeopaths that when a right medicine is given, the asthma disappears but the old eczema (if it was there originally) reappears for some time, before finally disappearing itself. This
Reappearance of old symptoms is seen as a reversal of disease process and is considered a very good prognostic sign by homeopaths.
Following homeopathic medicines have been found effective in many cases of Asthma:


There are lots of medicines in homeopathy for asthma and it is not possible to list them all here. Some of the common medicines are Arsenic-Alb, Ipecac, Lachesis, Pulsatilla, spongia, sulphur, Ignatia, Antim-tart, Hepar-sulph, Nat-sulph, and Tuberculinum etc. The selection of medicine varies from patient to patient.
Acalypha indica: Cough with bloody expectoration; sometimes violent dry cough precedes the expectoration.

Ailantheus glandulosa: Deep dry and hacking cough, with asthmatic expansion of lungs; cough with headache and congestion of face.
Aletris farinosa: Short, dry and tickling cough worse on waking and talking; discharge of urine during cough; cough suddenly relieved by menstruation.
Aralia racemosa: Cough associated with constriction of chest, worse lying down, after the first sleep, has to sit up and cough violently; asthma, with oppression as from a weight on stomach, worse night on lying down, better by raising a little tough mucus.
Asarium europaeum: Frequent cough followed by difficult breathing; cough caused by deep inspiration.
Blatta orientalis: Asthma associated with bronchitis, suitable for fatty people, cough associated with dyspnoea.
Blumea odorata: Barking like cough controls hoarseness due to cough.
Boerhavia diffusa: Indicated for dry cough as well as cough with whitish thick expectoration.
Ephedra vulgaris: Mother tincture is used to control asthmatic attack; in reduced doses it is also helpful in pulmonary heart disease.
Glycyrrhiza glabra: Used as expectorant; prevents recurrent respiratory infections.
Grindelia: Tenacious mucous difficult to detach.
Justicia adhatoda: Violent cough with tough expectoration and tightness of chest; great fear of suffocation; usually cough associated with vomiting.
Pothos foetidus: Asthma worse from any inhalation of dust. Rumex crispus: Cough usually with headache; worse eating, in the evening and on lying down

Asthma - Lifestyle & General Management
• Avoid the allergen you are sensitive to.
• Do regular light exercise like brisk walking or jogging. Heavy exercise can precipitate an attack of asthma, so always do mild exercise without putting too much strain on your body.
• Learn breathing exercises to improve your lung capacity. Of especial use is 'pranayam', a yoga exercise.
• Learn some stress relieving exercises, meditation, or yoga to minimize the psychological factors related to disease.
• Eat healthy, nourishing and well balanced diet.
Note: The articles published here are mostly received from different doctors/homeopaths and they are personally responsible for the information provided in the articles. Althoug utmost care is taken before publishing the article, however, the owner of this blog is not responsible for correctness of any information and /or any consequence of using any medicine without consulting the recognized doctor.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Allergies (due to certain foods,drinks,medicines) 4

Allergic to heat
Suggested Remedy:
Apis mel.30

Allergic to cold drinks,fruits,rotten food,iodine
Suggested Remedy:
Arsenic alb 30

Allergic to dampness
Suggested Remedy:
Dulcamara 30 or 200

Allergic to smell of flowers(asthma)
Suggested Remedy:
Ailanthus g. 30

Friday, July 31, 2009

Tip of the day

Asthma In Children and Homeopathy

Homeopathy treats Asthma in childhood effectively , however, it is advised that it should be done under the care of a qualified practitioner.

Some of the Most common remedies with most important symptoms are as under:-

Symptoms: Asthma after fit of anger. Irritable hard, dry cough. Better from bending head backwards; cold, fresh air and drinking cold water; and being carried about. Impatient, irritable and whining; spiteful.

Suggested Remedy: Chamomilla 30c

Symptoms: Asthmatic bronchitis - rattling and bubbling. Chest full of mucus - but not easily coughed up. Better sitting up to breathe; better in open air or by open windows. Spasmodic coughing violently with each breath till blue in the face. Nausea and gagging and much saliva. Hoarseness at end of episode. Returns periodically each year.

Suggested Remedy: Ipecac 30c.

Symptoms: Worse 4 to 5 am and in cold, wet weather and cold, damp places. Very breathless, with much rattling of mucus in chest. Mucus thick and greenish. Pain in lower chest. Every cold results in asthma.

Suggested Remedy: Nat sulph 30c.

Symptoms: Great difficulty breathing or lying down.Variable hoarseness. Dry cough early night, loose cough in the morning – yellow green sticky mucus. Better open air and gentle motion, sympathy and consolation. Worse for heat of a warm room.

Suggested Remedy: Pulsatilla 30c.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Homeopathy and Bronchial Asthma

An acute, spasmodic condition, characterized by paroxysms of wheezy, difficult breathing and tightness in the chest. Usually becomes chronic.
Causes:Often said to be of allergic, dietetic, climatic, emotional or familial origin. No consistent cause is known. Usually better from a change of environment.
Symptoms:Difficulty of expiration, tightness of the chest, anxiety, fatigue, laboured, audible expiratory phase, with a high pitched wheeze. Perspiration. Grey, yellow or white, cast-like sputum.


Aconitum napellus: A plethoric individual; with anxiety and dyspnea after exposure to wind, cold or chill.

Antimonium tartaricum: Presence of fine, sibilant, mucous races throughout the chest. Full of phlegm, with inability to expectorate. Severe dyspnea. The patient must be seated up.

Arsenicum album: Short, anxious breaths, worse on lying down. Pale face, burning heat in the chest, cold sweats; prostration worse after midnight (or at noon). Patient prefers warm drinks and warm food.

Cuprum arsenicosum: Severe shortness of breath, a sense of constriction and weight in the chest, often with pain under the (left) shoulder blade. The patient is usually icy cold and covered with sweat.

Grindelia: Stops breathing when falling asleep, wakes up suffocating with a start, gasps for breath. Cannot breathe easily when lying down.

Ipecacuanha: Tightness in the chest and a loud rattling cough; sweating, anxious; cold, restlessness and nausea.

Kalium carbonicum: Severe wheezing and shortness of breath; worse at night in the early evening and in the morning. Usually a 3 a.m. aggravation. Worse with dust and central heating. Usually associated with anxiety and weakness.

Lachesis: Sleeps into an aggravation of the asthmatic attack.

Medorrhinum: A dry cough and shortness of breath; worse when lying down and better on kneeling with face down, or lying on the stomach. Useful in chronic, intractable, recurrent cases. Not to be repeated for a period of at least six months after the initial administration.
Natrium sulphuricum: For asthma during damp weather. Moist asthma with rattling in the chest. Looseness of bowels during and after each attack (sycotic taint).

Nux vomica: Spasms of the bronchi; irritability and a tongue with a yellow coating. Nausea, flatulence and constipation. Asthma is worse in the early mornings.
Phosphorus: One of the best and most reliable remedies, when there is noisy, wheezy breathing, oppression and cough in a tall, thin, narrow-chested person. The patient is nearly always anxious and needs much reassurance and attention.

Sulphur: For chronic cases, with a recurrent cough and the expectoration of foul, thick mucus. Failure to respond to earlier remedies.